SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

U.S.A. –-( 15% of illegal aliens admit to voting in local and federal elections. In CA 26 that’s 12-15,000 votes. CA 26 is a district that covers most of Ventura County. The seat was won each of the election cycles by less than 2,000 votes and won by the democrat.
This is the most conservative number based on a report by the Pew Research center and Sacramento Bee. Let’s be honest, shall we, without illegals voting CA 26 (along with a dozen other districts in the Golden State) would be red and not blue.
For gun owners in CA, this makes a tremendous difference. Since EVERY gun sale requires a background check in CA, and illegal aliens cannot own a gun under federal law, not ONE, not a single one of these illegal voters have our interests at heart. This guarantees that liberal democrats can vote for gun confiscation and gun banning with impunity. The votes of illegal aliens tip the scales and make them immune to the constitutional rights of legal gun owners. It INCENTIVIZES them to oppose citizenship and keep illegal aliens as non-citizen voting slaves.

The local CA26 representative does not need to worry about the gun owners in her district because she is insulated by having a large population of illegals who vote to preserve their state and local benefits and to avoid deportation.
Personally, I think illegal aliens are grossly under-counted. Best guess is the reported numbers are 50% low. Likewise, the percent that admits to voting is also low, who admits to a felony with a possible 5-year federal prison sentence? For illegals in CA, voting is a sign of defiance. A way to show that California is still part of Mexico, and should be legally returned after an unjust war of white expansionism. It’s call Reconquista, the repatriation of the lost northern Mexican states through illegal immigration.
Will gun owners wake up and realize that we have the numbers and strength to stop this? Not here in CA. The fact is the social pressure to conform to the views of the left are more than meaningless. Coming out as pro-2A will cost you your job if you have the wrong boss.
Here in CA GOP candidates give back money from the NRA. One of the two GOP primary candidates in CA 26 (Antonio Sabato) is pro-open borders and recently in a town hall called for MORE gun control. This guy is a dumb as a sack of rocks and seems to agree with whomever he spoke to last. His GOP opponent is Jeff Burum and a 2A stalwart. Guess which of the two the GOP is backing in the primary? Yup… the dumb guy.
The Democrats in California have allied with illegal aliens to keep themselves in power. The question they fail to ask is what happens when the illegal population doesn’t need THEM anymore?
About Don McDougall

Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA”committee. If he’s not at the range you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.