SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2019/03/the-increasing-presence-of-islam-in-the-west-brings-more-terror-from-both-muslims-and-non-muslims; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
British authorities are still following leads to track down the source of the cluster of four or five London and Glasgow package bombs that were discovered in the first week of March 2019. A mysterious group calling itself the “New IRA” is reportedly claiming responsibility. That internationally-designated terrorist group has used that “NIRA” name since 2012, and has roots dating back to a split in 1997. The splinter group had rejected the IRA’s declared ceasefire.
But for what purpose were the bombs sent? What could anybody possibly be trying to achieve by this horrible tactic, other than to create terror among random, innocent people? Terror seems to be an irrational act. But it works. And so it continues to be be used as a tactic, precisely because it causes group behavioral modification within the society that it targets. And so then the more that we accommodate the ideology behind the terror, in our hopes to pacify it, the more the terror tactic becomes validated as an effective tool for the terrorist.
Random acts of terror like this are also a model by which Islam gains power. Sahih al-Bukhari (52:220) plainly declares that terror was used by Muhammad, precisely because he recognized it as a winning strategy: “ Allah’s Apostle said… ‘I have been made victorious with terror’. ” A daily glance at the Islamic world shows random bombings and killings, with no apparent purpose. Victims of such Islamic attacks tend to be random and are often dehumanized by the killers as “non-Muslim.” But whether random or targeted, the attacks only prove that killings and terror become part of the Islamic society package, wherever Muslims form a large presence.
In a way, it does not matter precisely that this new group of London attackers, or some others we have had to endure in recent years, are not Muslims. Attackers who use terror as a tool are now often anarchic Leftists, fringe separatists, or kooks. But what we can see is that the tactic of terror used by these groups is like an Islamic attack. And the Islamic attack model has been validated by Muslims for fourteen centuries, because Muhammad used it, and Quranic Allah approved it.
Adherents of any ideology that calls for destruction of the West, or for any minor political cause, will now terrorize and kill crowds of innocents, largely because Muslims before them have terrorized and killed in this random way. Muslims acting in jihad have set the bar of violence expectation lower in the West, for all kinds of sociopathic kooks to copy their methods.
Systemic violence in the Islamic world should warn us on face value that, the more Muslims we bring in from those places, the more jihadis and teachers of Islamic terror we will get among them. And at the same time, the more we accommodate Islam to try to pacify it, the more we validate its tool of terror as effective. And then also, the more copycat kooks we will get, who will more readily adopt the Islamic methods of setting off random, indiscriminate terror bombs and acts of slaughter.
The mass slaughter in Las Vegas was somewhat like that. The purpose, motive, influence and training have never been officially determined, even though Islamic State claimed credit for the operation as its own. But even if Stephen Paddock is never to be clearly linked to ISIS, the prior Islamic State and al Qaeda terror attacks established the concept for such a terrible attack, in its wanton randomness.
So Islam is a wide threat, because each one of its attacks serves as a model for any twisted people who want to do mass damage to our society, for any reason, or for no reason at all. The horrors that we have seen performed by Islamic State will be coming to America, by one group of evil killers or another.
Such random acts of terror may seem inexplicable. But in fact, there are two main ideologies that use such terror, with intent to destroy our society. Their shared goal, after they cause destruction of our society, is to bring conquest.
The first and oldest of those organized forces of destruction is Islam. It is a supremacist ideology of conquest that seeks to bring every person on Earth under its control, based on Quran commands and the “excellent example” that it claims in the life of Muhammad, a conquering warlord.
The second ideology of societal mass destruction is Marxism. That is a pseudo-religious doctrine of Leftist collectivism, whose counterpart to Muhammad is Karl Marx. His bizarre envisioning was of “New Man” communists who would run the means of production by an absence of profitable self-interest, to serve all people in a “final” form of future society. Those mythical humans would be satisfied to subordinate themselves to the needs of the collective. They would somehow come into being after the removal of concentrated private capital from power over control of production.
And to prepare the path for that “New Man” to emerge, Marx viciously attacked humanity’s religions, just as Muhammad had done to build his own ancient cult. Both men clearly recognized that popular faiths were competitive forces of spiritual defense against submission to the cult’s conquest. As total collectives by design, the cults demand submission from all people. But “non-believers” stand in the way. They must be terrorized into submission.
Marx first imagined that the emerging mass industrialization would simply sweep away the capitalists, and then would naturally leave production in the hands of his imaginary new kind of benevolent people. But history soon proved that nothing would sweep away capitalists, except by violent revolution. And so then, ever since mass slaughter was carried out by the Russian Revolution to create the first Communist state, the anarchist agents of Marxist collectivism have wielded terror as a tool.
These twin, pseudo-utopian ideologies share a key premise, which is their need to first take down the existing order of our society. They presume an ability to build their utopia on the wreckage, either bit by bit, or by total revolution. And so, agents of Islam and Marxism will keep trying to intimidate and terrify us. They need to make us feel fear and despair, so that we will cave into their control demands. They can also achieve much of that control without violence, whenever we become simply too passive.
From the Islamic Movement in this century, we have seen Muslims commit unspeakable horrors that were not previously well-known in modern history. In building terror armies, observant Muslims have been massively recruited and easily taught and led into slave-taking, torture and killing, by authoritative imams who have risen to power as respected scholars, with doctorate degrees in Islamic Studies, as graduates of the hundreds of Islamic universities.
In contemporary America and Europe, horrific mass attacks and stealth invasion in the cause of Islam have become standard tactics by the Islamic Movement in our recent decades. If left unchecked, in time, the enlarged and empowered Islamic presence in the West will bring yet higher levels of wreckage, that will begin to rival the atrocities that occur daily within the Islamic Middle East. The doctrine embedded as verses in Quran demands it.
Similarly, from the Marxist Collectivist Movement in the modern era, mass slaughters of tens of millions of subjugated people in far-away lands have been staggering. But here at home, we have only begun to endure such terrors on a small scale, brought to us by the revolutionary Left. But they are persistent.
In the 1960s, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) plotted the revolutionary overthrow of America. David Horowitz was once a leading member of communist groups like that. Other terror groups like The Weathermen and The Weather Underground (led by later Obama-enablers, Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn) set off bombs in America.
In the 1970s, The Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), a Marxist revolutionary movement, kidnapped billionaire heiress Patty Hearst, and robbed banks to fund their warfare against the system. The Black Panther Party openly carried weapons and engaged in open warfare with police.
In 2011 under Obama, Occupy Wall Street, later expanded as Occupy, caused street chaos which morphed into blocked freeways. In 2014, the Ferguson, Missouri riots set the model for Marxists to organize street chaos by the Left. They have since been followed by the emergence of Antifa, the New Black Panthers, and Black Lives Matter. Other kooks inspired by the Leftist revolutionary cause have assassinated police officers and used other violence to express their own societal hate.
If we fail to maintain vigilance to preserve our Judeo-Christian values and republican foundations, to preserve ethics of individual freedom and responsibility, and our right to earn profit and to skillfully employ our own capital wealth under fair rule by law, then these invasive ideological cancers will replace them.
It is critical that we expose these ideology movements as a dual menace. Otherwise, self-appointed terror agents of the control collectives will become more destructive in our society. Through pressure, force and terror, Islamic jihadis and collectivist Marxists will try to make us desire security above liberty, and to turn to them for control.