republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has long made it clear that he
will not surrender to European Union quotas on asylum seekers; he has
also declared to Angela Merkel that “we won’t pay for YOUR error”
in the face of Germany’s Muslim migrant crime and chaos. He has made
his concerns clear about Muslim migrants’ unwillingness to assimilate.
Orban has remained sternly resolved to keep his country free and
democratic, declaring that the “independence and freedom of European nations are at stake.” Now he has stated, even more stridently:Whereas other European nations have become immigrant countries due to obligations stemming from their colonial legacy, Hungary “has no colonial past” and thus feels no such obligation toward nations it has tried to dominate.Unfortunately, Orban is wrong on one front: if colonial “sins” were committed in the past, this does not mean that Western countries must forever be indebted to anyone and everyone. The West has developed societal models of human rights and freedom for all. To jeopardize those freedoms is a catastrophic mistake, except, apparently, in the eyes of those who wish to subjugate the West under Sharia norms.
Western nations have long been immigrant-friendly countries, yet immigrant screening was once stringent, so as to ascertain whether those immigrating to foreign Western nations could contribute to the society to which they were coming. It was a two-way street, as it should be. Now the West is faced with a migrant/refugee crisis that it was unprepared for, particularly in light of the global jihad, of which the hijrah is a part.
With respect to Hungary, every nation is sovereign and must assess its own needs, which Orban is doing. Hungary, in fact, recently offered asylum to a young Iranian Christian convert who Sweden was about to deport back to Iran to face likely torture and death.
Far too many other Western nations are being lead by reckless leaders who have gone overboard in their immigration policy, opening their borders so wide that their societies are now at risk. Even though Islamic State mujahideen have announced that they are infiltrating the refugee stream to the West, they have been essentially welcomed. Islamic supremacists who regard “infidels” as inferiors, and Muslim Brotherhood members who have announced their plans in a strategic memorandum to destroy Western civilization from within are also welcomed. Anyone and everyone is welcomed, no matter how dangerous and damaging he or she might be to the society and the people of his new country.
The West has gone from being intelligently welcoming for the good of the whole to being reckless without accountability.
According to Orbán, many European leaders agree with Hungary’s policy on migration but are afraid to say so publicly. He also said that due to the recent surge of migration into Italy, the southern European nation may soon join Hungary and others in looking to secure their national borders.
PM Viktor Orban: ‘Hungary Is Not an Immigrant Country and Does Not Want to Become One’, by Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, September 8, 2017:
Viktor Orbán, Hungary’s redoubtable Prime Minister, has made it clear that Hungary has no intention of caving into pressures from the European Union (EU) to become an “immigrant country,” in a new letter to Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission.
In his September 6 letter, Orbán tells Mr. Juncker that unlike other European nations, “Hungary is not an immigrant country, does not want to become an immigrant country and cannot accept being forced to change this.”
Whereas other European nations have become immigrant countries due to obligations stemming from their colonial legacy, Hungary “has no colonial past” and thus feels no such obligation toward nations it has tried to dominate, he said.
France, for example, held territories in enormous geographical areas throughout Africa comprising over a dozen countries. Some of their local currencies are still directly linked to the French Central Bank.
In his letter, Orbán takes issue with Juncker’s definition of solidarity, saying that the transformation of Hungary into an immigrant country against the will of Hungarian citizens, “is not solidarity” but “violence.”
The prime minister also expressed his consternation with the European Commission’s unwillingness to aid Hungary in defending Europe’s borders.
“I was stunned and puzzled to read that you and the European Commission refuse to provide funds for the fence,” Orbán writes. “I am convinced that those who do not support the fence cannot and do not want to protect the citizens of the European Union.”…….
Earlier this summer, the prime minister asserted that the EU has adopted migration plans drafted by left-wing billionaire George Soros to bring in a million migrants per year, which militates against Europe’s best interests. Soros has proposed the creation of an EU immigration authority to remove the responsibility for immigration from individual EU Member States, he said.
Not long afterward, Italian media exposed a Soros-sponsored “Immigration Network” in Italy by tracing the provenance of pro-immigration funding back to dozens of organizations financed by Soros’ Open Society. Journalist Luca Donadel uncovered direct ties to Soros money in a web of 41 different groups linked to immigration.
According to Orbán, many European leaders agree with Hungary’s policy on migration but are afraid to say so publicly.
He also said that due to the recent surge of migration into Italy, the southern European nation may soon join Hungary and others in looking to secure their national borders.