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Obama insults numerous allies in his press conference today, but the ene-media doesn’t report on it. In an extraordinary snub to other world leaders, the President praised Ms Merkel, and in a swipe at Britain’s historic Brexit vote, said he supported a “united Europe.” Translation — Eurabia.I am sure other world leaders breathe a sigh of relief. He was the kiss of death for Prime Minister Cameron over Brexit, now the curse of Obama will strike at Merkel — although she is probably doomed anyway.I am sure Turkish caliph Recip Tayyip Erdogan is heartbroken. He was Obama’s favorite for years. But Merkel’s mass Muslim migration endeared her to Barack Hussein.“Obama’s parting insult to UK: Outgoing leader calls Merkel ‘closest ally’ and slams Brexit” By The Express, November 14, 2016:The outgoing US President paid tribute to German Chancellor Angela Merkel for being his “closest international partner” and launched a thinly veiled attack on Brexit in a major snub to the cherished special relationship.Speaking to the Washington press corps for the first time since the US election Mr Obama, who has often been portrayed as hostile to the UK, stressed how he will assure world leaders of America’s position on global economic and security issues.In an extraordinary snub to other world leaders, the President praised Ms Merkel and in a swipe at Britain’s historic Brexit vote, said he supported a “united Europe”.BARACK Obama has handed down one final insult to Britain as he prepares to leave the White House and be replaced by self-avowed anglophile Donald Trump.President Obama loftily insisted “We are indisputably in a stronger position today than we were when I came in eight years ago”.Before he undertakes visits to Greece and Germany next week, he said: “Our work has helped us stabilize the global economy.“In Germany I will visit with Chancellor Merkel who has probably been my closest international partner these eight years and will signal solidarity with our closest allies and express our support for a strong, integrated and united Europe. AFP GETTY
President Obama said Angela Merkel has been his “closest international partner”“It’s essential to our national security and global stability.”Despite the US and Germany enjoying a close relationship under the Obama administration, Donald Trump’s election victory heralds a hard break in relations.In a provocative message after the US election Ms Merkel set conditions for cooperation with Mr Trump.She said: “Germany and America are connected by values of democracy, freedom and respect for the law and the dignity of man, independent of origin, skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political views. GETTY
President Obama and the German Chancellor have enjoyed a cosy relationshipGETTY
The election of Donald Trump heralds a new era for US-Germany relations”I offer the next President of the United States close cooperation on the basis of these values.”Ms Merkel urged Germans to stand up for an “open-minded” country, warning that the US election victory of Mr Trump could inflame Germany’s refugee debate.The President-elect has denounced as “insane” the German Chancellor’s decision to allow more than a million migrants into Germany and claimed it had increased crime.