Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
Friday, August 4, 2017
General McMaster Terrified Of Mike Cernovich & Patriot Media Published on Aug 4, 2017 It is becoming clearer and clearer that general McMaster is nothing but a globalist tool working to undermine Donald Trump.
General McMaster’s Dirty Secrets Leak: Exclusive With Mike Cernovich
H.R. MCMASTER FACTS: SEE: republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
H.R. McMaster has been insulting Trump in front of foreign leaders.
McMaster expressed his disapproval of Trump’s course to
foreign officials during the lead-up to his trip to Germany. The general
specifically said he’d disagreed with Trump’s decision to hold an Oval
Office meeting in May with top Russian diplomats and with the
president’s general reluctance to speak out against Russian aggression
in Europe, according to the three foreign officials.
Derek Harvey was the key figure when it came to the
Middle East. He was against the Iran Deal and the funding of Palestinian
Authority terror. He called out Islamic Jihad. He tried to force out
the Obama holdovers running our foreign policy. And now he’s gone.
Through the campaign, candidate Trump tapped into a deep
vein of concern among many citizens that America is at risk and slipping
away. Globalists and Islamists recognize that for their visions
to succeed, America, both as an ideal and as a national and political
identity, must be destroyed. … Islamists ally with cultural
Marxists because, as far back as the 1980s, they properly assessed that
the left has a strong chance of reducing Western civilization to its
McMaster promoted CAIR diversity outreach coordinator Mustafa Javed
Ali to top role. Ali then blocked Ayaan Hirsi Ali from speaking at NSC.
Pro-Trump supporters removed from the NSC include Tara Dahl, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Robin Townley, Derek Harvey, and Adam Lovinger.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“I know that the president isn’t a big fan of what McMaster’s doing. I
don’t understand why he’s allowing a guy who is subverting his foreign
policy at every turn to remain in place.” McMaster is an energetic exponent
of the damaging fiction that “the Islamic State is not Islamic.” Trump
campaigned on the proposition that Obama and Clinton were wrong to
pretend that Islamic terrorism was not Islamic, and that this denial
deformed our response to the global jihad threat. So why is this
subversive still in place? McMaster must be fired.
“EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’
Former NSC Officials Say,” by Jonah Bennett and Saagar Enjeti, Daily Caller, August 3, 2017:
National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is thwarting
President Donald Trump’s foreign policy prescriptions, two former senior
NSC officials told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
“Everything the president wants to do, McMaster opposes,” a former
senior official said in a wide-ranging interview. “Trump wants to get us
out of Afghanistan — McMaster wants to go in. Trump wants to get us out
of Syria — McMaster wants to go in. Trump wants to deal with the China
issue — McMaster doesn’t. Trump wants to deal with the Islam issue —
McMaster doesn’t. You know, across the board, we want to get rid of the
Iran deal — McMaster doesn’t. It is incredible to watch it happening
right in front of your face. Absolutely stunning.”
One former official characterized McMaster as a “sycophant” of retired Army Gen. David Petraeus.
“I know that the president isn’t a big fan of what McMaster’s doing,”
the former official declared. “I don’t understand why he’s allowing a
guy who is subverting his foreign policy at every turn to remain in
place.” he added.
The official continued that he expects a purge of “campaign Trump”
loyalists to continue with particular intensity within the next two
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“I just fear there is a real creeping of status quo thinking that is
taking over the place. I was upset while I was there in seeing how
empowered Obama holdovers under McMaster were to essentially perpetuate
Obama-era policies,” another former official told TheDCNF.
Both officials expressed particular concern over the Trump administration’s future policy in Afghanistan.
“The Trumpian view that we were trying to put forward was shut down,” an official declared….
