
Friday, April 20, 2018


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

(Friday Church News Notes, April 20, 2018,,, 866-295-4143) - 
At the 1886 International Prophetic Conference in Chicago, Baptist Pastor A.J. Frost delivered the following insightful warning about apostasy. He wasn’t a prophet; he was a man who believed the Word of God literally. The leavening of which he warned is almost complete. “The final and well-nigh universal apostasy of Christendom is repeatedly foretold in the Scriptures. This dispensation like all that have preceded it will end in the most fearful apostasy this world has ever known to be immediately followed by the overwhelming judgments of God. ... In the Laodicean age of the church we find indifference and lukewarmness; a most nauseating condition! ... At this stage nearly all Christendom will be leavened with false doctrine; it is already rapidly working. The nominal Christian world will be one vast mass of baptized profession; a corrupt, mysterious mixture, a spiritual malformation, a masterpiece of Satan the corruption of the truth of God, and the destroyer of the souls of men, a trap, a snare, a stumbling block, the darkest moral blot in the universe of God! It is the corruption of the very best thing and therefore the worst kind of corruption. It is that thing which Satan has made of professing Christianity. It is worse by far than Judaism, worse by far than all the darkest forms of paganism, because it has had higher light and richer privileges, made the very highest profession and occupied the loftiest platform. Finally it is that awful apostasy for which is reserved the very heaviest judgments of God, the most bitter dregs in the cup of His righteous wrath. Few persons realize what nominal Christendom is today and the inevitable doom which awaits it. But our Lord gave abundant warnings of the degeneracy of the professing church and the Spirit of God testified against early corruption and foretold the failure and abuses which shall ripen into complete apostasy and which shall call down the judgments of God on Christendom” (Prophetic Studies of the International Prophetic Conference, 1886, page 169).