republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Last weekend, MassResistance reported that the Mayor of Boston and other state and local politicians gave a circus of a press conference in support of pending, draconian legislation in Massachusetts that would mandate all intimate, sex-segregated public facilities like restrooms and locker rooms be open to anyone, based on what he imagines or pretends his sex to be. The Mayor also flew a "transgender" flag over Boston City Hall.
In Alabama, the homofascists are viciously attacking Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, the "Ten Commandments Judge," who has been one of the few men in authority in the Unites States who is standing against the unconstitutional behavior of the U.S. Supreme Court. He has refused to meekly submit to the Court's lawless Obergefell decision and is now facing possible removal from his position because of it.
In Mississippi, the ACLU hounds of Hell and the "Campaign for Southern Equality" are suing the state over its new religious freedom protection law, which they falsely label as an "anti-LGBT" law. I have already debunked the lies that homofascists and their dupe supporters are telling about such laws.
And, of course we've heard ad nauseam the screeching and wailing against North Carolina's sensible law preventing people from using private facilities meant for the opposite sex.
These are just a few of the many examples of the militant homosexual/"transgender," homofascist, assault on what's right and true. Some may wonder how in the world this movement has been so successful in recent years. The most obvious reason is the corruption and self-deception that have crept into the hearts of the American people on a scale not seen before in the United States. With the broad rejection of the God of all creation and His unfailing Word comes deep deception among the people who reject Him. That's a given.
When people reject the Lord and put man's whim in His place, the unchangeable definitions of right and wrong are effectively abolished. Paul warns us in 2 Timothy chapter 4 that there will come a time when people will not endure sound doctrine, which means truth. When people reject truth, and instead claim that truth is whatever any given person believes it is, then we can no longer effectively point to the transcendent plumb line of God's Word – the source of all truth – to persuade people of what's right and wrong.
This is where we are today, and it's largely why the sinister, militant homosexual/"transgender movement is steamrolling across our nation. When we tell the truth about this movement, far too many people are willingly deceived into rejecting what we say.
For all practical purposes, we are witnessing the "death" of right and wrong, but don't misunderstand me. Right and wrong have never changed, and they never will. Our popular culture, our laws and institutions, our rulers and many people – even the whole world – can deny what's right and wrong till they're blue in the face, but their denials will change nothing. God's Word, His truth, remains unmoved.
The truth about this virulently anti-Christian, sexual anarchy movement is simple. It's a movement based on aggressive rebellion against God and His natural order. It's a movement whose members are "useful idiot" tools of satanic forces that seek to crush Christianity and Christian freedom, to abolish even a hint of Jesus in the public square. Yes, that's the heart, the demonic essence, of this thing. It represents Godless tyranny.
The truth, which has never changed and never will, is that homosexual behavior is a vile corruption of our human design. It's a gross affront to God, to whom we're all accountable, whether we like to admit it or not. It's an immoral, self-destructive, dangerous, unnatural behavior. It is sin.
The truth is that marriage is, and has always been, one thing only: the union of a man and a woman. Two men or two women can never, ever make a marriage union. The most they can do is make a perverse mockery of marriage, which will never be the real deal, and no amount of demented laws will change this fact.
The truth is that we are each made male or female. Period. End of story. A man who wishes/believes/imagines/pretends he is a woman (and the reverse) is a man with mental and spiritual problems. He needs help aligning his mind with reality, not encouragement to remain wedded to his delusion.
The truth is that a man can never, ever be a woman, no matter how desperately he attempts to imitate the appearance of a woman; no matter what kind of hormone cocktails he takes; no matter what kind of surgical mutilations he undergoes. He remains a man, albeit a mentally sick man with a grotesque appearance.
The truth is that this is not about "civil rights" or "discrimination." Degenerate sexual behavior is not a "civil right," nor is it an example of "unfair" treatment when people refuse to give perverts affirmation in their sick behavior. It's quite right to discriminate between men and women and to prevent men from being in private, sex-segregated facilities with women.
