Published on Sep 28, 2016
Kirk Cameron's Revive Us event on October 18, 2016 & October 24, 2016.
Kirk is joined by pastors Francis Chan and Dr. James MacDonald, Dr. Ben Carson, authors Jennifer Rothschild and Eric Metaxas, and a teacher of strong faith, Miss Clara, for an evening of hope, vision and courage. Broadcast LIVE from Chicago, the night will feature incredible storytelling, worship, inspirational speakers and musical performances. Featuring worship group Vertical Church Band, along with contemporary Christian artists Lauren Daigle, Phil Wickham, Joy Enriquez and a specially-formed trio consisting of Jamie Grace, Abbie Ward and Kirk’s daughter Isabella Cameron. The evening will conclude with an interactive Q&A comprised of audience-submitted questions, and will be followed by an open time for attendees to gather in their theaters for prayer and discussion.
Kirk is joined by pastors Francis Chan and Dr. James MacDonald, Dr. Ben Carson, authors Jennifer Rothschild and Eric Metaxas, and a teacher of strong faith, Miss Clara, for an evening of hope, vision and courage. Broadcast LIVE from Chicago, the night will feature incredible storytelling, worship, inspirational speakers and musical performances. Featuring worship group Vertical Church Band, along with contemporary Christian artists Lauren Daigle, Phil Wickham, Joy Enriquez and a specially-formed trio consisting of Jamie Grace, Abbie Ward and Kirk’s daughter Isabella Cameron. The evening will conclude with an interactive Q&A comprised of audience-submitted questions, and will be followed by an open time for attendees to gather in their theaters for prayer and discussion.



SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
It’s no secret that Kirk Cameron has embraced the false gospel of American Patriotism. Clearly, he’s accepted postmillennial Reconstructionist ideals of Dominionism and has been championing the cause of taking back the culture in America for several years. It’s unclear exactly how he was led down this path of patriotic idolatry, as his past associations with ministries such as Living Waters have generally been theologically sound.
Cameron’s apostasy began when he started partnering with the king of patriotism and false teacher, Glenn Beck. Beck, a Mormon, joined with Cameron in 2012 to promote Cameron’s movie, Monumental–a movie that promoted much of the faux history of David Barton.
Now, Cameron is back at it. October 24, just in time for the upcoming presidential elections, Cameron will be partnering with Francis Chan, Eric Metaxas, James MacDonald, and the Seventh Day Adventist cult member, Ben Carson, in what is being dubbed as a “national meeting,” named Revive Us 2016.
The website boasts the usual twisting of the story of David and Goliath by Reconstructionists and adherents to the patriotic gospel by stating:
Of course, it wouldn’t be a great move of God unless all the Bible-twisters, compromisers, and false teachers all joined hands in prayer and worshiped together all in the name of unity, right? No worries, that’s been taken care of too.Like David running toward Goliath. Or Moses and the Israelites backed against the Red Sea with Pharaoh and his army bearing down on them… just when all hope seems lost, God parts the waters! The giant is defeated! … This could be a “Red Sea” moment for US in OUR STORY in America- when it’s the darkest just before the dawn, and God splits the sea and we go walking right through! IF WE HAVE EYES TO SEE.
We’ll worship together, led by PASSION, VERTICAL CHURCH BAND, and my daughter, ISABELLA. We’ll pray together with “MISS CLARA” from the movie, WAR ROOM. And we’ll hear from pastor FRANCIS CHAN, DR. BEN CARSON, pastor JAMES MACDONALD, ERIC METAXAS, and JENNIFER ROTHSCHILD.
Now, the false convert would say that this is great. But the true believer, who loves and believes God as he has revealed himself knows that God does not approve of this. The Holy Spirit will not be at this “national meeting.” God does not listen to the prayers of lost people (John 9:31, Psalm 34:15,Proverbs 15:29, etc.) Ben Carson clearly rejects God as he has revealed himself in His Word.
The question then becomes, does Kirk Cameron really know God? Do these other participants really know God? They have openly rejected who God is on many levels, and has traded His commandments for the idols and traditions of men. Christians are not to join with unbelievers inany spiritual enterprise–especially worship.
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? – 2 Corinthians 6:14
But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one. – 1 Corinthians 5:11
Apparently, saving America is much more important than being obedient to God and trusting and obeying His Word. If Kirk Cameron is truly concerned about the culture in America, perhaps he should start with his own sister, who appeared in a debauched lesbian scene on television recently.
But he really wants you to be there, so get your tickets now.
[Contributed by Jeff Maples]
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