SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
By Diane Kepus
November 28, 2016
November 28, 2016
DeVos – Not NO, But Hell NO!
The significance of the charter school/school choice issue is NOT related strictly to educational choice. It is related to acceptance of a communist system of governance where decisions are made by appointed, not elected officials. Appointed officials cannot be removed from office by voters/taxpayers. —Charlotte Iserbyt, January, 2011And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children. —Isaiah 54:13 KJV
Trump issued the word “REFORM” in the same sentence with
Betsy DeVos I knew he was intending to back off of his promise to shut
down the Federal Department of Education.
HUNDREDS of Education researchers in this country he picks the rich
Bush Charter/Voucher women who if she cared one red penny about our
children she would have refused the offer. If confirmed we will now
see the rise in school-to-work education and confirmation that she is
not only a supporter of a New World Order but is also a socialist/communist
at heart.
anyone can endorse this woman for the top education position in our
country and not know what the true agenda of the Charter/Voucher push
is all about is a mystery to me.
Reagan was elected president of this country not because he was a great
man or because he was a movie star, but because he had stated he was
going to shut down the Federal Department of Education because in the
first place it was unconstitutional.
he brought in his worker bees, Terrell Bell, Bill Bennett, Senator Lamar
Alexander and others who whispered in his ear and said, you know we
really don’t have to do that – all the department needs
is some tweaking and everything will be just fine. What most Americans
don’t realize is that Reagan also signed no less than 2 treaties
with Russia during his presidency which was directly linked to the sharing
of education information.
around this country knew Mr. Trump was going to have to be educated
regarding Charter/Choice/Vouchers when he said he supported Choice.
With all the names that have been submitted for Education Secretary
– he picks the one the least qualified.
are the Non-Americans who recommended Betsy DeVos? She has
no background experience to hold this position other than the money
she has given to ruin our children’s futures. Her kids went to
private schools! To prove my point Sen. Lamar Alexander stated on the
DeVos appointment “she is an excellent choice”.
Secretary of Education will the DeVos Foundation STOP and DESIST from
the funding of any organization/foundation of which has ANYTHING to
do with education or are we faced with another “pay to play”
using our children as the collateral? Signing an agreement didn’t
work with Hillary in relationship to her appointment and the family
Trump this is one area that you OWE all the hard working Americans and
their children in this one appointment – one that is more important
than all the others.
nominating Betsy DeVos, the Trump administration has demonstrated just
how out of touch it is with what works best for students, parents, educators
and our local communities. Just this one time I agree with NEA President
Lily Garcia when she stated, “She (DeVos) has consistently pushed
a corporate agenda to privatize, de-professionalize and impose cookie-cutter
solutions to public education.’’
is EVERYTHING Donald Trump stated during the campaign process that is
wrong with America – she is an ultra-wealthy heiress who uses
her money to game the system and push a special-interest agenda that
is opposed by the majority of voters.
can these people continually get away with dis-honoring the First Amendment
when taking tax dollars to fund private/parochial schools? Once they
take that hard earned money of Americans they are no longer private
schools. How are they making up the deficit and loss in revenue by playing
the federal game?
DeVos has NO background in Education other than funneling money to education
causes with the direction and relationship of those wishing to nationalize
our education system. The Clinton School –to-Work legislation
is not a joke.
Everything you read about Betsy DeVos is about her loyalty to the Republican
Party over everything else. How will that fit in with loyalty to what
is best for our children?
She attended Private school and earned a bachelor's degree in business
administration and political science and was "involved with campus
She sits on the Board of Directors of Jeb Bush’s foundation ExcelinEd
which strongly supports
Common Core, Charter, Choice and Vouchers for our children?
With her sitting on this board, it tells me she was fully aware of all
the backroom dealings that went on to get the CCSS in place along with
the Data Mining, National Sexuality Education Standards, standardized
testing and the treatment of our children as if they were all Common
“Human Capital” and alike.
She likes to explain her support of the CCSS as only endorsing the part
about high standards, strong accountability and local control. If this
is true than she has not read the documents and heard the speech’s
by the likes of Sen. Lamar Alexander and Marc Tucker to name two who
are pushing for nationalized cradle to grave control of our children.
You cannot have it both ways Betsy. American researchers have told parents
and politicians for over 30 years that every “dumb” and
“damaging” thing that has been done to the education system
was not for better education.
Elected Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party four times between
1996 and 2005.
