republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
From FreedomProject Media:
A government school in Cambridge, New York, has sparked a firestorm after giving young children documents that included, among other outrages, information on “sex change surgery,” what it means to be “pansexual,” and other material aimed at normalizing perversion and undermining morals. Unfortunately, similar materials are being distributed to public-school children all over America.
The latest scandal began when parent Sirell Fiel took to social media to expose the packet brought home by his 11-year-old son from Cambridge Central School. “It’s not your right to take the innocence of my kid like that at that such an age,” complained Fiel, adding that there were no permission slips and that the teacher warned students that they would be tested on the material. “It should not be allowed or tolerated, period.”
The Newman Report has obtained copies of the documents in question from sources in upstate New York. The material, some of which came from the “Pride Center of the Capital Region,” included definitions for terms such as asexual, cisgender, coming out, gender non-conforming, pansexual, and more. It describes a “range of negative attitudes” toward homosexuality, which God describes in the Bible as an abomination, as “homophobia.” Gender, meanwhile, is defined as a “social construct.”
To read the rest of the article, click here.
A government school in Cambridge, New York, has sparked a firestorm after giving young children documents that included, among other outrages, information on “sex change surgery,” what it means to be “pansexual,” and other material aimed at normalizing perversion and undermining morals. Unfortunately, similar materials are being distributed to public-school children all over America.
The latest scandal began when parent Sirell Fiel took to social media to expose the packet brought home by his 11-year-old son from Cambridge Central School. “It’s not your right to take the innocence of my kid like that at that such an age,” complained Fiel, adding that there were no permission slips and that the teacher warned students that they would be tested on the material. “It should not be allowed or tolerated, period.”
The Newman Report has obtained copies of the documents in question from sources in upstate New York. The material, some of which came from the “Pride Center of the Capital Region,” included definitions for terms such as asexual, cisgender, coming out, gender non-conforming, pansexual, and more. It describes a “range of negative attitudes” toward homosexuality, which God describes in the Bible as an abomination, as “homophobia.” Gender, meanwhile, is defined as a “social construct.”
To read the rest of the article, click here.

Another Teacher Uses "Genderbread People"
to Explain Transgender Lesson
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Jacqueline Hall, a middle school teacher at Cambridge Central School in upstate New York, used “Genderbread People”
to teach her students about sexually ambiguous individuals and
transgenderism. The lesson's supporting materials included a packet of
information focused on sex change operations and graphic sexual
Hall also invited a local LGBTQ activist group, Pride Center of the Capital Region, to talk to students about the "gender spectrum." They used the Genderbread People, which The New American has reported on in the past, to discuss sexual attraction and gender identity.
The Daily Wire writes of the Genderbread Person:
Hall has now been suspended with pay, which seems to be more like a vacation than a punishment.
Teachers across the country have been usurping what should be a parental role by teaching students about transgenderism.
At Rocklin Academy School in Rocklin, California, for example, a kindergarten teacher traumatized students with a lesson that culminated with a transgender child changing his clothes to match those of his so-called true gender.
The controversial school lesson included two books about transgenderism, entitled I am Jazz and The Red Crayon. At the end of the lesson, a student in the class who identifies as transgender changed his clothes to ones that matched the gender with which he identifies. The teacher then told the students that the five-year-old boy was now a “girl” who had a girl’s name by which he should be addressed.
The students reportedly went home extremely upset following the lesson.
“My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy,” said one parent.
What's worse is that the efforts to normalize transgenderism are doing a disservice to transgender individuals, who should be seeking help for their gender dysphoria, not embracing and celebrating it.
According to experts, most children who experience gender confusion will outgrow it. Psychiatrist Stephen Stathis states that up to three-fourths of young patients who “present with gender variant interests and behaviors, or are gender diverse” will grow out of that phase and will not require treatment. “You might get a six- or seven-year-old girl wanting to dress as a boy,” he said. “She may even say she wants to be a boy. When she hits puberty, she says, ‘No, I’m just a girl who likes to do boy things.”
This statement of Stathis is in line with what several other scientists have said about transgenderism in children. Many children will be confused about gender at some point in their lives but will outgrow their confusion. Unfortunately, many of those children will be misdiagnosed as transgender and will be administered hormone treatments before they've had the opportunity to get through that confusing period.
According to Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians, “institutions that promote transition affirmation” are guilty of “nothing less than institutionalized child abuse” with the potential for causing “untold psychological damage.”
