republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri During the last presidential election cycle, a man named Julian Assange single-
handedly alerted a large number of American voters about the secretive, devious and
hypocritical goings-on at the Democratic National Committee headquarters and their
connections to the Hillary Clinton for President campaign and members of the so-called
mainstream news media. The damage done to the Democratic Party as a result of the
leaked information may never be fully gauged.
of looking at cyber
security considerations at the DNC — which is a political party
and not part of the U.S. government — Democrats in both houses of
Congress prefer to make wildly absurd accusations about President Donald
Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and anyone else they can drudge
up in order to portray themselves as victims.
As President
Trump is finding out firsthand, the foreign
intelligence threat within the United States is far more complex than
it has ever been historically. The threat is increasingly asymmetrical
insofar as it comes not only from traditional foreign intelligence services
but also from nontraditional, non-state actors who operate from decentralized
collection is no longer limited to classified national defense information
but now includes targeting of the elements of national power, including
our national economic interests. Moreover, foreign intelligence
tradecraft is increasingly sophisticated and takes full advantage
of advances in communications security and the general openness of US
In order
to meet these challenges, the Foreign Counterintelligence Program is being
redesigned to become more nationally focused and directed. Through a more
centralized program, the FBI will ensure its ability to establish priorities,
be more proactive, and better engage other intelligence community agencies
so that cooperation in important cases is immediate and seamless.
A centralized
program will also ensure that infrastructure issues will be consistently
addressed and coordinated in order to ensure workforce expertise, that
staffing matches the articulated foreign intelligence threat, and that
a sufficiently broad and reliable intelligence base is developed. From
this foundation, the Foreign Counterintelligence Program will be positioned
to achieve its strategic objectives and ultimately reach its goal to prevent
harm to the United States through foreign intelligence activity inimical
to US interests, claim some experts.
In just
the past year, the Foreign Counterintelligence Program has been invigorated
by the introduction of a new and innovative National
Strategy for Counterintelligence and a program plan, both of which
are proactive in emphasis. At the same time, additional resources were
introduced to the program. To enhance counterintelligence workforce expertise,
a new four-week Counterintelligence Operations course was developed.
special agents assigned to the Counterintelligence Program are required
to successfully complete this course. Computer-based distance learning
courses are also available to all personnel on a variety of counterintelligence
topics. A counterintelligence training course for midlevel and executive
managers was also initiated, covering topics in both the tactical and
strategic areas of counterintelligence management.
FBI plays an essential role in the US government’s counterintelligence
efforts and has the responsibility to produce domestic foreign intelligence
in support of other members of the intelligence community.
FBI also has the responsibility to oversee the integration of domestic
law enforcement and intelligence efforts to address intelligence threats
in support of Director of Central Intelligence imperatives. The counterintelligence
strategy involves centrally managed, proactive, and nationally directed
initiatives, with prioritized and strategic objectives that support DCI
imperatives, overseen by experienced headquarters managers.
for the Foreign
Counterintelligence Program will be reflected in the extent to which
the FBI agents are able to: identify the objectives, the assets, and the
operations of foreign intelligence services operating in the United States;
disrupt the operations of those foreign intelligence services; and change
the behavior of targeted institutions and individuals to minimize opportunities
for their exploitation.
support of critical national research and development initiatives in a
large number of agencies and involving thousands of government contractors
must be protected. Compromise of these initiatives by those hostile to
the United States would do irreparable harm. The FBI must effectively
meet its responsibility to assess the threat against those projects and,
with other Intelligence Community agencies, initiate operations to counter
the threat.