Al Qaeda Looks to Make New 'Friends' -- on Facebook

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Facebook has put enormous efforts into launching witch-hunts against those who fight for democratic freedoms–like Milo, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, going so far as to reference them as “dangerous individuals”, right alongside the truly dangerous, violent-minded, anti-semitic, racist nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan who has actually called openly for 10,000 men to murder white policemen, using a Baptist Church platform.
Facebook also banned Tommy Robinson, threatened and suspended the Voice of Europe for criticizing mass migration, and shut down a Danish news outlet for the same reason. The list goes on.The obvious unmatched, biggest threat today is jihad terror, yet Facebook does not see fit to put resources into tackling that threat. Facebook has recently allowed a platform to a genocidal anti-Christian Muslim cleric and in fact, consulted with Hamas-linked CAIR over who gets banned from its platforms. Now Facebook stands accused of “automatically generating celebratory jihadist videos and promoting terrorist business pages.” Cracking down on jihad terror and murder is just not important enough to Facebook higher ups. They would rather torment and damage those who battle against this grave evil. Facebook is in effect continuing to aid and abet jihad terrorists.A business page generated by Facebook for al-Qaeda received over 4400 “likes” and provided the group with “valuable data” to use when recruiting new followers“Facebook accused of auto-generating terrorist propaganda, creating page for al-Qaeda”, by Fatima Olumee, 9 News, May 10, 2019:_____________________________________________________________ SEE ALSO:Social network Facebook has been accused of automatically generating celebratory jihadist videos and promoting terrorist business pages.The videos were uncovered by an anonymous whistleblower who filed a complaint with a US regulator, accusing Facebook of misleading investors on its efforts to clean up the platform.A five-month study of more than 3000 accounts found Facebook’s artificial intelligence algorithms were creating ‘memories’ and video celebrations for active users, including accounts of extremist organisations such as al-Qaeda, white supremacist groups, and self-identified Nazis.A business page generated by Facebook for al-Qaeda received over 4400 “likes” and provided the group with “valuable data” to use when recruiting new followers, according to the complaint.Islamic State and al-Qaeda terrorists are also openly networking on Facebook’s website, according to the whistleblower’s research.The confidential complaint, supported by the US National Whistleblower Centre (NWC)Facebook algorithmically cheeringAl-Qaeda’s Local Business pageEXCERPTS:According to The Associated Press, the social media giant automatically created an animated, bubbly video on a local “business” page for Al-Qaeda and extremist contents “auto-generated” by the social platform include a celebratory jihadist video.Al-Qaeda’s local business page “automatically” generated by Facebook’s algorithm had over 7,400 likes, with reports saying that Facebook gave the group “valuable data” when they were recruiting people. Facebook’s tools put job descriptions uploaded by users on their profile. It also copied flags, images, and branding used by the extremist group.______________________________________________________________FROM WEBSITE ABOVE: republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:Summary of Key FindingsThe whistleblower analyzed 3,228 Facebook profiles of individuals expressing affiliation with terror or hate groups. The analysis produced the following key findings:Terror and hate speech and images are proliferating on Facebook. Thousands of Facebook profiles and pages reviewed by the whistleblower contained speech and images expressing support for, and affiliation with, terrorist organizations and hate groups around the world.Contrary to its assurances, Facebook has no meaningful strategy for removing this terror and hate content from its website. As noted above, Facebook has stated that it has put in place a strategy that enables it to block 99% of the activity of selected terrorist groups before it is reported by users. The whistleblower presents extensive research showing that this is untrue, and that in fact, Facebook has not yet put in place controls needed to monitor the extremist content that users are creating. Large amounts of terror and hate content, including content generated by groups allegedly targeted by Facebook, remained on the website five months after initially being found by the whistleblower.Facebook is generating its own terror and hate content, which is being Liked by individuals affiliated with terrorist organizations. The whistleblower demonstrates that Facebook is a terror and hate content creator, producing terror and hate content using its auto-generation feature. One page created by Facebook, for the Syrian Salafist militant group Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (“HTS,” also known as al-Qaeda in Syria), received over 4,400 Likes. Several of those Liking this page have profiles using terrorist iconography; one lists his employment as “mujahid.” Several are associated with illicit looting and trafficking of antiquities, an activity that HTS regulates and taxes in the region as a source of terror financing.Facebook is providing a powerful networking and recruitment tool to terrorist and hate groups. Some of the terror- and hate-related pages on Facebook have thousands of Likes, a feature that terrorist and hate groups can use to identify and recruit supporters. The widespread and persistent promotion of violent content and extremist ideology by terror and hate groups shows that they see Facebook as a valuable tool for networking and recruiting new members.Facebook has argued it is not a content provider, failing to disclose that it is generating terror and hate content. In its press releases and other public statements, Facebook has never disclosed that it auto-generates its own terror and hate content and that this content is being Liked by individuals who affiliate themselves with terrorist organizations. To the contrary, its core defense in litigation filed by families of terror victims is that it is a mere platform, not a content provider.
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- AND:
- Facebook used by ISIS and Al-Qaeda
- to sell and buy heavy arms (2016)