
Tuesday, September 12, 2017


 “I see my mission as preventing him from 
blowing up the globe”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
National Security Advisor General H.R. McMaster labeled President Donald Trump “a dope,” said it was “scary” that he had the nuclear football and vowed to stop him from “blowing up the globe”.
That’s according to long time Trump confidante Roger Stone, who said the remarks were made when McMaster was attempting to recruit Oracle CEO Safra Catz to chair the president’s Intelligence Advisory Board.
“Catz and McMaster were having dinner at a public restaurant….McMaster became inebriated but during that time he took a call from the president,” Stone told the Alex Jones Show, adding that when McMaster returned to the table “he had nothing but disparaging things to say about his boss.”

Stone then read out what he said was a direct quote from McMaster.
“The president is a dope, he is incapable of understanding anything beyond 140 characters – the idea of this guy having the nuclear football is scary – I see my mission as preventing him from blowing up the globe.”
Stone claims that Catz was offended by the comments and repeated them to business magnate and close personal friend of Trump, Sheldon Adelson.
Friends of Adelson attempted to give the story to the New York Post in “an attempt to expose the disloyalty of McMaster,” according to Stone, but Jared Kushner called Rupert Murdoch and the story was spiked.
Catz is refusing to talk to reporters about the story but is willing to talk to the president if he asks he about it, according to Stone, who called the story a “stunning example of McMaster’s disloyalty.”
Stone also revealed that Trump’s personal bodyguard Keith Schiller was forced out of the White House by General John Kelly and that Trump’s safety may now be at risk.
Previous reports confirmed that Trump was “crushed” when Schiller left last week and that the main reason for his departure was because he was “frustrated with John Kelly‘s efforts to enforce discipline within the Trump Administration.”
According to Roger Stone, Schiller, who was the last person Trump spoke to at night and the first person he spoke to in the morning.
“It can now be fully revealed that Schiller clashed with General Kelly over his own access to the president, that Kelly demanded Schiller could not see or communicate with the president without his prior express approval,” said Stone, adding that Schiller was also asked to file a written report to tell Kelly what was discussed.
“Ultimately, Kelly threatened to resign as the White House chief of staff if Schiller stayed and being the consummate professional, Schiller has withdrawn,” added Stone, warning that the president’s physical safety is now at risk with Schiller gone.
“The fact that he is leaving is extremely ominous,” said Stone, noting that Kelly’s mission is to cut off any pipeline of information to the president that he does not control.
Stone also speculated that Trump could now even be at risk of being drugged and that globalists are still intent on removing him from the presidency.