SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has announced that she has selected former Virginia governor Tim Kaine as her running mate, a man who identifies as Catholic, but believes homosexuals should have freedom to “marry” and mothers should have the “right” to choose an abortion despite his personal beliefs on the issues.
Clinton unveiled her decision on social media on Friday, Tweeting, “I’m thrilled to announce my running mate, @TimKaine, a man who’s devoted his life to fighting for others.”
She introduced Kaine during a campaign rally the following day at Florida International University.
“He is qualified to step into this job and lead on day one,” Clinton stated before a crowd of approximately 5,000. “When I say he’s a progressive who likes to get things done, I mean it.”
Kaine, who currently serves as a senator in the state, spoke to those gathered in a mix of English and Spanish.
“We’re going to be compañeros de alma (soul mates) in this great lucha (fight) ahead,” he declared.
While Kaine, a Roman Catholic, has outlined that he personally opposes abortion, he believes that women should have the choice as to whether or not to end the life of their unborn child.
“I have taken the position, which is quite common among Catholics—I have got a personal feeling about abortion, but the right rule for government is to let women make their own decisions,” he told NBC’s Chuck Todd last month.
“I strongly support the right of women to make their own health and reproductive decisions and, for that reason, will oppose efforts to weaken or subvert the basic holding of Roe v. Wade,” he also wrote on his campaign website in 2012. “We all share the goal of reducing unwanted pregnancies and abortions. The right way to do this is through education and access to health care and contraception rather than criminalizing women’s reproductive decisions.”
Similarly, while Kaine has personal opinions about same-sex “marriage,” he has come out in favor of its allowance in recent years.
“I believe all people, regardless of sexual orientation, should be guaranteed the full rights to the legal benefits and responsibilities of marriage under the Constitution,” Kaine said in a statement in 2013. “I hope the Supreme Court will affirm that principle.”
Clinton characterized Kaine as being both a person of faith and a progressive on Saturday as they hit the campaign trail together for the first time.
“In both of our families, faith wasn’t just something we talked about at church on Sundays,” she said. “It was a call to serve others in every way that we can.”
Kaine was enrolled in a Jesuit high school as a youth and currently attends St. Elizabeth Catholic Church in Richmond.
Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckbee told Fox News following the announcement of Kaine’s selection that he believes Kaine’s “faith is real” although he is perplexed by how Kaine votes opposite of his personal convictions.
“Let’s be clear, Tim Kaine is definitely a liberal. And even though he says he’s personally against abortion, he still always governs with a pro-abortion vote,” he said. “I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean—I’m personally against it, but I’m going to go ahead and do it anyway.”
Hillary Clinton Picks Jesuit-Influenced Catholic For Vice President Running Mate
SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“Kaine’s Catholicism has been strongly influenced by the Jesuits – the order Pope Francis is part of that has long been associated with education and social justice.”—Washington Post

By Michelle Boorstein and Julie Zauzmer
Washington Post
Many of the most circulated names for Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential pick are Catholic – a fact that both says a lot about the influence of America’s huge Catholic population, but also reveals, when you look more closely, how far the country has moved away from basic religious tribalism.
Clinton on Friday chose U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), a former missionary who personally opposes abortion and who pleased anti-abortion advocates earlier in his political career by saying he would aim to reduce the number of abortions by promoting adoption and abstinence education.
Yet it’s not clear what impact Kaine’s faith — or that of any Catholic — would have on voters. Click here to continue reading.
Related Reading:
A Jesuit Pope? Understanding The Jesuit Agenda and the Evangelical/Protestant Church
Hillary To Flood The U.S. With ISIS
Published on Jul 26, 2016
What does the Disgusting DNC and a French Priest killed by ISIS have in common? Plenty.
While performing Morning Mass Jacques Hamel, A Catholic Priest and two nuns were held hostage for roughly an hour and viciously attacked in a Church in Normandy, France. The two attackers, one of them followed by police for over a year and a half, brutally slit the Priest’s throat and seriously injured the nun. As the Telegraph reports, both of the attackers shouted “ Daesh”, which is the actual name for ISIS, ISIL, IS or whatever it is the mind controlling politicians would have us call it.
And right on schedule, French President Hollande offered more vague statements about declaring war on terrorism saying as the Daily Mail reports "Today we must be aware that the terrorists will not give up as long as we don't stop them. That's our will and that's what we are doing tirelessly.” While Marine Le Pen, President of The far-right National Party of France observed "The responsibility of all those who have governed us for 30 years is immense. To watch them talking is revolting!”