“All children should be told the truth that sex does not ever change and cannot be changed,” Cretella told LifeSiteNews in an e-mail. She added, “All children should be nurtured to embrace their bodies and the reality of their biological sex. All children should be affirmed as the unique boys or girls their bodies proclaim them to be.”
And a study by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto found that, unsurprisingly, transgenderism was more persistent in children when promoted by adults.
Sadly, these children are being set up for a difficult life, as the transgender community has an inordinately high rate of depression and suicide. A study by researchers at Dalhousie University in Halifax, the University of Saskatchewan, and McGill University in Montreal found that suicidal thoughts and attempts are higher among transgender teens and young adults, and significantly higher for all transgender people across society.
"Suicidality and other forms of mental health distress are health disparities that increasingly are being documented and studied in the academic literature as disproportionately affecting transgender people and populations," said Robert Garofalo, a professor of pediatrics and preventive medicine at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, in a press release earlier this year.
Related articles:
Will “Boys and Girls” be Prohibited in Nebraska Schools?
Parents Enraged by H.S. Sex Education Curriculum Taught by Planned Parenthood
Hall also invited a local LGBTQ activist group, Pride Center of the Capital Region, to talk to students about the "gender spectrum." They used the Genderbread People, which The New American has reported on in the past, to discuss sexual attraction and gender identity.
The Daily Wire writes of the Genderbread Person:
The Genderbread Person is a publicly
available resource, and you can find copies of him/her/it on most sexual
education websites, including Planned Parenthood's. It uses a seemingly
innocuous, familiar concept — the gingerbread man — to explain how
gender identity, gender expression, and biological sex can be "fluid,"
and that humans have more than a single gender-determining
After an angry parent posted a video on Facebook Live to show his
son's classwork to other Cambridge Center parents, the video went viral
and prompted a public outcry from parents.Hall has now been suspended with pay, which seems to be more like a vacation than a punishment.
Teachers across the country have been usurping what should be a parental role by teaching students about transgenderism.
At Rocklin Academy School in Rocklin, California, for example, a kindergarten teacher traumatized students with a lesson that culminated with a transgender child changing his clothes to match those of his so-called true gender.
The controversial school lesson included two books about transgenderism, entitled I am Jazz and The Red Crayon. At the end of the lesson, a student in the class who identifies as transgender changed his clothes to ones that matched the gender with which he identifies. The teacher then told the students that the five-year-old boy was now a “girl” who had a girl’s name by which he should be addressed.
The students reportedly went home extremely upset following the lesson.
“My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy,” said one parent.
What's worse is that the efforts to normalize transgenderism are doing a disservice to transgender individuals, who should be seeking help for their gender dysphoria, not embracing and celebrating it.
According to experts, most children who experience gender confusion will outgrow it. Psychiatrist Stephen Stathis states that up to three-fourths of young patients who “present with gender variant interests and behaviors, or are gender diverse” will grow out of that phase and will not require treatment. “You might get a six- or seven-year-old girl wanting to dress as a boy,” he said. “She may even say she wants to be a boy. When she hits puberty, she says, ‘No, I’m just a girl who likes to do boy things.”
This statement of Stathis is in line with what several other scientists have said about transgenderism in children. Many children will be confused about gender at some point in their lives but will outgrow their confusion. Unfortunately, many of those children will be misdiagnosed as transgender and will be administered hormone treatments before they've had the opportunity to get through that confusing period.
According to Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians, “institutions that promote transition affirmation” are guilty of “nothing less than institutionalized child abuse” with the potential for causing “untold psychological damage.”
“All children should be told the truth that sex does not ever change and cannot be changed,” Cretella told LifeSiteNews in an e-mail. She added, “All children should be nurtured to embrace their bodies and the reality of their biological sex. All children should be affirmed as the unique boys or girls their bodies proclaim them to be.”
And a study by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto found that, unsurprisingly, transgenderism was more persistent in children when promoted by adults.
Sadly, these children are being set up for a difficult life, as the transgender community has an inordinately high rate of depression and suicide. A study by researchers at Dalhousie University in Halifax, the University of Saskatchewan, and McGill University in Montreal found that suicidal thoughts and attempts are higher among transgender teens and young adults, and significantly higher for all transgender people across society.
"Suicidality and other forms of mental health distress are health disparities that increasingly are being documented and studied in the academic literature as disproportionately affecting transgender people and populations," said Robert Garofalo, a professor of pediatrics and preventive medicine at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, in a press release earlier this year.
Will “Boys and Girls” be Prohibited in Nebraska Schools?
Parents Enraged by H.S. Sex Education Curriculum Taught by Planned Parenthood