republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
This is why I didn’t restore the PayPal button on the sidebar when
they unblocked the Jihad Watch account. Clearly this was a concerted,
organized effort to choke off funding for counterjihad sites not just in
the U.S., but all over the world, and many of these groups have not had
their accounts restored. Moreover, the effort to choke us off
“PayPal blocks account for PI donations,” translated from “PayPal sperrt Konto für PI-Spenden,” PI News, August 23, 2017 (thanks to Andrew):
Islam is terrorizing the whole world. The blood of “unbelievers” is shed in a unique trail of hatred and murder.
Whoever does not want to play this cruel game at the edge of a genocide, who says what he sees, calls the truth by name, is fought by this unholy alliance. Now this fight is really going on.
It was first the deletion teams in social networks, the controlling and systematic readjusting of the algorithms of search engines, and the merciless criminalization of simple citizens and their opinions.
Now the monetary bleeding shall begin
In an apparently worldwide concerted action, PayPal is currently systematically blocking the accounts of, above all, Islam-critical blogs and individuals. Within a few days, two of the sharpest Islamic-critical US websites received a letter from the group, and PI is now affected. The PI donation account has been blocked to PI because of its “type of activity.”
The wording is apparently the same for all, with only different addressees:
We have recently reviewed your usage of PayPal’s services, as reflected inPamela Geller, who not only runs a website, but also repeatedly takes effective media actions against Islam (PI-NEWS reported here and here), which have up to now been protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which guarantees freedom of the press and freedom of opinion, was also sent a letter of the same wording, as was Robert Spencer, who runs the site Jihad Watch.
our records and on your website .. Due to
the nature of your activities, we have chosen to discontinue service to you
in accordance with PayPal’s User Agreement. As a result, we have placed a
permanent limitation on your account.
We ask that you please remove all references to PayPal from your website.
This includes removing PayPal as a payment option, as well as the PayPal
logo and/or shopping cart.
If you have a remaining balance, you may withdraw the money to your bank
account. Information on how to withdraw money from your PayPal account can
be found via our Help Center.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions or
need our support, please contact the PayPal Brand Risk Management
Department at
PayPal Brand Risk Management
Islam and the Left against People
Obviously, Islam takes more control of the world every day. There are more than ambitious helpers here: left-wing ethicists and their own people-hating groups and individuals, such as George Soros. Jihad Watch reported that, among others, ProPublica, funded by George Soros, had been called to classify and block sites like Jihad Watch as hate sites.
PI is also affected. We received the message last week. The truth is a dangerous warrior and the word her sharp sword. This weapon and others is to be beaten from our hand – obviously by all means, because this action is presumably still one of the more harmless, and more is likely to come….