
Saturday, September 1, 2018


The Fascination and Veneration of Another Mary
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 

As millions of people travel to Lourdes, France in search of divine healing, some evangelical missionaries are warning that many are revering the Virgin Mary more than the Lord Jesus Christ. One Catholic said: "Mary takes Jesus' place on the cross. People come from far and wide to bring honor to her, to ask her for healing, to pray to her." Many of the pilgrims bring their statues of Mary, rosaries, and holy water. 

Every year over 6 million people - Catholics and people of other faiths - visit Lourdes where they believe Mary appeared in 1858 on several occasions. The Vatican has declared the location a holy site for worshipers, with many believing that a cave with a natural spring, where Mary is said to have appeared, has healing properties. Each year, 350,000 people bathe in the spring, while over 7,000 have asked the Vatican to confirm their healings as a miracle. People come from all walks of life to visit the grotto. Buddhists and Hindus, Catholics and superstitious people are there. The wealthy and poor, young and old, black and white, western and eastern are there. They all walk together - unified in their hope and expectation of healing. Read entire article.
Mike's Comment: Not only do Catholics embrace another Jesus, they believe another 
gospel, and venerate another Mary. Their fascination with apparitions claiming to be Mary may be part of Satan's last days' deception. We know from God's Word that "the coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders" (2 Thess. 2:9). As the Day of the Lord approaches, we should not be surprised if apparitions continue to increase. Satan's ultimate goal is to rebuild the religious tower of Babel, so he 
can receive the worship he has always craved. This is well documented in my DVD 
message The Coming One-World Religion.

The Divine Attributes of the "Catholic Mary"

Mariolatry is defined as "excessive veneration or worship of Mary, the mother of Jesus." The word literally means "Mary-worship." Catholics insist they only venerate Mary and stop short of giving her divine worship. Yet, the chart above shows how the Roman Catholic Church has created "another Mary" who is a blasphemous distortion of Mary revealed in Scripture. She has been given many of the divine attributes of the Lord Jesus Christ.