republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with
iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered
perverseness. None calleth for justice, nor
any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they
conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity. —Isaiah 59:3-4 KJVComey, Rosenstein and Mueller
While everyone is looking at Robert Mueller as the culprit in this witch hunt of our President, we had better take a closer look at Rosenstein, the Deputy AG who appointed Mueller as special counsel for the DOJ and establishment infiltration. Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller are long time affiliates.
Never Trumpers Infiltrate Administration
Roger Stone feels that the Never Trumpers have infiltrated the administration via Reince Priebus, but I believe VP Pence is also responsible. How else does one explain CFR member, Dina Habib Powell, best friend of Valerie Jarrett, Huma Abedin, and CFR member Condoleezza Rice? Powell is Arabic and a former Goldman Sachs employee. She is the current U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy to President Donald Trump under McMaster. She is also an Assistant to the President and Senior Counselor for Economic Initiatives.
Powell is being promoted by Jared and Ivanka to be our President’s next Chief of Staff, yet throughout her career Powell has opposed everything Trump stands for. As Stone says, this would be jumping from the frying pan into the fire, when there are already way too many quislings in the administration whose allegiance belongs, not to Donald Trump, but to the RNC, and that appears to be true for Rod Rosenstein.
Rod Rosenstein, Deputy AG
Harvard graduate Rosenstein was nominated by President Donald Trump to serve as Deputy Attorney General for the United States DOJ on January 13, 2017. Rosenstein was confirmed on April 25, 2017. This certainly does not mean he’s a conservative, or an anti-globalist.
I would love to know who suggests these people, and then who vets them for our President…perhaps Pence and Priebus? There are only a few in this administration who are truly conservative, and one of them is already gone, General Michael Flynn, and several others never even made it to confirmation.
Rosenstein is being hailed as a brilliant choice who is admired and respected and completely free of controversy. Excuse me, but wasn’t Comey hailed with the same exact rhetoric before he angered the left, and disappointed the right?
Leftist Slate Magazine stated that Rosenstein would be a good check against Jeff Sessions, and the Washington Com-Post even called Rosenstein a fabulous choice for the position and completely free of controversy! Bah Humbug! Obviously, he’s an establishment insider if these leftist rags love him.
Rosenstein and Mueller
Rosenstein joined the U.S. Department of Justice through the Attorney General’s Honors Program. From 1990 to 1993, he prosecuted public corruption cases as a trial attorney with the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division, then led by Assistant Attorney General Robert Mueller. They’ve been joined at the hip for a long, long time.
Mueller and Rosenstein are both part of the “Deep State.” In fact, as Stone reports, both of them have ties to the Bush machine. Remember the Clinton theft of FBI documents? Craig Livingstone, director of the White House Office of Personnel Security, improperly requested, and received from the FBI, background reports concerning several hundred individuals without asking permission.
Mueller served as clean up man for Bill and Hillary Clinton. As independent counsel from 1995 to 1997, he found no criminal prosecution against White House officials who had rummaged through FBI records to get background reports in the use of political blackmail.
In 2001, top Justice Department official Lee J. Radek, roundly criticized for steering the China gate probe away from the White House, had a friend in Robert S. Mueller, President Bush’s pick to replace FBI Director Louis Freeh. Radek ran the campaign finance task force that was charged with looking into rampant 1996 Clinton-Gore fund-raising abuses that included Chinese money-laundering and possible influence-peddling. Many branded Radek a “bureaucrat” who was more interested in throttling the case against the Clinton White House, and thereby keeping his job, than pushing it. Mueller even received a glowing endorsement from China cheerleaders like Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Hillary Clinton. [Link]
In the 1990s, Rosenstein was on a team of prosecutors appointed by Kenneth Starr to investigate Bill and Hillary Clinton’s “Whitewater” business dealings in Arkansas. In 2012, Attorney General Eric Holder tapped him to investigate national security leaks to news outlets, a response to heavy criticism of the Obama administration by congressional Republicans. Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr exonerated both President Clinton and the First Lady with respect to the FBI files matter in 1998. And Ken Starr is telling the President not to fire Mueller.
Clintons and Comey
In the mid-1990s, Comey joined the Senate Whitewater Committee as a deputy special counsel. There he dug into allegations that the Clintons took part in a fraud connected to an Arkansas real estate venture gone bust. No charges were ever brought against either Clinton, but the scandal would eventually lead to independent counsel Kenneth Starr’s probe that would result in the Lewinsky scandal.
How about the Sandy Berger affair? Former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, who was sentenced in 2005 to two-years’ probation and fined $50,000 as the result of a plea bargain, for stealing highly classified documents from the National Archives and intentionally destroying some of them. He had also been functioning as a Hillary Clinton campaign adviser before his death last December.
James Comey, was the deputy attorney general in the Justice Department, and apparently limited the scope of the criminal investigation of Sandy Berger. The documents Berger stole basically proved Bill Clinton could have gone after and killed Osama bin laden, but didn’t, proving he was negligent in the build-up to the 9/11 terrorist attack.
As I mentioned in my previous article, Comey also gave Bill Clinton a pass with his pardon of Marc Rich and others. Then came his pass on Hillary and her email debacle, where she set up a private email server for herself, her family and Abedin which was not accessible by the federal government or congress, and on which classified documents were passed.
Hillary Clinton violated the Espionage Act of 1913 by allowing national defense information to be “lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed” through “gross negligence.” And get this, Comey had Hillary Clinton’s definitive backup email device during the entire charade of an investigation into the former Secretary of State, according to court records obtained by Judicial Watch.