This is one of the deceptions that has taken in far too many people today. The sexual degeneracy movement has illegitimately linked itself to the true civil rights movement, but it's a false link. There is no relationship between sin and ethnicity. None. There are no civil rights being denied to homosexuals or mentally ill people who deludedly think they're the opposite sex. They have all the same rights as everyone else.
Just yesterday, we could simply say that this is wrong and we're not having any of it, but today far too many people are unable (or unwilling) to see that it's wrong. Yesterday, we wouldn't have to point out to anyone that there's no such thing as "transgenderism" or same-sex "marriage," because these things were rightly understood to be so. Yesterday, no one would think twice about a baker saying NO to creating a "wedding" cake for two men. Yesterday, no one would dictate "non-discrimination" laws to punish those opposed to affirming or even "celebrating" the indefensible, infamous crime against nature.
Today, insanity reigns. Today, we are witnessing a ramping up of the war against God and His people (an age-old war), which is also a war against freedom, morality, sanity, reason, knowledge, wisdom, reality, truth, the family, marriage and the very meaning of male and female. But, as Christians, we know how this ends. We know that Jesus has already won the war. And, while they can certainly be a royal pain in the neck, our earthly enemies are not the true enemy. But, dark days are ahead.
In Alabama, the homofascists are viciously attacking Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, the "Ten Commandments Judge," who has been one of the few men in authority in the Unites States who is standing against the unconstitutional behavior of the U.S. Supreme Court. He has refused to meekly submit to the Court's lawless Obergefell decision and is now facing possible removal from his position because of it.
In Mississippi, the ACLU hounds of Hell and the "Campaign for Southern Equality" are suing the state over its new religious freedom protection law, which they falsely label as an "anti-LGBT" law. I have already debunked the lies that homofascists and their dupe supporters are telling about such laws.
And, of course we've heard ad nauseam the screeching and wailing against North Carolina's sensible law preventing people from using private facilities meant for the opposite sex.
These are just a few of the many examples of the militant homosexual/"transgender," homofascist, assault on what's right and true. Some may wonder how in the world this movement has been so successful in recent years. The most obvious reason is the corruption and self-deception that have crept into the hearts of the American people on a scale not seen before in the United States. With the broad rejection of the God of all creation and His unfailing Word comes deep deception among the people who reject Him. That's a given.
When people reject the Lord and put man's whim in His place, the unchangeable definitions of right and wrong are effectively abolished. Paul warns us in 2 Timothy chapter 4 that there will come a time when people will not endure sound doctrine, which means truth. When people reject truth, and instead claim that truth is whatever any given person believes it is, then we can no longer effectively point to the transcendent plumb line of God's Word – the source of all truth – to persuade people of what's right and wrong.
This is where we are today, and it's largely why the sinister, militant homosexual/"transgender movement is steamrolling across our nation. When we tell the truth about this movement, far too many people are willingly deceived into rejecting what we say.
For all practical purposes, we are witnessing the "death" of right and wrong, but don't misunderstand me. Right and wrong have never changed, and they never will. Our popular culture, our laws and institutions, our rulers and many people – even the whole world – can deny what's right and wrong till they're blue in the face, but their denials will change nothing. God's Word, His truth, remains unmoved.
The truth about this virulently anti-Christian, sexual anarchy movement is simple. It's a movement based on aggressive rebellion against God and His natural order. It's a movement whose members are "useful idiot" tools of satanic forces that seek to crush Christianity and Christian freedom, to abolish even a hint of Jesus in the public square. Yes, that's the heart, the demonic essence, of this thing. It represents Godless tyranny.
The truth, which has never changed and never will, is that homosexual behavior is a vile corruption of our human design. It's a gross affront to God, to whom we're all accountable, whether we like to admit it or not. It's an immoral, self-destructive, dangerous, unnatural behavior. It is sin.
The truth is that marriage is, and has always been, one thing only: the union of a man and a woman. Two men or two women can never, ever make a marriage union. The most they can do is make a perverse mockery of marriage, which will never be the real deal, and no amount of demented laws will change this fact.
The truth is that we are each made male or female. Period. End of story. A man who wishes/believes/imagines/pretends he is a woman (and the reverse) is a man with mental and spiritual problems. He needs help aligning his mind with reality, not encouragement to remain wedded to his delusion.
