SEE: https://www.ammoland.com/2018/04/nj-tyrant-legislator-loretta-weinberg-bans-travel-free-states/#axzz5D1Pe1Obt; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

New Jersey – -(Ammoland.com)- Vociferously anti-gun NJ Legislator and rampant egomaniac Loretta Weinberg has exposed just how deeply her willful ignorance and hatred for guns and gun owners goes with a newly proposed bill.
Weinberg has introduced a Bill S2402 that prohibits any and all State-sponsored travel to 37 States that do not currently require firearms purchasers or owners to obtain a permission slip or ID card from the State.
Here’s the relevant language
“a State agency shall not permit a State officer or employee, special State officer or employee, or member of the Legislature to engage in any travel to be paid, in whole or in part, out of State funds, or to be otherwise sponsored by the State, to any state of the United States if that state has not enacted a permit to purchase firearms law. This prohibition shall also apply to any organization that receives aid from the State.”
You read right Loretta Weinberg”s latest bill would prevent state employees or organization funded by the state to travel to other states that respect the right to keep and bear arms. Dose this mean that NJ Democrat Senator Corry Booker and Bob Menendez would be prevented from Going to Washington?
Weinberg is famously known for her animosity to the Constitution, Bill of Rights and utter contempt for her Oath of Office, once publicly claiming that anything the NJ Legislature decides to enact is defacto Constitutional until a Court says otherwise. And another hot-mic slip where she was caught calling for gun confiscation.
Weinberg believes she has the unilateral authority to arrogantly demand that the overwhelming majority of the Country submit to her will and ideology. It is shocking to see the lengths she is willing to go to take away your freedoms.
This proposal is one step removed from requiring that Citizens receive permission from the State before crossing the border. Something that Weinberg should be intimately familiar with, as it was the standing policy of East Germany for over 60 years.
For many years, New Jersey has been rightly ridiculed as “New Germany” in many quarters, as they seem hellbent on emulating the worst of that countries repressive and deadly communist ideology. Many others dismissed such comparisons as nothing more than over the top hyperbole by a small minority of disgruntled residents, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
On the willful ignorance front, Weinberg is apparently utterly clueless of the fact that multiple Court rulings that have stood for decades prohibit the licensing of a right

Weinberg and her defenders will, of course, exclaim that since NJ’s (or States like MD, HI, and others ) licensing schemes have not yet been struck down, that, of course, means they are Constitutional. Nothing could be further from the truth. The simple fact that these schemes survive to this date means nothing other than the Supreme Court has yet to rule on them. Remember, Washington DC’s ban on handgun possession has enacted in 1976 and wasn't struck down as Un-Constitutional until 2008.
Weinberg needs to be reminded of her place in no uncertain terms. But don't look to the voters of NJ, particularly those in her district that are steadfast supporters of whatever her next freedom crushing idea will be.
That means until a Court puts her in her place, she needs to be exposed and pay the price for her actions. Two can play this game after all. There is nothing preventing Citizens in the 37 States she is targeting from demanding their Legislators send a very strongly worded letter to Ms. Weinberg explaining they will not submit to her outrageous demands and making it clear they will take appropriate reciprocal action against NJ if this bill becomes law.
Weinberg has made it abundantly clear she will never stop on her own, so she must be stopped. And if she cant be voted out of office, then her dictator-like mindset will and should cost the State she represents.
This has worked well in the past. Weinberg is the one responsible for NJ’s draconian “Smart Gun Mandate” which has famously blown up in her face. That model can be modified and used to similar effect with regards to this bill.
About Dan Roberts
Dan Roberts is a grassroots supporter of gun rights that has chosen AmmoLand Shooting Sports News as the perfect outlet for his frank, ‘Jersey Attitude' filled articles on Guns and Gun Owner Rights. As a resident of the oppressive state of New Jersey, he is well placed to be able to discuss the abuses of government against our inalienable rights to keep and bear arms as he writes from deep behind NJ's Anti-Gun iron curtain. Read more from Dan Roberts or email him at DRoberts@ammoland.com