Mainstream media exploits individuals with genetic disorder to push trans agenda
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
CNN released a controversial video on Friday promoting a UK drag troupe comprised of individuals with Down syndrome.
The video has over four million views on Facebook and has been shared 25,000 times.Daniel Vais, the creative director of the group called Drag Syndrome, admits he introduced drag to the individuals who hadn’t been interested before.He previously worked with Culture Device Dance Project, a contemporary dance group of dancers with Down syndrome, and says one day he asked some of the performers “Would you like to do drag?”“They got so excited. They started researching drag,” Vais sais, proving the Drag Syndrome performers were unfamiliar with the culture before he implanted the idea.“Gaia Callas – she’s a very, very naughty character,” one of the group members said, referring to his drag persona.CNN isn’t the only mainstream media outlet to promote the group, with BBC, Vice, Mashableand NBC also publishing videos and stories about Drag Syndrome.In October of 2018, a teacher in the UK claimed 17 mostly autistic pupils were being “tricked” into believing they were the wrong sex.This establishment is targeting the most vulnerable members of society with the trans agenda as Drag Queen Story Hour indoctrinates children and Drag Syndrome exploits people with learning disabilities.ALSO:
Apostate Texas ‘Church’ to Host ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ at Public Library After City Officials Cancel Event
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