The truth is that a man can never, ever be a woman, no matter how desperately he attempts to imitate the appearance of a woman; no matter what kind of hormone cocktails he takes; no matter what kind of surgical mutilations he undergoes. He remains a man, albeit a mentally sick man with a grotesque appearance.
The truth is that this is not about "civil rights" or "discrimination." Degenerate sexual behavior is not a "civil right," nor is it an example of "unfair" treatment when people refuse to give perverts affirmation in their sick behavior. It's quite right to discriminate between men and women and to prevent men from being in private, sex-segregated facilities with women.
This is one of the deceptions that has taken in far too many people today. The sexual degeneracy movement has illegitimately linked itself to the true civil rights movement, but it's a false link. There is no relationship between sin and ethnicity. None. There are no civil rights being denied to homosexuals or mentally ill people who deludedly think they're the opposite sex. They have all the same rights as everyone else.
Just yesterday, we could simply say that this is wrong and we're not having any of it, but today far too many people are unable (or unwilling) to see that it's wrong. Yesterday, we wouldn't have to point out to anyone that there's no such thing as "transgenderism" or same-sex "marriage," because these things were rightly understood to be so. Yesterday, no one would think twice about a baker saying NO to creating a "wedding" cake for two men. Yesterday, no one would dictate "non-discrimination" laws to punish those opposed to affirming or even "celebrating" the indefensible, infamous crime against nature.
Today, insanity reigns. Today, we are witnessing a ramping up of the war against God and His people (an age-old war), which is also a war against freedom, morality, sanity, reason, knowledge, wisdom, reality, truth, the family, marriage and the very meaning of male and female. But, as Christians, we know how this ends. We know that Jesus has already won the war. And, while they can certainly be a royal pain in the neck, our earthly enemies are not the true enemy. But, dark days are ahead.
Democratic Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, left, hugs Mass. state Rep. Denise Provost, D-Somerville, right, during a ceremony held to commemorate the raising of a flag representing the transgender community at Boston City Hall, in Boston, Monday, May 2, 2016. State lawmakers are weighing a bill that would extend protections to transgender individuals in public places. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)
Boston Mayor, Senate president, other politicians join radical activists raising “transgender” flag over Boston City Hall. Hold press conference vowing to fight to pass "bathroom bill".
See VIDEO from their ridiculous speeches, below.
Complete disconnect from reality?
SEE: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen3/16b/tranny-flag-raising_050316/index.html; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
May 7, 2016
You really have to see this for yourself …
On May 2, the Massachusfsetts Legislature’s controversial transgender public accommodations “bathroom” bill (H4253 / S735) was brought out of committee, on its way to votes in the full House and Senate. The bill covers not only bathrooms and locker rooms, but also all locations that could be designated "public accommodations" under the Mass. statute.
The following day, Tuesday, May 3, a bizarre “transgender flag” was officially raised over Boston City Hall. That afternoon the Mayor of Boston, Senate President, Boston City Council President joined radical transgender activists for a press conference at the adjoining City Hall Plaza, to promote passage of the bill.
Yes, this is the "transgender flag" flying over Boston City Hall!
[All photos by MassResistance] |
People know that blue state and big city politicians tend to be liberal. But as the “culture wars” go on, most people aren’t aware of how profoundly disconnected from reality many of these elected officials have become. It is sadly not an exaggeration to say that promoting mental illness and sexual perversion as a “civil right” has become the norm.
According to the activists, this is the first time the “transgender flag” has been flown in the state of Massachusetts. Mayor Walsh said in his speech that he intends to keep it flying over City Hall until full “transgender rights” become state law.
To the average person, on the surface, the press conference looked like a circus with bizarre rhetoric, revealing a disturbing disconnect from reality.
But the speakers were all very serious and emotional. It was not mere “political correctness.” Their incredibly elitist attitude and their utter in-your-face disdain for the opinions and values that most Americans hold on this issue was clear and unmistakable.
*** VIDEO: See and hear for yourself! (8 min 32 sec) ***
A few things to note: For this occasion, most of the politicians wore “transgender” color-coordinated blue-pink-purple clothes.
