"We further encourage each and every reader to forward this article to everyone on his or her list, well BEFORE THE ELECTION. Time is of the essence. We know that Trump is not a perfect presidential candidate by any stretch,
but Hillary Clinton will fundamentally destroy America with malice aforethought and with a crooked smile on her face and disdain in her heart. America will be conquered by globalism under a Clinton Monarchy. And as we all know, Bill and Hillary will profit handsomely from the destruction of America's sovereignty and freedom."
SEE: http://newswithviews.com/Ewart/ron272.htm; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
By Ron Ewart
October 19, 2016
October 19, 2016
In our last article entitled, "Did Hillary Sacrifice the Benghazi Heroes for Money?" we wrote this:
"That the mainstream news media purposely ignores these associations and questionable past can only be construed as being complicit in a conspiracy with Hillary Clinton, or her handlers, in what appears to be a potential plot to take over America from the inside and hand it over to the world ruling class and the bankers."
But it is even worse than what we describe.
We just received a report stating that the world debt now stands at $152 Trillion, a totally un-payable debt. Some experts put the total world debt at $230 Trillion. It is reasonable to assume that the total debt does not include massive unfunded liabilities for future promises made by the politicians in exchange for votes, especially in America and Europe. Balance the total world debt against a nominal World Gross Product (WGP) of $75 Trillion. As many have said, the debt is unsustainable. There is no economy on the planet big enough to pay off this debt, even America's. The governments of the planet are bankrupt and their only answer is to add more debt by central bankers printing more worthless money. (Debt is just another word for slavery.)
Some of the debt comes from wars, but most of the debt is caused by the use of public money (taxes) in exchange for votes for left-leaning politicians, politicians who discovered that they could stay in power by exploiting human weakness with "other people's money." It's called socialism, or more correctly, the "full employment act" for liberal politicians.
As Maggy Thatcher said ..... "Socialism works until it runs out of other people's money." The world has run out of other people's money and is only left with debt, a debt that can only be paid by seizing all of the people's private assets, if the debt is ever to be re-paid. Government will eventually seize those assets and the people won't stop the government because the people are, for the most part, cowards.
But when the debt bubble bursts, massive famine and World War III are distinct possibilities. After the famine and wars are over, the globalists will then move in to seal the deal on one-world-government and some form of communism or socialism will be the new government, unless of course the cancer of radical Islam doesn't kill us off first. With the weapons of mass destruction that now exist, it won't be hard to keep the world population in control (enslaved), by whatever form of world government is finally created. If you will remember, after World War II, world governments created the United Nations, the first step to globalization. What will be created after World War III?
Besides globalism, the threats to freedom and American sovereignty just keep coming. In the title we mentioned that, "Radical Islam will kill us." The move to infiltrate Islam and Sharia law into the American institutions of government is well underway and has been for some time. The Trojan horse implementing this infiltration is the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that has been supported by none other than Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, the closet Muslim President of the United States. The Muslim Brotherhood is already well entrenched in North America.
From one source we learned that: "The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic organization founded in Ismailia, Egypt by Hassan al-Banna in March 1928 as an Islamist religious, political, and social movement. Al-Banna was a schoolteacher, to promote implementing traditional, religious, Islamic, Sharia law into government and a social regression based on an Islamic ethos of altruism and civic duty, in opposition to what he saw as political and social injustice and to British imperial rule. The organization initially focused on educational and charitable work, but quickly grew to become a major political force as well, by championing the cause of disenfranchised classes, playing a prominent role in the Egyptian nationalist movement, and promoting a conception of Islam that attempted to restore broken links between tradition and modernity."
The Brotherhood's ominous mission statement is quite clear:
“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The 'Ikhwan' (the Islamic brethren, a Wahhabi religious militia) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ’sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
The American group CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) has direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and supports the radical Palestine terrorist group, Hamas, a group funded by terrorist-exporter Iran and followers of the Muslim Brotherhood. Based on CAIR's history, "its major goal seems to be silencing and de-legitimizing its critics."
