Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Ohio high school student Jacob Shoemaker says he was suspended for staying in the classroom during the National Walkout Day.
Hilliard student explains why he was suspended from school after National Walkout Day
A social media post claiming a student from Hilliard City Schools was suspended for not participating in National Walkout Day is not accurate, according to the district.
USA –-( One month after the Parkland, Florida shooting untold “thousands of students” participated in a school walkout Nationwide. Supposedly, the walkout was an effort to demand unspecified action to stop the undefined problem of “gun violence.”
The mainstream media (MSM) would have us believe that number is significant. Using vagaries like “thousands,” which could describe any number between 2,000 and 9,999, the MSM is attempting to sway public opinion.
Here’s why the public should not be fooled.
Statistical smoke & mirrors – The staged protest includes children in elementary, middle, and high school. High schools alone account for a student body of some 15.1 million kids. Applying the most generous possibility of “thousands,” less than .0007% of students think this issue pressing enough to walk out. This number does not account for the very real possibility that some students may have given in to peer pressure, administrative pressure, and a desire to do what the MSM dictated to be popular and right.
This miniscule faction seems oddly inconsistent with the Left’s never ending assault against the wealthiest 1%. Promoting their crusade against such a powerful minority as a battle for “equality” and “fairness.” Where is the “equality” and “fairness” for the 99.9% of kids who evidently believe that there are better solutions? There is no room for such dissension when it comes to group-think. We must conform. We all must accept the so-called statistics of what the polls tell us, a majority of Americans support gun control. You know, the same pollsters who were certain Hilary would win. If .0007% does not meet the definition of “special interest” I’m not sure what would?
The Victim Generation – With all the “Safe Spaces” and fear of “micro-aggressions” these days I have serious doubts about America’s future leaders. Encouraging students to do something as unproductive as walking out of school is at best an exercise in futility. Worse still it helps kids to grandstand on a podium of sanctimony. Such grandstanding breeds a culture of partisanship, an inability to tolerate opposing views, (aka bigotry), and a failure to think critically.
Unwitting Pawns – Children are not behind this effort. The radical anti-gun Left is. North Carolina’s Democrat Governor lauded the effort as “brave students making their voices heard.” There’s nothing brave about doing what is popular. There is nothing heroic about supporting an idea one does not comprehend. There is nothing bold about trampling on the rights of millions of citizens. I do not blame these kids for any of this. They are but unwitting Pawns being moved around a political chessboard to benefit a radical agenda.
These kids have been trained to respond emotionally rather than thoughtfully. They have been applauded for branding dissenters “child murderers.” They are coming of age at a time that allows them to isolate themselves from opposing views. They’ve been given a backup plan should they ever accidentally encounter an opposing view; shout some obscenity-laced tirade that includes the word “bigot” and walk away from the victor.
Clark Ramsey
What benefit does this plan for our youth give us? Certainly, it will not cause future members of Congress and the White House to achieve coveted bi-partisan deals. Those who support staged acts like this week’s walkout are partisan hacks. I can only hope that the 99.9% of students who did not participate are the polar opposite of those who did. Perhaps it is this overwhelming majority who are at the very least smart enough to know what they do not. My faith in our youth is bolstered by the broad majority who have shown the wisdom to refuse a Pawn’s position.
About the Author Clark Ramsey
Clark Ramsey is the host of “The Ramsey Revival” on YouTube. He is a former Infantry Marine and a service-connected disabled veteran. Clark holds a Juris Doctor from Michigan State University College of Law and a Bachelor’s degree in Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness. He has thousands of hours in a variety of shooting related disciplines from hunting to tactical fieldwork. If he could, he’d spend all of his time hunting and fishing with his wife and three kids.