“A letter from H.R. McMaster said Susan Rice will keep her top-secret security clearance,” by Sara A. Carter, Circa, August 3, 2017 (thanks to Joe):
Almost one month after it was disclosed that former
President Obama’s National Security Adviser Susan Rice was unmasking
members of President Trump’s team and other Americans, Trump’s own
national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, sent an official letter giving
her unfettered and continuing access to classified information and
waiving her “need-to-know” requirement on anything she viewed or
received during her tenure, Circa has confirmed.
The undated and unclassified letter from McMaster was sent in the
mail to Rice’s home during the last week of April. Trump was not aware
of the letter or McMaster’s decision, according to two Senior West Wing
officials and an intelligence official, who spoke to Circa on condition
that they not be named.
“I hereby waive the requirement that you must have a ‘need-to-know’
to access any classified information contained in items you ‘originated,
reviewed, signed or received while serving,’ as National Security
Adviser,” the letter said. The letter also states that the “NSC will
continue to work with you to ensure the appropriate security clearance
documentation remains on file to allow you access to classified
In June, the House Intelligence Committee subpoenaed Rice as part of
the committee’s larger investigation into the unmasking of Americans
under the Obama administration. Rice maintains that she never accessed
the information inappropriately and has agreed to testify before the committee.
Under the law, and under certain conditions, it is common practice
for some senior government officials to be given the unfettered access
to classified information, and their “need to know” is waived under
“Executive Order 13526 Section 4.4 Access by Historical Researchers and
Certain Former Government Personnel.” But the White House officials told
Circa that under the current congressional investigation, and given
President Trump’s ongoing concern that members of his team were
unmasked, Rice’s clearance should have been limited to congressional
testimony only or revoked until the end of the investigation. Rice and
Brennan have confirmed they sought the unredacted names of Americans in
NSA-sourced intelligence reports, but insisted their requests were
routine parts of their work and that they did nothing improper. Former
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power also has legal
authority to unmask officials.
In a June tweet, Trump called the revelation that Rice and other
Obama senior officials were unmasking members of his team the “big
story… the ‘unmasking and surveillance’ that took place during the Obama
“Basically, this letter which was signed in the last week of April
undercuts the president’s assertion that Susan Rice’s unmasking activity
was inappropriate. In essence, anybody who committed a violation as she
did would not be given access to classified information,” said a senior
West Wing official, who was shown the document by Circa and verified
its authenticity. “In fact, they would have their security clearance and
right to ‘need-to-know’ stripped.”…
Warning: Globalist Bootlicker McMaster Firing Patriots From Inner Circle
Published on Aug 4, 2017
Jones explains how H.R. McMaster, U.S. National Security Advisor to
President Trump, is relieving loyalists from Trump's inner circle to
undermine his agenda and serve his Globalist masters.
General McMaster Panics As Journalists Expose Him As Greatest National Security Threat
Published on Aug 4, 2017
journalist expose National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster's past, the
General panics, knowing his plans into the future are now at risk of
total collapse as he undermines President Trump.
McMaster purges NSC staffer for warning about “globalists and Islamists”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Is this Barack Obama’s administration, or Donald Trump’s? Trump
campaigned rebuking Obama and Hillary Clinton for not daring to call
terrorism Islamic. And now Rich Higgins has been fired for warning about
“Islamists”? McMaster must go. Please call the White House at
202-456-1111 and politely and courteously ask that McMaster be fired and
Higgins (and others McMaster has fired) be reinstated.
The Leftist establishment media is working to spin the firing of
Higgins as a showdown between McMaster and Steve Bannon. In reality,
it’s McMaster as Obama’s front man versus Trump.
If the Trump administration is going to have any integrity in its
message and any coherent connection with the premises of the Trump
campaign, McMaster must go, and go quickly, along with all the other
Obama holdovers and Obama sympathizers who think that denying the nature
and magnitude of the jihad threat is the best way to deal with that
“McMaster Purges NSC Staffer for Warning of Islamist-Leftist Threat,” by Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage, August 2, 2017:
McMaster had purged Derek Harvey, one of the NSC’s best people on the Middle East, for trying to fire Obama holdovers.
