Will the people of Iran successfully claim their freedom? Or will globalist forces keep the nation within its grasp?
SEE: https://www.infowars.com/iran-media-censors-infowars-video-report-tries-to-hide-growing-populist-movement/;
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
On December 10th 2018, Infowars published a video report entitled, “IRAN: The Smell of War Grows Strong in the Persian Gulf.” The report lays out a series of current events spelling out the growing conflict between the United States and Iran.Within 24 hours of its publishing on Infowars, the popular Amad News Network releases a version of the Infowars report, with Persian subtitles added – but with the final twenty seconds removed.

The Amad News Network deleted the part of the video discussing how globalist-controlled Reza Pahlavi and the Mujaheddin were prepared to seize control of the nation, while the populist movement known as “Restart” hoped to claim independence for the people of Iran.
By censoring the final twenty seconds, the video report only suggests that the US is preparing to engage Iran in armed conflict. And the main purpose of the report was to point out how both Reza Pahlavi and the Mujaheddin are nothing more than globalist proxies, no different than the current regime.
This is covered in more detail in the Infowars report: “IRAN REGIME CHANGE: Globalist Forces Prepare to Keep Hold of Iran”

And at the same time, BBC Persian and Farsi VOA release similar articles – all supporting Reza Pahlavi, and all released days after Amad News Network publishes their version of the Infowars video, in which any mention of Reza Pahlavi as a globalist has been censored.

The Amad News Network often claims to be opposed to the Islamic Republic, but they are owned and operated by known Reformists. And their continued support of the Mujaheddin and Reza Pahlavi suggests that they are no different than globalist run BBC Persian and Farsi VOA.
All of these so-called opposition groups are given a voice on the Regime-controlled media. The only voice that is silenced in Iran is the apparent voice of the people. The populist movement known as “Restart” has been censored from Iranian media for years, and they are the only opposition that wants a secular representative government. They are the only opposition that wants freedom for the people of Iran. And they are the only opposition that openly supports Israel and the United States.
The Mujaheddin and Reza Pahlavi have always been tools of the Globalists. They have always held the support of bad actors such as Hillary Clinton, John McCain, John Kerry, and John Bolton.
The original Infowars report that was censored; “IRAN: The Smell of War Grows Strong in the Persian Gulf” asked the question at its very end:
“What role will the United States play in this growing conflict?”
And just days ago, The US State Department answered this question.

Link: https://youtu.be/FXn7N8-9r0E
Brian Hook, Senior Policy Adviser to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, released a video on USA darFarsi. In this video he answers the question:
“Why doesn’t the United States support Reza Pahlavi?”
His answer was that the United States respects the right of the Iranian people to choose their own government, and that they deserve to have their own representative government.
So now the question is: will the people of Iran successfully claim their freedom? Or will globalist forces keep the nation within its grasp?
Infowars has been the only western media reporting on the RESTART populist movement.
Here are the reports:
1776 IRAN: Trump Signals Support for Iranian Populist Movement RESTART
FULL INTERVIEW: Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, Leader of Iran’s RESTART Movement
Proposed Laws for the new Cyrus Empire of Persia