Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
Friday, April 19, 2019
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Colorado –-( Colorado is now the fifteenth state to sign a red flag bill into law. Twenty-nine other states are also considering such legislation. Colorado’s Democratic Governor, Jared Polis, signed HB 1177, the state’s red flag bill, into law. The legislation will take effect in 2020.
This new red flag law presents an interesting scenario because of it 2/3 of Colorado’s counties have become Second Amendment sanctuary counties. If somebody were to put a red flag on you, and the judge finds that you're a risk to yourself or others, you have 14 days for a hearing to prove your innocence. It used to be up to the government to prove you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
The two biggest police departments in Colorado, both Denver and Aurora, have come out against the red flag law. Douglas County Sheriff Tony Spurlock has been a big proponent for this bill backing it intensely, and as a result, he is now facing a recall effort to bounce him out of office. On the flip side, Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams disagrees with red flag laws and he even said he's willing to go to jail instead of enforcing it. This unconstitutional and illegal bill is riding on the coattails of the momentum that the red flag law movement has seen since the Parkland Shooting.
You might recall that Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Senator Lindsey Graham have both recently submitted National Extreme Risk Protection Order Bills. Also, do not forget President Donald Trump, via his Federal Commission on School Safety, urged states to adopt “extreme risk protection orders” that would remove firearms from individuals who are a danger to themselves and others.
READ the Report of the Federal Commission on School Safety: It is imperative that gun owners and lovers of the Constitution make an effort to be heard. No longer can we be the “Silent Majority.”
These unjust laws are spreading like wildfire and they will be the biggest threat to the future of the 2nd Amendment as we know it! There are now 15 states that have passed these laws that have only one intended goal: to circumvent the 2nd Amendment and confiscate guns from people who are then considered guilty until proven innocent. It is an outright attack on the law-abiding gun owners around the country.
These ERPO or RED FLAG bills do absolutely nothing to target criminals, illegally owned guns, mental health nor will they do anything to save lives! What red flag bills do, however, is to violate a person’s 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech, as a comment or even your social media, can be used against you. All one needs is to have someone say they fear what a gun owner MIGHT do, and they can seek an ERPO from a judge.
Jared J. Yanis
About Jared J. Yanis & Guns & Gadgets
With over 20 years of experience in the law enforcement field, I have learned the numerous channels used by those who would love to see our 2nd Amendment rights stripped. Because of this, I am often able to bring you the news on new bills submitted at the local, state and federal levels that look to carry out those attacks. If you are new to the channel or want to stay up to date with the constant infringements on our Constitutional Right to Bear Arms, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel at
GunsAndGadgets@charter.netGuns & GadgetsP. O. Box 940Douglas, Massachusetts 01516