Having myself realized during the Obama terms in office that there really
is no difference in the “D” and “R” parties
when it comes to the education of our children the statement regarding
DeVos being “a true believer in core Republican issues that leave
nobody in doubt on where she stands” rings very true.
She actively supported Marco Rubio for President and during one 56-day
period the summer of 2016 she donated $1.45 million to Michigan candidates,
state PAC’s and Republican Party organizations.
No American family has donated more money to the Republican Party than
the DeVos family having given $2.7 million through the 2015-2016 cycles.
DeVos is the Chair of the American Federation for Children, a group
that does nothing but support and fund the Charter school cause. (They
have no answers for all the Charter
school failures due to lenient legislation, fraud, corruption and unelected
school boards).
DeVos belongs to Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and
is heavily influenced by Abraham Kuyper, a Dutch writer and Calvinist
Her brother Erik Prince founded Blackwater, the controversial and now
defunct security group that, according to The
Washington Times, was a “mercenary firm” that “gained
infamy during the Iraq War for incidents involving civilian casualties.
Betsy DeVos supports clean energy/Climate Change/Sustainable Development
through their group the Windquest Group which invests in clean energy,
technology and manufacturing. In 2011, DeVos and her husband, via the
Windquest Group, invested in Energetx Composites, a wind energy company.
DeVos was appointed by President George W. Bush to the board of directors
of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in 2004, and served until
2010. While she was on the board, she and her husband funded a center
to teach arts managers and boards of directors how to fund raise and
manage their cultural institutions donating $22.5 million in 2010 to
continue the endeavor, which was given in the name the DeVos Institute
of Arts Management. At the same time, DeVos was informed by Kennedy
Center official Michael Kaiser's observation that millions of dollars
are invested "in the arts, and training artists," but not
in "training the leaders who hire the artists and run the organizations."
The DeVos' gift was intended to remedy this oversight. "We want
to help develop human capital and leverage that capital to the greatest
extent possible.
All of DeVos’ attention to education has been through Charter/Choice/Vouchers.
She has NO education background whatsoever nor does she know by experience
what it is our children need to RETURN to the 1960’s and before
excellent education our children were enjoying.
DeVos served as chairwoman of the board of Alliance for School Choice
and she heads the All Children Matter PAC which she and her husband
founded in 2003 to promote school vouchers, tax credits to businesses
that give private school scholarships, and candidates who support these
causes. Over the years, DeVos and her husband have provided millions
in funding for the organization. Strange don’t you think that
she wouldn’t consider supporting parents who home school their
children yet still pay into the tax base which funds public education?
DeVos’ other activities toward public-school reform have included:
membership on the boards of directors of the Advocates for School Choice,
the American Education Reform Council, Education Freedom Fund, chaired
the boards of Choices for Children and Great Lakes Education Project
(GLEP) She described GLEP as being "focused on supporting candidates
who share a commitment to the issue of meaningful education reform,"
and CFC as being an "education reform watchdog organization"
that is "focused on raising public awareness as to the merits of
education reform."
In 2013 DeVos was quoted that she was more optimistic than ever about
school choice noting that in 2012 “the number of students in educational-choice
programs grew by about 40,000." She has offered no explanation
as to the fraud and corruption involving the Charter school system nor
has she offered what the difference between traditional and charter
public schools will be when all schools are to be charter with un-elected
school boards and to remind you is “TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION”.
She shows no support for teachers – only her money funding the
education she sees as being fit for our children.
DeVos and Joel Klein noted in 2013 how great the Main education was
going in regard to performance because they had reverted to the use
of the “easy-to-understand” report cards using A, B, C,
D, F designations. They argued the system truly motivates parents and
the community to get involved by simply taking information that education
officials have had for years and presenting it in a way that is more
easily understood."
I would like these 2 to explain to the country how if at all, the GOING BACK to the ABC’s of grading increased the community involvement or that of the parents.
across America soon found out how bad the Common Core Standards were
and to what end they would go to be able to gain control of our children’s
futures: where the money came from, money deals with friends, the lies,
politicians wallets and campaign coffers being filled, years of back
room long-time manipulation with the states being forced to play the
game when the state legislatures were in recess. Yet Betsy DeVos stated
that her being a member of Jeb Bush’s Foundation for Excellence
in Education whose stated goal is to “build an American education
system that equips every child to achieve his or her God-given potential"
totally supports her idea of education.
