Valerie Jarrett says after leaving the White House (assuming he even leaves the White House at all), President Obama is going to stay in Washington.
SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Wait a second… let me get this straight… Valerie Jarrett says after leaving the White House (assuming he even leaves the White House at all), President Obama is going to stay in Washington, but he’ll, “be the former president, he’ll be a citizen just like everybody else, and as such he’ll behave accordingly. Of that, I’m sure.” Are we talking about same President Obama here? Are we talking about the one who would be wise to go straight to the airport after leaving the White House (again, assuming he leaves in the first place), and flee the country before being arrested on charges of treason? What about the same President who has had the Democrats working on various legislation for years now designed to lower the potential penalty for anyone getting caught committing treason?
Speaking of treason and fleeing the country, despite the information coming from Socha Faal, an alleged “disinformation agent,” there have been reports that Obama bought for a flight to the mansion he allegedly purchased a mansion in the NON EXTRADITION country of Dubai for $4.9 million dollars by way of the Podesta Group (John Pedesta was former Counselor to President Obama)? Non extradition? country? Really?
Is Valerie Jarrett talking about the same President Obama who has been caught privately campaigning for a very big job for after his alleged term? As you’ll learn in the video below that comes from a post titled:Obama Plotting For King of the World, it is well known that Obama has been privately campaigning for the “King of the World” job, as the U.N. General Secretary. The same video also mentions one man standing in Obama's way for the job, one who plans to fight him pretty hard too if his wife wins the White House; the other person who wants the role of U.N. General Secretary is none other than Bill Clinton.
Is Valerie Jarrett talking about the same President who is featured in a video below lying to the American people like a raging sociopath as many as 65 separate times? By the way, the video was made back in 2013, so just imagine how many more lies we could add to the video now. It's amazing… Nixon lied, was Impeached, and forced to resign. George H.W. Bush essentially did not get re-elected over when he lied and said, "Read my lips, no new taxes," and there's Obama… a raging sociopath who wouldn't know the truth if it bit him most days. Wow. The following video includes 65 instances of Obama looking right into the camera and telling bold faced lie after bold faced lie…
Is Valerie Jarrett talking about the same President whose attorneys were just kicked out of federal court earlier this week for lying as many as four separate times to a federal judge? In reference to the behavior of the attorneys REPRESENTING Obama in his illegal amnesty Executive Order, the judge said the attorneys were:
“intentionally deceptive,” clearly part of a “calculated plan of unethical conduct,” and their misconduct was so “serious and material…” that they aren’t allowed back in federal court until they’ve taken a course on legal ethics?
Think about that for a minute. Imagine you’re an attorney representing Obama in federal court on something as important to Obama as his unconstitutional Executive Order on illegal amnesty. Do you honestly believe the attorneys working on that would so much as sneeze without Obama’s ok in advance when it comes to anything as important to him as his illegal amnesty Executive Order? PLEASE! Give me a break!
Despite all that, if you doubt the sincerity of Valerie Jarrett or Obama publicly, you’ll be called the crazy one, or you’ll probably be labeled a racist. Do you know who will sincerely believes them? The same idiots that think what “Democratic Socialism” did to Venezuela, won’t do the same thing anywhere else it's tried. As if the last 7+ years haven't proven that Socialism DOES NOT WORK, there is some GREAT video in an earlier post titled, Human De-Evolution: When Radical Leftists Are Given Keys to the Kingdom. The same imbeciles who will be voting for Hillary or for Bernie, will be doing so because they actually are gullible enough to believe the line:
“But baby… it’ll be different this time… I swear…”
Anyone voting for Hillary or Bernie makes the conscious decision to believe the NONSENSE they are spoon fed to them by the media and other known liars, despite the fact that EVERYWHERE socialistic ideas have ever been tried, they result in EXACTLY what we see in Venezuela: people starving to death, rampant crime, and thousands, if not MILLIONS dead. Sounds like it’s worth the risk right? Morons. THAT is who believes Valerie Jarrett. No one else.
Valerie Jarrett told CBS’s Norah O’Donnell Barack Obama is staying in Washington after he leaves the White House in January, the soon-to-be-former president will emulate his predecessors in keeping a lower profile in terms of weighing in on issues of presidential importance.In a clip from a forthcoming “60 Minutes” story aired Friday on “CBS This Morning,” senior adviser Valerie Jarrett was asked by Norah O’Donnell what it would be like to have the former president and his successor living in the same city.“President Obama will be the former president. And he’ll be a citizen just like everybody else. And he’ll behave accordingly. Of that, I’m sure,” Jarrett said.
After eight years in the White House, the only problem when Obama leaves will be that he can still do damage to the country — or even the world — after he’s ceased residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.After all, some on the liberal side have put Obama forward as a possible secretary general of the United Nations or (even worse) a Supreme Court justice.Either one of those thoughts are the kind of nightmares that have me waking up in the middle of the night.It’s an unusual occurrence that we get some good news from Valerie Jarrett, but the top Obama adviser said in an interview with “60 Minutes” (via The Hill) that will be aired Sunday that Obama will keep a low profile after leaving office.“President Obama will be the former president, and he will be a citizen just like everybody else, and he will behave accordingly, of that I’m sure,” Jarrett said.“One of the things I would compliment President Bush for — and not just President Bush, but several members of his team as well, who have said to me, ‘We had our eight years and now we owe you silence,'” Jarrett added.“And I think that’s the way the president will behave in terms of Washington. But does that mean that he has a platform on which he can do great good around our country and around the world? Sure. But he will leave being the president to the new president.”Excuse me for a sec, I’m just going to go play the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s “Messiah”
about two or three or 20 times in a row on iTunes
The thought of the most unconstitutional president in history presiding over the Constitution — a document he doesn’t even care about — on the Supreme Court was too much to bear. The idea of a president who constantly apologizes for our country being the secretary general of the U.N. is worse.A private citizen? That I could get used to — so long as it’s a very quiet private citizen.