
Tuesday, October 30, 2018



Your vote on NOV 6th says "I am NOT ok being represented by someone who condones or justifies the barbaric practice of fetal dismemberment up to and including the 9th month of pregnancy."
Delaware's abortion law, as of June 2017, re-defines "viability" to make the legal status of abortion virtually open-ended until late in the third trimester. 

During the committee hearing on this legislation (SS1 to SB5), the leading abortionist for Delaware said that a “fetus” could be 9 months and still not be "viable."

Exactly! That's the problem! 

This law allows abortion of an infant who is considered not "viable" by the abortion doctor. "Viable" is defined as unable to live outside the womb without the application of "extraordinary medical measures." That phrase "extraordinary medical measures" is undefined in the law

A baby who needs help breathing in the last stages of pregnancy could be considered "not viable" due to needing "extraordinary medical measures" and therefore aborted.  

Thus, this law, passed in 2017, would allow abortions in Delaware well into the late-term stages, creating a legal climate in which very late abortion is protected and inviting to late-term abortionists to set up shop here." (Steven Aden, Constitutional Law Attorney)

Good Legislators offered reasonable amendments when this law was being debated; such as, amendments to reinstate informed consent requirements for abortion patients that have been upheld by the Supreme Court in cases like Planned Parenthood v. Casey, an amendment to anesthetize babies after 22 weeks before a violent death by dismemberment abortion, and amendments to urge the state to define a gestational age of viability. 

All clarifying amendments were rejected by Democrats Legislators.
To Be Clear, This Is The Kind Of Abortion Allowed In Delaware: 
If you are not ok with this, VOTE ON NOV. 6TH!  We have an excellent opportunity put men and women in our state legislature who will vote for life, religious liberty, and family first! 

If you are not ok with our state being a late term abortion destination... VOTE on NOV. 6th. 

Stopping this radical agenda depends on you and me and people like us getting to the polls. VOTE ON NOV. 6TH 
Additional Resources:
DFPC Action is the Political Action Committee partner of Delaware Family Policy Council. DFPC Action is funded by citizens in Delaware who care deeply about principles that are foundational to human flourishing, such as: thriving families, the sanctity and dignity of human life, religious liberty, and the right of conscience. 

Delaware. The Late Term Abortion State?