Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
To understand why it is wrong for the GOP and conservatives to honor the Log Cabin Republicans and their "gay"/transgender agenda, see this AFTAH video:

Note from Peter LaBarbera:
Dear AFTAH Readers,
WASHINGTON. D.C.--Anyone who know me knows that I'm a Cause guy, and a Truth guy. And the "cause" which I humbly believe I am called to defend is His Truth about the sin of homosexuality and the insidious, "out-and-proud" LGBTQ movement that demands celebration of it. It would be an understatement to say that this has not been good for my career (!). Now I am deeply saddened to report that American "conservatism" is going pro-homosexual at the expense of truth and wholesome morality. (Christianity is next....)
Essentially, what is happening here at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) is that libertarians (or liberal-tarians, as my friend Ryan Sorba calls them) are attempting to re-define conservatism to be accepting of homosexuality, including so-called "gay marriage." They want to turn the Republican Party into a version of the pro-homosexual-"marriage" Conservative party in the U.K. And they are moving RAPIDLY towards that goal.
As you can see from the AFTAH press release reprinted below, both AFTAH and MassResistance have been prevented from having a simple Exhibitor's table at CPAC. Just a few years ago, CPAC faced criticism for inviting "gay" sponsors and speakers; now they are banning solid pro-family conservatives who dare confront Big LGBTQ.
As the pressure builds to downplay or ignore the "gay" issue, millions of conservatives like you and me who have usually voted Republican now face a choice: are we going to side publicly with God or cave in to morally-bankrupt libertarianism? Will YOU keep standing for the Truth about biblical sexual morality, or find a way to cop out of this critical battle? Will you fight for the soul of the GOP?
Here at CPAC, the beautiful Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center is teaming with young conservatives. I'm suddenly feeling old as I see myself 30 or so years ago in their vitality and idealism. But the great crisis today--something about which I fear most of these young people are ignorant--is that their precious idealism has been corrupted by a capitulation to a worldly LGBTQ revolution, which is the most extreme part of the larger, destructive Sexual Revolution. An LGBTQueer Revolution that says "gender" doesn't matter, nor does it matter if a young man dates a woman or another man! ("Love is love," goes the inane slogan.)
Of course it matters. It matters to God, who does not give a pass to Republican immorality just because it has an "R" attached to it. It matters to His Son, Jesus Christ--who has turned around the lives of many men and women who, in their sin and deep confusion, thought it was their destiny to be "gay." [See the wonderful and compelling AFTAH banquet videos featuring EX-"gay" Stephen Black.]
Truth always matters. So shame on CPAC for what it has done to my good friend, Brian Camenker, president of MassResistance, who is a genuine hero for his many years of fighting, with indomitable fortitude and without compromise, against all efforts to mainstream perversion. If there were any justice in the "conservative' movement, Brian would be giving a seminar today at CPAC on the lessons he has learned fighting the nefarious Sin Movement that calls itself "gay" (and now "trans"). But instead of being honored, and passing on his wisdom to a new generation who needs it, he gets smeared by CPAC.
The reality is that even in Trump's America, telling the truth about homosexualism and that "dirtiest" word of all--the M-word (Morality)--often earns you contempt, or derision, or hostile and puzzled responses even from family members and loved ones. Nevertheless, before God, and with Him as our main and enduring Ally, we must persist and never apologize for defending God's gift of sexuality in the HEALTHY bounds of marriage between a man and a woman:
Note from Peter LaBarbera:
Dear AFTAH Readers,
WASHINGTON. D.C.--Anyone who know me knows that I'm a Cause guy, and a Truth guy. And the "cause" which I humbly believe I am called to defend is His Truth about the sin of homosexuality and the insidious, "out-and-proud" LGBTQ movement that demands celebration of it. It would be an understatement to say that this has not been good for my career (!). Now I am deeply saddened to report that American "conservatism" is going pro-homosexual at the expense of truth and wholesome morality. (Christianity is next....)
Essentially, what is happening here at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) is that libertarians (or liberal-tarians, as my friend Ryan Sorba calls them) are attempting to re-define conservatism to be accepting of homosexuality, including so-called "gay marriage." They want to turn the Republican Party into a version of the pro-homosexual-"marriage" Conservative party in the U.K. And they are moving RAPIDLY towards that goal.
As you can see from the AFTAH press release reprinted below, both AFTAH and MassResistance have been prevented from having a simple Exhibitor's table at CPAC. Just a few years ago, CPAC faced criticism for inviting "gay" sponsors and speakers; now they are banning solid pro-family conservatives who dare confront Big LGBTQ.
As the pressure builds to downplay or ignore the "gay" issue, millions of conservatives like you and me who have usually voted Republican now face a choice: are we going to side publicly with God or cave in to morally-bankrupt libertarianism? Will YOU keep standing for the Truth about biblical sexual morality, or find a way to cop out of this critical battle? Will you fight for the soul of the GOP?
Here at CPAC, the beautiful Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center is teaming with young conservatives. I'm suddenly feeling old as I see myself 30 or so years ago in their vitality and idealism. But the great crisis today--something about which I fear most of these young people are ignorant--is that their precious idealism has been corrupted by a capitulation to a worldly LGBTQ revolution, which is the most extreme part of the larger, destructive Sexual Revolution. An LGBTQueer Revolution that says "gender" doesn't matter, nor does it matter if a young man dates a woman or another man! ("Love is love," goes the inane slogan.)
Of course it matters. It matters to God, who does not give a pass to Republican immorality just because it has an "R" attached to it. It matters to His Son, Jesus Christ--who has turned around the lives of many men and women who, in their sin and deep confusion, thought it was their destiny to be "gay." [See the wonderful and compelling AFTAH banquet videos featuring EX-"gay" Stephen Black.]
Truth always matters. So shame on CPAC for what it has done to my good friend, Brian Camenker, president of MassResistance, who is a genuine hero for his many years of fighting, with indomitable fortitude and without compromise, against all efforts to mainstream perversion. If there were any justice in the "conservative' movement, Brian would be giving a seminar today at CPAC on the lessons he has learned fighting the nefarious Sin Movement that calls itself "gay" (and now "trans"). But instead of being honored, and passing on his wisdom to a new generation who needs it, he gets smeared by CPAC.
The reality is that even in Trump's America, telling the truth about homosexualism and that "dirtiest" word of all--the M-word (Morality)--often earns you contempt, or derision, or hostile and puzzled responses even from family members and loved ones. Nevertheless, before God, and with Him as our main and enduring Ally, we must persist and never apologize for defending God's gift of sexuality in the HEALTHY bounds of marriage between a man and a woman:
[Jesus] answered, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female?" (Matthew 19:4 ESV)
In the end, it's God's Truth, not ours, so it's not man's to redefine.
In the scheme of things, the sad story that I'm witnessing firsthand today of CPAC's downward moral trajectory is the story of fallen man: "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death." (Proverbs 14:12 ESV)
Thank the Lord that we can rise above the culture and its politically correct lies by trusting in God and His Inerrant Word, the Bible. May He bless you richly as you stay strong in the fight!
Sincerely in Christ,
Peter LaBarbera
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH)
Write me at:
Contact AFTAH: 312-324-3787
Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
AFTAH Facebook page: [click here]
Peter LaBarbera FB page: [click here]
“Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”
(1 Corinthians 16:13-14, NASB)
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PO Box 5522
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Donate to American For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) safely online, or mail to:
PO Box 5522
Naperville, IL 60567-5522