“In the late 1980s, Harvey traveled throughout Iraq by
taxicab—500 miles, village to village—interviewing locals, sleeping on
mud floors with a shower curtain for a door. He [was] full of questions,
intensely curious and entirely nonthreatening. After the 1991 Gulf War,
when the CIA was predicting the inevitable fall of Iraqi dictator
Saddam Hussein, Harvey, then a major, insisted that Hussein would
survive because members of the Sunni community knew their fortunes were
tied to his. He was right. Months before the 9/11 terrorist attacks,
Harvey wrote an intelligence paper declaring that al Qaeda and the
Taliban leadership in Afghanistan posed a strategic threat to the United
And why was Harvey fired?
That dispute was followed by a bigger one. Bannon and
Trump, according to White House officials, pressed McMaster to fire a
list of Obama holdovers at the National Security Council who were
suspected of leaking to the press. The list of names was compiled by
Derek Harvey, a former Defense Intelligence Agency colonel who was
initially hired by Flynn. McMaster balked. He refused to fire anyone on
the list and asserted that he had the authority to fire and hire
National Security Council staff.
Rich Higgins, a top official of the National Security
Council was fired last month after arguing in a memo that President
Trump is under sustained attack from subversive forces both within and
outside the government who are deploying Maoist tactics to defeat
President Trump’s nationalist agenda.
“Globalists and Islamists recognize that for their visions to
succeed, America, both as an ideal and as a national and political
identity, must be destroyed,” the memo warns. It argues that this has
led “Islamists [to] ally with cultural Marxists,” but that in the long
run, “Islamists will co-opt the movement in its entirety.”
“Because the left is aligned with Islamist organizations at local,
national, and international levels, recognition should be given to the
fact that they seamlessly interoperate through coordinated synchronized
interactive narratives … These attack narratives are pervasive, full
spectrum, and institutionalized at all levels. They operate in social
media, television, the 24-hour news cycle in all media and are
entrenched at the upper levels of the bureaucracies.” Higgins, seen as an ally of White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, had only served on the council for a couple months. Higgins had also “pushed for declassification of documents having to
do with radical Islam and Iran,” according to a source close to the
White House. A source close to Higgins said that specifically, Higgins
had been pushing for the declassification of Presidential Study
Directive 11, a classified report produced in 2010 by the Obama
administration which presaged the Arab Spring, outlining unrest
throughout the Middle East. The directive has become a shibboleth of
activists such as Frank Gaffney, who see it as evidence of the Obama
administration’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist
Higgins, according to another source with direct knowledge of the
incident, was called into the White House Counsel’s office the week
before last and asked about the memo. On July 21, the Friday of that
week, he was informed by McMaster’s deputy Ricky Waddell that he was
losing his job.
And so McMaster purges another challenge to the Obama order. And you
have to wonder whether he isn’t emerging as a national security threat….
MUST SEE: Rich Higgins explains war on radical Islamic terror (was fired by McMaster July 2017)
Published on Aug 3, 2017
Higgins, of the Trump-Flynn National Security Council, who was fired by
McMaster (or maybe Kelly?) in July 2017, explains the war on radical
islamic terror, winning-losing, how narratives are framed, how the war
is like the war against communism, being fought at the local level, an
information war, and more.
Glazov Gang: McMaster’s Firing of Higgins:
Crippling America in the Face of Jihad
H.R. McMaster is a Deep State Plant
that Opposes the Trump Agenda
H R McMaster ‘at Odds’ with Trump
on Iran Nuclear Deal
Mutiny Against Trump: Arrogant Military Leaders Ignore Orders
Deep State Military Hijacks White House
To Launch War In Syria Published on Apr 9, 2017 McMaster
has been manipulating intelligence reports going to Trump, doing this
at the behest of Petraeus, McMaster was part of Petraeus’ inner circle.