Godfather of Comey’s Daughter is Pence Lawyer
Here is a timeline of Comey’s career, note that he worked for McGuire Woods law firm from 1993-1996. VP Pence’s office confirmed that he retained Richard Cullen, chairman of McGuire Woods LLP, to assist him in responding to inquiries by special counsel Robert Mueller. Cullen and Comey used to work together at McGuire Woods, and Richard Cullen is the Godfather to one of Comey’s daughters. Too close for comfort if you ask me.
Comey / Mueller Buddy-Buddy Connections
The fact that Robert Mueller, the former FBI head who “bungled” the post-9/11 anthrax attack, is leading the “Russia-gate” investigation should be a matter of grave concern for Americans. Mueller’s appointment to investigate our President for sacking Comey is a conflict of interest, especially since they have worked closely together in the past.
“Former Director Mueller is exactly the right kind of individual for this job. I now have significantly greater confidence that the investigation will follow the facts wherever they lead.” Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) stated. Schumer, Dick Durbin and other Democrats echoed these comments, along with neo-cons John McCain and Paul Ryan, which should worry constitutional conservatives.

Remember in 2003, Valerie Plame’s name being inadvertently leaked by Richard Armitage who confessed to his boss, Colin Powell? This was a scheme against Vice President Cheney that ended in the conviction of his aide, Scooter Libby, for a weakly proven process crime. Tag team Comey was the special prosecutor and Mueller was FBI Director. They may well have honed their Deep State purge of political opponents then, something clearly at the bottom of this investigation into fictional “Russian collusion” and now “Obstruction of Justice” with the Trump campaign. [Link]
Comey is a very close friend of Mueller, and covered for the erstwhile director in the Amerithrax affair and the upcoming inquiry could very well be a quid pro quo transaction.
Mueller thought he had his man in the bungled Anthrax investigation because two drug sniffing doggies liked scientist Steven Hatfill when he petted them. Mueller used this flimsy proof on this conservative government scientist, when in fact, the FBI ignored a 2002 tip from a scientific colleague of the alleged anthrax killer, who turned out to be a Fort Detrick scientist named Bruce Edwards Ivins. There was no firm proof he was responsible either, and he ended up committing suicide. Comey seconded Mueller’s opinion, and they were both wrong.
Also check out Comey and Mueller’s showdown at John Ashcroft’s hospital bed. Link
And don’t forget Mueller’s purposely botched probe and coverup of the BCCI scandal.
Mueller and Islam
Robert Mueller purged FBI training documents after 9/11. As reported by Rick Wells, FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom spoke to Maria Bartiromo. The topic of the interview shifted to the issue of the real collusion, that of the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR taking a prominent role and infiltrating the FBI. He described how the White House, under both George W. Bush and the Obama regime and the FBI, including specifically Robert Mueller, changed to accommodate the demands of the terrorist front organization after the Twin Towers came down. Mueller acquiesced with Muslim Brotherhood front group, CAIR.
He also met with Nihad Awad, executive director of Hamas doing business as CAIR, as well as senior leadership of the Islamic Institute, the American Muslim Council and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (all Muslim Brotherhood affiliates) in 2002 at FBI headquarters.
In 2005, under Mueller’s administration, the FBI presented an award to Mohamed Magid, the imam of the infamous ADAMS center – a hardline Wahhabis mosque – and the president of ISNA.
There have been several other instances of Mueller’s Muslim Brotherhood collusion and investigative “incompetence.”
In 2013, Mueller testified that he was unaware that the mosque attended by the Tsarnaev brothers, the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing that resulted in three deaths and close to 300 injuries, was founded by Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi. Incredibly, Mueller’s department had been conducting “outreach” activities with the facility’s imam at the time.
Gohmert Exposed Mueller as Terrorist Facilitator
Rep. Louis Gohmert, (R-TX) knows what Robert Mueller is, and does not share the fawning reverence for him as the DC swamp creatures do. Mueller, has a long record of being an official cover man for jihadists choosing to operate in the United States. Remember the fact that Mueller purged all of the FBI training materials and other records which indicated reference to Islamic terrorism in the months following the 9/11 attacks, but then he also ignored warnings about the Tsarnaev brothers and never even attempted to investigate their mosque.
Judicial Watch exclusively obtained droves of records back in 2013 documenting how, under Mueller’s leadership, the FBI purged all anti-terrorism training material deemed “offensive” to Muslims after secret meetings between Islamic organizations and the FBI chief. Judicial Watch had to sue to get the records and published an in-depth report on the scandal in 2013 and a lengthier, updated follow-up in 2015. Read the full report.
When Gohmert questioned Mueller two months after the Boston bombing, he forced admissions from him of his failures or complicity in creating the situation in which the terrorist attacks occurred. Here’s the full story.
Watch the video:
Why should we be uncomfortable with Mueller? 1) The leftist establishment is comfortable with him. 2) He worked in tandem with Comey on a couple of high profile cases. 3) He was chosen as FBI head by George W. Bush (hater of Trump and owner of the words “That was some weird shit,” in describing Trump’s Inauguration speech. 4) Obama felt so comfortable with Mueller that upon taking office he extended Mueller’s ten-year tenure an additional two years.
Not exactly a resume I feel comfortable in handing our president’s fate over to.
One way to counter the Mueller probe is to discredit Mueller, using the facts about his terrible treatment of a series of American scientists in the anthrax case. In the end, the FBI paid off one scientist, to the tune of millions of dollars in damages, and drove another to his death. Meanwhile, the al-Qaeda operatives who carried out the attacks got away. That Mueller could survive this debacle with a sterling reputation is evidence of the corruption in the Washington, D.C. swamp.
Next up, Mueller hires 13 lawyers for this phony Russian probe and plans to hire more.