But the attack on America doesn't stop there. American communists/socialists have taken over the unions and the Democrat Party. Many members of Congress are card-carrying members of the Communist Party and its many affiliates, like the Democrat Socialists of America (DSA). At least 11 members of Congress that we know of are members of the DSA. To-wit: "John Conyers[Chairman of the Judiciary Committee], Tammy Baldwin, Jerrold Nadler, Luis Gutierrez, Melvin Watt, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Steve Cohen, Barbara Lee, Robert Wexler, Linda Sanchez [there are 23 Democrats on the Judiciary Committee of which eleven, almost half, are now members of the DSA]." These Congressmen and women are outright communists and have influence over American public policy and legislation.
To understand where the DSA is coming from, one only needs to read Article II, "Our Purpose", of the DSA Constitution:
"We are socialists because we reject an economic order based on private profit, alienated labor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based on race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo. We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane social order based on popular control of resources and production, economic planning, equitable distribution, feminism, racial equality and non-oppressive relationships. We are socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for achieving that vision, for building a majority movement that will make democratic socialism a reality in America. We believe that such a strategy must acknowledge the class structure of American society and that this class structure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between those sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of the population."
Bernie Sanders garnered millions of votes, mostly from naive millenials, touting the socialist/communist line. Bernie's early history included meetings with Russian and Nicaraguan Communists. The Democrat Party and Hillary moved radically left to capture Bernie voters.
The Revolutionary Communist Party has been instrumental in fomenting agitation in places like Oakland, New York City, Missouri, Ferguson and Baltimore over the alleged shootings or mistreatment of Blacks by police. The communists and the socialists can only survive by participating in the breakdown of civil society. But they can also survive by having socialist policies passed into law by government institutions, like the U. S. Congress.
Wealthy socialist Progressives like George Soros, have funded the Black Lives Matter movement to the tune of millions of dollars, a movement that has taken the honored tradition of peaceful protesting to the next level, anarchy. The Black Lives Matter movement is just a re-birth of the radical Black Panthers.
Hillary and Bill Clinton and much of the Democrat Party are tied directly to globalism, radical environmentalism, the climate change fraud, Black Lives Matter, communism, socialism and the Muslim Brotherhood, which seek to overthrow and "fundamentally transform" America (Obama's exact words) into a third-world socialist nation that will be forced to knuckle under to a world ruling class elite, made up of politicians, central bankers and industrialists.
We have paraphrased the DVD Trailer for the Movie: "Enemies Within zooms in on the best-kept secret of modern politics. Almost no one is aware of the fact that fewer than 20,000 U. S. communists, socialists and extreme 'Progressives' are able to influence the politicians and even write the laws that control the lives of over 300 million Americans. They have infiltrated the Democrat Party and the unions, they have used their lackeys in the Congress to ram through a radical socialist, communist and a union agenda, they have severely eased voting requirements and engaged in voter fraud, they have introduced mass educational indoctrination and have gutted our military."
We have seen the Movie in its entirety and even with all we know about what is going on, we came away shocked to the core. If even half of what is exposed in the Movie is true, it spells the end of America, as envisioned by the Founders, if one of the people they document in the Movie, Hillary Rodham Clinton, becomes president of the United States.
If you are truly interested, and you should be, you can order the DVD HERE. We encourage every one of our readers to take the time to view the Movie, before the election, if at all possible.
We further encourage each and every reader to forward this article to everyone on his or her list, well BEFORE THE ELECTION. Time is of the essence. We know that Trump is not a perfect presidential candidate by any stretch, but Hillary Clinton will fundamentally destroy America with malice aforethought and with a crooked smile on her face and disdain in her heart. America will be conquered by globalism under a Clinton Monarchy. And as we all know, Bill and Hillary will profit handsomely from the destruction of America's sovereignty and freedom.
On the other hand, Trump may actually be able to save America from the slide into socialism and global slavery. He may even be able to vigorously stir the pot and disrupt the establishment so bad, that the slide will be stopped in its tracks. At this point, what do Americans have to lose, except just about everything?
But then of course, if no one does ANYTHING, the globalists WILL enslave us and radical Islam will go on KILLING us.
We have put together a "LIST OF CONSTITUTIONAL DEMANDS" to government that if not met, all the things we predict in this article will come to pass. At that point the only viable alternative left to free Americans is the solution provided by the Declaration of Independence.
Please let us know that you FORWARDED the article. Constructive comments are welcome.