Also, many of the politicians and activists were wearing green ribbons, obviously in recognition of "Mental Health Awareness Month." The irony of that was clearly lost on the group!
Some of the "highlights" from the speeches:
Master of ceremonies - woman with a beard: Mason Dunn, head of statewide transgender activist group.”We raise the flag in support of trans rights here in Massachusetts and nationally.”
Boston Mayor Marty Walsh. “I don't want our state to fall behind on this . . . We've seen what happens in states when they go in the other direction: their freedoms suffer, their reputations suffer, their economy suffers.”
State Senate President Stanley Rosenberg (self-identified homosexual): “We will send a message that we are not Mississippi, we are not Georgia, we are not North Carolina…. We are on the cusp of doing what should have been done a long time ago. But make no mistake. We will add to the momentum so this will become the law of the land across the entire United States of America.”
Michelle Wu, President of Boston City Council: Bragged about how the City Council has passed a ban on taxpayer-funded travel to North Carolina, and has mandated taxpayer-funding for “transgender” sex-change medical procedures for city workers and their families.
LGBT Youth Activist - man dressed as woman. Grace Sterling Stowell, leader of homosexual / transgender “youth” group that gets state support. Says he’s worked with “thousands” of young people to deal with their “gender expression” issues. (He has been recognized by a national LGBT group for his decades of radical activism.)
“Entertainment” – a transgender singing group. Men with fake breasts and women with facial hair.
The press swooned!
The mainstream press was swooning over this. But they ultimately covered it only superficially – leaving out the radical parts. (See Boston Globe article here.) Luckily, MassResistance was there, too.
"Transgender" poster child. And of course, they brought young children. Child in photo is a 5-year old girl that the parents are bringing up as a boy, and is publicly featured on the transgender lobby website. Very sad. |
Problem for pols
Interestingly, one of the big sticking points among many state legislators of voting for this bill is the predicted anger and outrage from their constituents, especially with this year’s upcoming elections. (Even in Massachusetts, the average person has a problem with the state ordering that men must be allowed into in women’s restrooms and showers.) But the legislative leadership is convinced that people who disagree are just backwards and ignorant. They think their fellow legislators should just have the “courage” to “do what’s best.”
What a coincidence: An ACTUAL circus was being set up just yards away from the press conference, in Boston City Hall Plaza!
Truth is the biggest casualty
This is what happens when politically correct nonsense is allowed to be repeated and repeated without challenge. It is why it we keep saying that boldly telling the truth about this – to politicians and others – is so important in this fight. We must strongly oppose laws that are based on ideological fantasy and people’s unfortunate delusions, and are intended to oppress and punish citizens who don’t agree.
The State Senate is set to vote on this public accommodations “bathroom” bill on May 12, followed by the House. We'll keep you up to date on this issue.
Transgender activists posing for a few quick shots. |
Gay Pride flag raising - Boston City Hall
Published on Jun 10, 2015
Boston Mayor Marty Walsh highlighted this "ceremony" to start Gay Pride Week 2015 in Boston. Featuring "Pussy Riot" as honored guests, various bizaarre LGBT activists, and a large group of politicians.
Boston Mayor Marty Walsh highlighted this "ceremony" to start Gay Pride Week 2015 in Boston. Featuring "Pussy Riot" as honored guests, various bizaarre LGBT activists, and a large group of politicians.
February 05, 2014 – Brooklyn, New York, United States: Members of the punk band Pussy Riot, Nadezhda “Nadya” Tolokonnikova (R) and Maria “Masha” Alyokhina (L) speak at Amnesty International’s “Bring Human Rights Back Home” concert at Barclays Center. Natan Dvir/Polaris/Newscom. License this image from Newscom.com: polphotos277760
Pussy Riot. Two members of the feminist rock punk group who were recently released from prison in Russia, have been causing quite the stir around this year’s Olympics. They have encouraged people to boycott the winter games, in protest against the anti-gay nation. The two women are taking there ideas to New York.

Pussy Riot say Pride events in Toronto, Boston are nothing like home in Russia