republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The Vatican’s Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin said Monday that the Holy See is concerned over growing populist and nationalist movements, both in Europe and in the United States.The Holy See has not demonstrated any such concern about jihad attacks and the Islamic supremacist incursion into the West through Hijra and the violent crimes associated with it. Where is Pope Francis’ compassion for the millions of victims of Islamic supremacists and jihadists globally?
“Vatican Expresses Concerns Over ‘Spread of Nationalism, Populism,'” by Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, February 14, 2017:
The Vatican’s Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin said Monday that the Holy See is concerned over growing populist and nationalist movements, both in Europe and in the United States._____________________________________________________
In an interview for the Italian evening news on the state-owned RAI network, Cardinal Parolin was asked whether the Vatican is worried about what the interviewer called “the spread of nationalism and populism not only in Europe but also in the United States with Donald Trump.”
“I think so, I think so,” Parolin said. “Certainly these closings are not a good sign,” since many of them “are born of fear, which is not a good counsellor.”
The Cardinal also recalled recent comments by Pope Francis, saying that “there is a risk of history repeating itself.”
In a lengthy interview with the Spanish daily El País in late January, Pope Francis was asked whether he was concerned about the spread of a populism that capitalizes on “people’s fears,” preaching “a message of hate.”
In his reply, Francis distinguished between a good, grassroots populism, where it is the people who are “the protagonists,” and a cult of personality where a charismatic figure like Hitler rises to power and is welcomed as a savior figure.
“For me the most typical example of populism in the European sense is the Germany of 1933,” Francis said. After Hindenburg, “Germany tries to get back up, searches for its identity, looks for a leader, someone to give it back its identity and a youngster named Adolf Hitler says, ‘I can do it; I can do it.’”
Whereas the first sort of populism is a good thing, the latter can be very dangerous, he said.
The risk, Francis said, is that in times of crisis we lack judgment and people can begin to think, “Let’s look for a savior who gives us back our identity and let’s defend ourselves with walls, barbed-wire, whatever, from other people that may rob us of our identity.”
“And that is a very serious thing,” he said. “That is why I always try to say: talk among yourselves, talk to one another.”
In the same interview, the Pope was asked specifically whether he was worried about Donald Trump, whom the interviewer described as a xenophobe filled with “hatred for foreigners.”
Francis said that the new U.S. President deserved to be judged by his actions, not by “prophecies” of what he may or may not do.
“I think that we must wait and see,” Francis said. “I don’t like to get ahead of myself nor judge people prematurely. We will see how he acts, what he does, and then I will have an opinion.”
The Pope said it is “most unwise” to be afraid of something that might or might not happen.
Liberals Politicize Love To Push Open Borders
Published on Feb 15, 2017
left has politicized everything, including love. In an all out assault
this week by the globalists, we saw them pushing open borders hard,
along with other globalist initiatives once said to be conspiracy
U.S. Bishops Welcome Blocking of Trump Travel Ban
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Perhaps they have a financial reason for ignoring jihad attacks on churches.
My latest in PJ Media:
The temporary ban on immigration from seven Muslim countries is dead, at least for the time being, and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) couldn’t be happier.Find out what they are and read the rest here.
Bishop Joe Vasquez of Austin, Texas, who is the USCCB’s chair of the Committee on Migration, issued a statement saying:We welcome the decision of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. We respect the rule of law and the American judicial process. We remain steadfast in our commitment to resettling refugees and all those fleeing persecution. At this time, we remain particularly dedicated to ensuring that affected refugee and immigrant families are not separated and that they continue to be welcomed to our country. We will continue to welcome the newcomer as it is a vital part of our Catholic faith and an enduring element of our American values and tradition.By ignoring the national security issues that this “refugee” influx poses, Vazquez’s statement was sadly typical of USCCB communiqués on immigration issues. He spoke about the Church’s “commitment to resettling refugees and all those fleeing persecution,” but about those refugees who are coming in order to persecute non-Muslims, Vazquez was silent.Is such a concern preposterous? Not at all. In 2016 alone, there were numerous incidents of Muslim migrants staging jihad attacks in the United States. In February 2016, Somali Muslim migrant Mohammad Barry stabbed multiple patrons at a restaurant owned by an Israeli Arab Christian. In September 2016, Ahmad Khan Rahami, an Afghan Muslim migrant, set off bombs in New York City and New Jersey. Arcan Cetin, a Turkish Muslim migrant, murdered five people in a mall in Burlington, Washington in September 2016. In October 2016, Dahir Adan, another Somali Muslim migrant, stabbed mall shoppers in St. Cloud while screaming “Allahu akbar.” In November 2016, Abdul Razak Artan, yet another Somali Muslim migrant, injured nine people with a car and knife attack at Ohio State University.In all, no fewer than 72 jihad terrorists have come to the U.S. from the countries listed in Trump’s immigration ban.What’s more, all of the jihadis who murdered 130 people in Paris in November 2015 had just entered Europe as refugees. In February 2015, the Islamic State boasted it would soon flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees. The Lebanese education minister said in September 2015 that there were 20,000 jihadis among the refugees in camps in his country. On May 10, 2016, Patrick Calvar, the head of France’s DGSI internal intelligence agency, said that the Islamic State was using migrant routes through the Balkans to get jihadis into Europe.The USCCB should also take careful note of the fact that Muslim migrants in Europe are targeting Christians and churches.In France, anti-Christian attacks have risen by 245 percent. In Germany, Muslims reportedly “devastated” a Christian parish center and wrote “Islamist slogans” on the walls. In Italy, a Muslim set fire to a church Nativity scene. Most notoriously, in France Muslims entered a Catholic church during mass and murdered the elderly priest at the altar. Shortly thereafter, Muslims entered another church in France and left a photograph of the perpetrator of the jihad massacre in Nice on the altar.Do the U.S. Catholic bishops really think that such incidents will not or cannot happen here? They have never answered that question or even been asked it, because all discussion of this issue is immediately buried under charges of “Islamophobia.”The USCCB’s steadfast refusal to address these issues, and strong opposition to Trump’s ban, may stem from motives somewhat less high-minded than those that Bishop Vazquez articulated….