Roger Stone Strikes Back Against Claims
He Is A Russian Operative
Media attacking Trump by proxy
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
David Brock and George Soros’s fingerprints are all over the
most recent effort to destroy Roger Stone – this time by organizing a
mainstream media lynching of Stone for his alleged involvement with the
Russians.What makes the lynching of Roger Stone so nefarious is that information now being disseminated by the Brock-Soros attack machine to their media co-conspirators could only have been obtained by extensive electronic surveillance conducted surreptitiously and most likely without proper judicial authorization by Deep State enemies of the Trump administration still buried deep within the NSA and CIA.
The Smoking Gun, in attacking Stone, published detailed information about the FBI’s investigation of Guccifer 2.0 could only have come from Deep State sources within the FBI and the U.S. intelligence agencies, including NSA and CIA.
Brock’s determination to destroy Stone began early last year, when Brock realized Stone could be effective in advancing Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
In the sixth video of James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Action, Bradley Beychock, then president of David Brock’s Media Matters, bragged, “Our big role with Trump as a media watchdog is to take his MVPs [Most Valuable Players] and put them on the sidelines. So the first one is Roger Stone.”
Beychock on the O’Keefe video can be heard bragging about the campaign Media Matters ran to smear Stone.
“We led the campaign to track every book appearance [that Stone did],” Beychock insisted. “We took everything that was crazy in his book and made sure people knew it was sourced in crazy material, we parsed out his tweets by ethnicity group – whether the attack was on minorities, or LGBT folks, or on immigrants.”
Media Matters goal was to get Stone blacklisted by the major cable news channels.
“We published that with the networks – reached out privately to each network and said, ‘Hey, are you aware you have had this guy on 12 times in the last four months and he said these three things about your anchors or the people you have on the air, or work for your organization,” Beychock went on cheerfully, as if relishing in a recent successful hit job.
“Ultimately, we got Stone banned from Fox, MSNBC, and CNN, and he hasn’t been on in four months. So, like we try to take the MVPs off the sidelines.”
In a briefing book entitled “Transforming the Media Landscape” (obtained by the Free Beacon) that Brock published privately in January to solicit donors, Media Matters resumed the attack against Stone.
In the briefing book for donors, Brock bragged that Media Matters “succeeded in pressuring CNN, MSNBC, and even Fox News to stop booking Roger Stone, a regular guest and a longtime Trump ally.”
Brock proceeded to smear Stone, charging that Stone “has a decades-long history of employing political dirty tricks and regularly spouting violent, racist, and sexist rhetoric.”
But, undeterred, Stone in January published his best-seller, The Making of the President 2016: How Donald Trump Orchestrated a Revolution – a book that currently has 100,000 copies in print, with Stone doing a bi-coastal media tour.
Some will remember that back in December, Stone’s doctor found the politico had been mysterious poisoned with a very small dosage of radioactive material, most likely polonium.
Racked with fever and hospitalized, Stone suffered through projectile vomiting, violent diarrhea, night sweats, delirium dehydration, and a rash that took the veteran Republican nearly a month to recover.
Those who tried to kill (or warn) Stone failed.
Having failed in all these efforts to sideline Stone, the next tactic of the Deep State was to arrange a mainstream media mass lynching, re-inventing in hard-left New Age fashion the horrid Ku Klux Klan terror technique of radical Democrats in the post-Civil War, Reconstruction Era South.
The goal of the Brock-Stone media-manipulation team was to sideline Stone permanently, to remove him from being of assistance to President Trump in the battles ahead.
The problem facing the Deep State was that Stone’s only exchange with the hacker was a perfunctory exchange that took place ex post facto, almost five weeks after the DNC documents hacked by Guccifer 2.0 had already released.
But the Brock-Soros propaganda machine was not deterred that no hard evidence had been produced to support the Democratic Party narrative that Hillary lost the election because Roger Trump schemed with Russia to intervene in the U.S. presidential election.
The lynching of Roger Stone began on March 8, when the Smoking Gun reported that Stone had been in touch with “Guccifer 2.0” prior to the November election.
The Smoking Gun presented this without acknowledging that Stone himself first brought out the contact with Guccifer 2.0 in an article Stone authored in Breitbart.com on Aug. 5, 2016.
In that article, entitled “Dear Hillary: DNC Hack Solved, So Stop Blaming Russia,” Stone pointed out that Guccifer 2.0 explained he was responsible both for hacking Hillary’s home server and subsequently for his hacking of the DNC, in which Guccifer 2.0 hacked John Podesta’s emails.
Still, the Smoking Gun insisted on reporting this as if it were uncovering some great secret.
