republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Yesterday we brought you the news that a Muslim professor who says she has expertise in “Islamophobia” claims she was assaulted at a conference of Canadians for the Rule of Law. According to “journalist” Ron Csillag of the Canadian Jewish News, Jasmin Zine, the professor making the assault claim, “said she did not plan on speaking” at the conference. Csillag quoted Zine saying: “I went really just to hear the viewpoints that were being expressed and the kind of arguments that were being made to support them.”Really? Let’s examine the likelihood of that claim.Jasmin Zine is part of the “Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project,” an initiative designed to buttress the spurious claim that Muslims are targets of wholesale discrimination and harassment in the West.In April 2018, Jasmin Zine gave a keynote speech on “Islamophobia, Anti- Muslim Racism, and the Weaponizing of Free Speech” at “The Road Traveled: 9th Annual International Islamophobia Conference,” held at the University of California Berkeley.Jasmin Zine testified in support of the Anti-Islamophobia Motion 103 before a Canadian Heritage Parliamentary subcommittee. That motion has been used to shut down criticism of jihad terror and Sharia oppression of women and others.Zine defines “Islamophobia” as “fear and hatred of Islam and Muslims that translates into individual, ideological and systemic forms of oppression.” In reality, “Islamophobia” is an intentional conflation of two distinct and unrelated phenomena: vigilante attacks against innocent Muslims, which are never justified, and honest, accurate analysis of the motivating ideology behind the jihad threat. The purveyors of “Islamophobia” propaganda are trying to shut down the latter by equating it with the former. A former member of the International Institute of Islamic Thought, Abdur-Rahman Muhammad, has stated that “this loathsome term is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.” And it has been skillfully used to do just that.Zine does want to restrict the freedom of speech. She has claimed: “As an academic, I support free speech as well as academic freedom. But these are not without limitations. Freedom of expression is limited by the consequences of that speech. Spreading hate is not free speech.” But who decides what is “spreading hate” and what is “enunciating unpopular truths”? She is essentially arguing for the extinguishing of the freedom of speech and the control of the public discourse by arbiters who would presumably stifle all criticism of Islam, jihad, and Sharia.So Jasmin Zine went wanting to “hear the viewpoints that were being expressed”? Unlikely. What she did was ask Jihad Watch writer Christine Douglass-Williams a question and then talked over her answer, refusing to be silent until she was removed from the event. It is clear that she wanted to shut down the viewpoints that were being expressed and smear them with the false claims of “white supremacism” and “Islamophobia” that she makes in the Canadian Jewish News article.That article also notes that the Canadians for the Rule of Law conference had “a large Jewish presence: sponsoring groups included B’nai Brith Canada, the Canadian Institute for Jewish Research, Hasbara Fellowships, Shurat HaDin and Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights. Kashrut was observed at the event.”What might Jasmin Zine have thought of that? Let’s see:Jasmin Zine signed this petition accusing Israel of “apartheid” and calling on the University of Toronto and York University to divest from companies doing business with Israel.Zine also signed this call for the Canadian government to impose sanctions upon Israel for alleged war crimes in Gaza in 2009. During that conflict, Hamas used human shields in order to get civilians killed, whereupon they would accuse Israel of targeting civilians and get the UN and others to condemn the Jewish State.Zine endorsed sending a boat from Canada to Gaza to end the Israeli blockade. Remember that the people on the most notorious of these forays to Gaza to end the blockade, the Mavi Marmara flotilla from Turkey, were genocidal Jew-hating jihadis, as you can see in the second video below: they were chanting a jihad war cry recalling Muhammad’s massacre of the Jews of Arabia: “Khybar, Khybar, O Jews, the army of Muhammad will return.” If the same chant had begun on a Canadian boat bound for Gaza, would Jasmin Zine have objected?