Foundation’s "guiding principles" are that "All
children can learn," that "All children should learn at least
a year's worth of knowledge in a year's time", and that "All
children will achieve when education is organized around the singular
goal of student success."
all children are NOT learning Ms. DeVos, especially those that are now
being schooled in your supported Charter schools with the Charter School
Management companies in control, H1B and HB5 visas coming into the picture
supplying foreign teachers and dollars for funding. There is BILLIONS
of dollars of fraud being shown in the recently
released report by the Office of the Inspector General of the Federal
and this report does not cover the fraud and corruption debt by all
the Charter schools.
they are not learning because men and women who know NOTHING about education
are continually meddling where they have no business being.
defy anyone supporting Charter/Choice/Vouchers to show America where
there has been this level of corruption in traditional public schools.
This is YOUR money America.
DeVos is NOT eligible for this position and America needs to be sure
to let their Senators know this is NOT their choice for the leader of
their children’s education.
- Charter
School Trap- Tough Choices or Tough Times–Privatization of Education
2 - National Education Strategy
3 - Community Education/Communism
4 - “No Excuses” Education
2 - National Education Strategy
3 - Community Education/Communism
4 - “No Excuses” Education
Charlotte Iserbyt & Dr. Stan Monteith. Investigation of Tax Exempt Foundations
Published on Oct 6, 2014
Congress must resume investigation of tax-exempt foundations
including so-called conservative foundations
Yesterday I came across a three-page document which proves that the present charter school movement is spearheaded by no less than Chicago Communist Bill Ayers' brother, John Ayers, who up until a few years ago was Vice President and Treasurer of The Carnegie Foundation the Advancement of Teaching in Stanford, California.
The government/corporations want their own education system and know that they must control all education in order to accomplish their lifelong global workforce training agenda. The reason they are going after public education is due to the fact that we still have elected local school boards, accountable directly to voters and parents. This is a major obstacle to their changing over our education system from an academic focus to a performance-based workforce training focus -- with full implementation of a womb-to-tomb system of control of all Americans... This time around the tax-exempt foundations to be investigated should include the neoconservative Trotskyite tax-exempt foundations, such as Heritage Foundation, Eagle Forum, Family Research Council, Freedom Works, Pioneer, Gates, etc., which all support tax-supported school "choice."
Download the full report of the Reece Committee Hearings
Congress must resume investigation of tax-exempt foundations
including so-called conservative foundations
Yesterday I came across a three-page document which proves that the present charter school movement is spearheaded by no less than Chicago Communist Bill Ayers' brother, John Ayers, who up until a few years ago was Vice President and Treasurer of The Carnegie Foundation the Advancement of Teaching in Stanford, California.
The government/corporations want their own education system and know that they must control all education in order to accomplish their lifelong global workforce training agenda. The reason they are going after public education is due to the fact that we still have elected local school boards, accountable directly to voters and parents. This is a major obstacle to their changing over our education system from an academic focus to a performance-based workforce training focus -- with full implementation of a womb-to-tomb system of control of all Americans... This time around the tax-exempt foundations to be investigated should include the neoconservative Trotskyite tax-exempt foundations, such as Heritage Foundation, Eagle Forum, Family Research Council, Freedom Works, Pioneer, Gates, etc., which all support tax-supported school "choice."
Download the full report of the Reece Committee Hearings
The Traitors Decreed Choice, Vouchers and Charter Schools
Published on Jun 25, 2014
Charlotte gives the chronology of the origin and players in the Choice, Vouchers and Charter Schools movement that evades the oversight of elected local control over publicly funded education. Taxation without Representation!
Charlotte Iserbyt: Why Charter Schools
are Dangerous
Published on Jul 12, 2013
Roger Fredinburg interviews Charlotte Iserbyt about Charter Schools: What's the Problem? How the rightwing Republicans worked with the leftwing Democrats to lead us down the road to a "soviet" system ruled by top-down, authoritarian appointed councils easily recognized by people who live under communist governments. Showing documents dating from 1934, Charlotte traces the plan for massive social engineering through curriculum change and Pavlov/Skinnerian methods of behavior modification, generations of Americans have been dumbed-down. She explains how Ronald Reagan's Soviet Education Exchange Agreement, facilitated by the Heritage Foundation, merged the Constitutional American system with the Soviet system leading to the planned destruction of public education so it could be replaced by the private sector, publicly-funded Charter School system.
Common Core Opponents to Trump: ‘Drain the Swamp’ and ‘Pull the Plug’ on Education Pick Betsy DeVos