This attack follows the Bastille Day horror in Nice, France. Clearly France is under attack as is Germany after a recent wave of jihad attacks in Bavaria.
But German Chancellor Angela Merkel will hear none of that as Bloomberg reported “...Government spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer told reporters on Monday. The four assaults don’t offer a “clear picture” about motives, Demmer said."There is a rising nervousness among our public,” Mayer, who sits on parliament’s internal affairs committee, told BBC Radio on Monday. “You have to differentiate -- the events of Friday have nothing to do with our refugee policy. It is completely wrong to blame Angela Merkel and her refugee policy for this incident."
But there wasn’t one mention of Radical Jihadist Terrorism during the first day of the DNC. In fact, Hillary’s running mate TPP supporting Tim Kaine declared in Spanish in an interview with Telemundo that illegal immigrants would be legalized within the first 100 days of Hillary’s reign. While, as Breitbart reported, Hillary plans on admitting 420,000 Syrian refugees during her first term, expanding Unconstitutional Executive Amnesty, dissolving the U.S. borders, freezing deportations, closing detention centers and giving a full path to citizenship and obamacare to illegal immigrants. Far surpassing the chaos Obama has already introduced to the United States. Hillary wants to one up Angela Merkel to impress her globalist masters, screw the American people.
Anyone can see that it is the immigration policy of Merkel that has brought the recent horror down on Europe. And the only solution is to immediately stop the flow of migration and begin the monumental process of mass deportation. This is a jihad by immigration or Al-Hijra, as it is known by Muslims. Who in their right mind would allow a hostile enemy to move their soldiers and their families into their country? Now is it crystal clear why there was NO mention of ISIS at the first night of the Democratic National Convention?
While performing Morning Mass Jacques Hamel, A Catholic Priest and two nuns were held hostage for roughly an hour and viciously attacked in a Church in Normandy, France. The two attackers, one of them followed by police for over a year and a half, brutally slit the Priest’s throat and seriously injured the nun. As the Telegraph reports, both of the attackers shouted “ Daesh”, which is the actual name for ISIS, ISIL, IS or whatever it is the mind controlling politicians would have us call it.
And right on schedule, French President Hollande offered more vague statements about declaring war on terrorism saying as the Daily Mail reports "Today we must be aware that the terrorists will not give up as long as we don't stop them. That's our will and that's what we are doing tirelessly.” While Marine Le Pen, President of The far-right National Party of France observed "The responsibility of all those who have governed us for 30 years is immense. To watch them talking is revolting!”
This attack follows the Bastille Day horror in Nice, France. Clearly France is under attack as is Germany after a recent wave of jihad attacks in Bavaria.
But German Chancellor Angela Merkel will hear none of that as Bloomberg reported “...Government spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer told reporters on Monday. The four assaults don’t offer a “clear picture” about motives, Demmer said."There is a rising nervousness among our public,” Mayer, who sits on parliament’s internal affairs committee, told BBC Radio on Monday. “You have to differentiate -- the events of Friday have nothing to do with our refugee policy. It is completely wrong to blame Angela Merkel and her refugee policy for this incident."
But there wasn’t one mention of Radical Jihadist Terrorism during the first day of the DNC. In fact, Hillary’s running mate TPP supporting Tim Kaine declared in Spanish in an interview with Telemundo that illegal immigrants would be legalized within the first 100 days of Hillary’s reign. While, as Breitbart reported, Hillary plans on admitting 420,000 Syrian refugees during her first term, expanding Unconstitutional Executive Amnesty, dissolving the U.S. borders, freezing deportations, closing detention centers and giving a full path to citizenship and obamacare to illegal immigrants. Far surpassing the chaos Obama has already introduced to the United States. Hillary wants to one up Angela Merkel to impress her globalist masters, screw the American people.
Anyone can see that it is the immigration policy of Merkel that has brought the recent horror down on Europe. And the only solution is to immediately stop the flow of migration and begin the monumental process of mass deportation. This is a jihad by immigration or Al-Hijra, as it is known by Muslims. Who in their right mind would allow a hostile enemy to move their soldiers and their families into their country? Now is it crystal clear why there was NO mention of ISIS at the first night of the Democratic National Convention?