This is the Smoking Gun first paragraph:
In the months before Election Day, a longtime confidante and political consultant for Donald Trump was in contact with the Russian hacking group that U.S. intelligence officials have accused of illegally breaching the Democratic National Committee’s computer system and the e-mail accounts of Hillary Clinton campaign officials in a bid to aid Trump, The Smoking Gun has learned.
And the Smoking Gun second paragraph:
The contact between Roger Stone, the Trump associate, and the Russian influence operation came via private messages exchanged on Twitter, according to a source. Stone’s contact was with “Guccifer 2.0,” an online persona that U.S. officials say was created by Russian government officials to distribute and publicize material stolen during hacks of the DNC, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and Gmail accounts used by Clinton staffers like John Podesta, the campaign’s chairman.
What followed the Smoking Gun article published on March 8 was a mainstream media feeding frenzy attacking Stone.
The intensity with which the mainstream media repeated the Smoking Gun story resembled the frenzy with which a Ku Klux Klan posse organized in the Reconstruction Era South to string up some innocent African-American from a tree without so much as an indictment, let alone a trial.
Look at the number of publications that piled on Stone, parroting what the Smoking Gun had published, adding their own inflammatory headlines and damning prose.
- On Friday, Salon.com published the story under the headline, “Roger Stone doesn’t ‘like Russian dressing,’ says his chat with Guccifer was innocuous.”
- On Friday, the Hill headline read, “Trump adviser admits to contact with DNC hacker.”
- On Friday, GQ reported, “Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was in Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election.”
- On Saturday, Talking Points Memo, TPM News, ran the headline, “Ex-Trump Adviser Roger Stone Was in Contact with DNC Hacking Suspect.”
- On Saturday, the Chicago Tribune ran with, “Ex-Trump adviser Roger Stone swapped messages with DNC hacking suspect.
- On Saturday, Raw Story reported “Roger Stone admits having contact with alleged DNC hacker.”
- On Sunday, CNN went with the headline, “Trump associate plays down Twitter contact with Guccifer 2.0.”
- On Monday, CBS News ran, “Roger Stone on why ‘exchange’ with DNC hacking suspect Guccifer 2.0 was ‘innocuous.’”
“The Smoking Gun website has come up with a sensational but bogus claim that I collaborated with a hacker, Guccifer 2.0 to hack data from the DNC and have WikiLeaks release it,” Stone wrote on StoneColdTruth.com. “This is another absurd media claim that is part of the long-standing absurd claim that Donald Trump had anything to do with the Russians. This is a charge without a shred of evidence.”
Next Stone explained how the timeline should have made the “Russian collusion” narrative a lie, had any reporters replaying the Smoking Gun sensationalism bothered to check.
“All contact I had with the entity known as Guccifer 2.0 came after I had written an article that was published on August 5th, by Breitbart News and vetted by their lead investigative reporter Lee Stranahan,” Stone explained. “That article came after the DNC and DCCC material had been released and identified the role of a hacker going by the moniker Guccifer 2 based on our own sources.” [Bold and italics in original]
Stone’s conclusion was obvious: “Therefore, any such ‘collaboration’ would’ve also involved a time machine – something that I think Putin has not perfected yet.”
What Dinesh D’Sousa clearly proved in his most recent documentary film and bestselling book, Hillary’s America: The Secret of the Democratic Party, was that when the Reconstruction Era Ku Klux Klan took off their hoods, they proved to be Southern Democrats.
Psychiatrists understanding the psychological phenomenon of “projection” and generations of high school students assigned to read Harper Lee’s 1960 classic novel, To Kill a Mockingbird should understand the Ku Klux Klansmen lynching innocent African Americans accused of violating virginal white women may have been driven by the lust they felt in their own hearts for these same young maidens.
So too, the abundant evidence is that it was the Democrats in the 2016 election who were colluding with Russia, not the Republicans
Totally ignored in the media lynching of Roger Stone is a press release the Trump-Pence campaign released on Oct. 9, 2016, entitled “Clinton’s Close Ties to Putin Deserve Scrutiny.”
But Brock-Soros and their media vigilantes are determined to ignore the abundant evidence that Putin was paying both Hillary Clinton, through Russian bank transfers to the Clinton Foundation, and her campaign manager John Podesta, through a shell company set up in the Netherlands as part of a Russian money-laundering scheme disclosed in the Panama Papers revelations.
Without proof, David Brock, the ideological switch-hitter, and George Soros, the Nazi war collaborator and currency manipulator, will certainly fail in their attempt to destroy Roger Stone by disseminating disinformation provided to them by Deep State Trump-haters.
But once the Brock-Soros attempt failed to blame Stone and Russia for Hillary’s catastrophic loss on Election Day 2016, who will they blame next for losing the 2016 presidential election?
Surely, not themselves.