SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
German’s interior minister Horst Seehofer has boldly come out in support of the recent “mourning march” for victims of “killer migrants” in Germany, stating that he, too, would have taken to the streets in protest if he did not hold the position as minister. Seehofer also said that “the migration issue is the mother of all political problems in this country.”
Angel Merkel, on the other hand, referred to the March as “hate.” By so doing, she washes her hands of all responsibility for Muslim migrant assaults and jihad murder. Merkel and globalists like her prefer to ignore the hate of jihadists and “killer migrants.” Instead, they call out those who shed light on real hate, slapping the label of “Islamophobe” upon them.
Oddly enough, not long ago, Merkel stated that “we have refugees or people of Arab origin who bring another form of anti-Semitism into the country.”
“German Interior Minister ‘Would Have Joined’ Chemnitz Protests, Says Mass Migration ‘Mother of All Problems,’” by Virginia Hale, Breitbart, September 6, 2018:
The German interior minister believes mass migration has become “the mother of all political problems” for the EU country, while Angela Merkel is describing the third world influx merely as a “challenge” and slamming protests against alleged killer migrants as “hate”.Asked about the decline in popularity of Chancellor Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party and his related Christian Social Union (CSU) party, Horst Seehofer said Merkel’s decision to throw Germany’s borders open was a major driver behind the growth of the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD).“For the first time, we have a party to the right of the Union that could establish itself in the medium term amidst a divided country,” he told the Rheinische Post, as polls show the AfD now in second place behind the CDU/CSU bloc.The eurosceptic AfD’s dramatic ascent is “not only” down to voter concern over mass migration, said Seehofer, “but the migration issue is the mother of all political problems in this country. I have been saying this for three years. And this is confirmed by many surveys.”Speaking of events in Chemnitz, where the murder of 35-year-old German-Cuban Daniel Hillig, allegedly at the hands of asylum seekers, prompted large-scale demonstrations against migration policy in Germany, the CSU heavyweight said he understood the “outrage” felt following the “brutal homicide”.“Were I not a minister, I too would have taken to the streets as a citizen — of course not with any of the radicals,” Seehofer stated, before stressing that authorities should show “zero tolerance” to individuals who “incite violence” or perform “Hitler salutes”…..