1 JOHN 2:15-"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
LYNCHBURG, Va. — A reality star hipster “pastor” who is known for marrying Playboy cover model Kim Kardashian to blasphemous “I Am a God” rapper Kanye West, and for collaborating with West on the script for his “Yeezus” tour and other projects, was welcomed Wednesday by Liberty University, which heralds itself as being the world’s largest Christian university, to address students during convocation.
As previously reported, Rich Wilkerson Jr.’s reality show “Rich in Faith” began airing last month on the Oxygen channel and follows Wilkerson as he launches a new congregation called “Vous Church.”
“I come from a different perspective. I don’t think people are interested in a bunch of religion, like tell me what I can and can’t do,” Wilkerson says in the promotional video for the show. “But I think people are interested in having a relationship with a higher power.”
The preview shows Wilkerson getting a tattoo, lying on the beach with his bikini-clad wife, and telling his parents that he plans to hold his first service at a bar.
“In recent months, the themes of Wilkerson’s sermons have been based on songs from the Top 40: Drake’s ‘Worst Behavior,’ DJ Snake and Lil Jon’s club thumper ‘Turn Down for What,’ Beyoncé’s ‘Drunk in Love,'” the Miami New Times reports.
“His messages take surprising detours on their way to the gospel. He might roll out a story about pissing his pants as a kid, talk about marital sex, or even point out the church’s proximity to Miami’s strip joints,” it outlines.
Wilkerson, who previously led a 1,500-member young adult group called “The Rendezvous” at his father’s Trinity Church, was put into the spotlight in 2014 after he officiated the wedding of profanity-laden rapper Kanye West, known for songs such as “I Am a God,” “Drunk and Hot Girls,” “Hold My Liquor” and “Jesus Walks,” to Playboy cover model Kim Kardashian, the step-daughter of Bruce Jenner.
He had met the couple two years prior after they visited his father’s congregation.
“I just talked to Jesus/He said, ‘What up Yeezus?’/ I said, “[Expletive], I’m chilling/Trying to stack these millions,” West raps in his song “I Am a God.” “I know He the Most High/But I am a close high/… I am a god.”
“It began a relationship; we (Wilkerson and West) started emailing and calling each other. We collaborated on a few things: art, fashion, music, Jesus,” Wilkerson told People Magazine last year. “He invited me to write a few things for his tour, and I’ve been able to counsel him on a few things.”
Wilkerson is stated to have helped with the script for West’s “Yeezus” tour, where West brought a man dressed as Jesus on stage during a show in Seattle.
“White Jesus, is that you?” he asked on stage. “Oh [expletive]!”
West provided the artwork for Wilkerson’s new book “Sandcastle Kings,” which was released in November.
“Kanye is a really good friend,” Wilkerson told reporters. “We chat every week about different things … He’s an amazing artist and designer, and with my first book coming out, I thought it would be fun for him to design the cover.”
Pop star Justin Bieber also visited the congregation, and Wilkerson recently praised him in an interview with Cosmopolitan.
“I think he is doing great,” he said. “I just saw him three days ago in L.A. He’s doing awesome. We are proud of him.”
As previously reported, in an interview with Complex Magazine in October, Bieber spoke much about his views on Christianity, criticizing churches that warn about Hell and Christians who are “overly churchy.” He stated, however, the he personally desires to be more outspoken about the Christian faith and just wants to “live like Jesus.” Days after the interview was released, Bieber made headlines for smoking marijuana and drinking Hennessy on stage.
But some have expressed concern about Wilkerson, including Joe Schimmel, pastor of Blessed Hope Chapel in Simi Valley, California, and host of the documentary “They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll.”
“When Wilkerson’s church was new, one gimmick he employed was to offer to eat a live gold fish if 300 people attended. Some time later, he offered to be zapped with a stun gun when they hit 2,000 attendees,” he explained in a blog post last month.
While Wilkerson says that he believes in Hell and acknowledges that a person goes through a process of sanctification after coming to Christ, he says that specific sins are not discussed much from the pulpit.
“At our church, homosexuality is not a topic I like to chat about very much, but I don’t talk about a whole lot of issues,” Wilkerson told the Miami New Times last year. “I talk about what Jesus is for, not what he’s supposedly against.”
“I don’t know who’s going to Hell. I just know that followers of Jesus are going to Heaven—that’s what the Bible says,” he said. “My message isn’t ever who’s going where.”
“As a pastor, my heart breaks for those who are teaching such serious false doctrines and condoning the wickedness of the world system that so plagues the Church,” Schimmel said. “My heart breaks because I fear and tremble, knowing that the Scriptures declare that we will have a stricter judgment (James 3:1-2), give an account for souls (Hebrews 13:17), and that the blood of those who perish, will be on our heads if we fail to preach repentance and the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:21, 26-27).”
Wilkerson, whose father is the cousin of the late David Wilkerson, was scheduled to speak at Liberty University this morning during the mandatory convocation service. Liberty University’s motto is “Training Champions for Christ.”
As previously reported, on Monday, Liberty University rolled out what was called a “hero’s welcome” for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, and university president Jerry Falwell Jr. took to Fox News to defend Trump’s profession of Christianity.
“Those are just things that I think the world needed to know about Donald Trump because the Bible says that by your fruits you shall know them,” Falwell said. “He may not be a theological expert …, but when you look at the fruits of his life and all the people he’s provided jobs, I think that’s the true test of somebody’s Christianity not whether or not they use the right theological terms.”
Erwin McManus, an emergent leader with Mosaic Church in California, is scheduled to speak at the school on Feb. 3.

"My goal is to destroy Christianity as a world religion and be a re-catalyst for the movement of Jesus Christ," McManus, author of a new book called "The Barbarian Way," said in a telephone interview.
"Some people are upset with me because it sounds like I'm anti-Christian. I think they might be right." Erwin McManus
"The bottom line is that Jesus Christ doesn't want barbarians. The barbarian heart is the one from which He has delivered us. That "primal," sensual, I've-got-to-be-me attitude that casts off restraint has no place in the Christian congregation. As romantic as that distant era of warfare and wild living might seem, we can't go back, and we don't really want to. There's nothing back there for us anymore. We need to be satisfied with Christ alone, as He has revealed Himself in the Scriptures. That is enough, and more than we can possibly live out in this short earthly span. The true barbarian way—brutal, self-serving, violent—needs to remain in the deep past where it belongs, where my own Celtic forbears are buried with their swords and superstitions." —A review of The Barbarian Way By Kevin Reeves
Special Report:
The Barbarian Way
In The Barbarian Way, McManus tells readers that the story of the Crusades "awakens within me a primal longing that I am convinced waits to be unleashed within everyone who is a follower of Jesus Christ." But McManus has an unusual definition of "follower of Jesus Christ." He says:
"When asked if they [Barbarians] are Christians, their answer might surprisingly be no, they are passionate followers of Jesus Christ." This might sound OK on the surface, but it is part of the new missiology and the new evangelicalism that Rick Warren and others proclaim, "God doesn't care what religion you are, just add Jesus to what you already have." Thus you can be a Buddhist with Jesus, a Hindu with Jesus - that's OK. McManus clarifies this when he states: "The greatest enemy to the movement of Jesus Christ is Christianity." He elaborates more:
They [Barbarians - who he tries to convince readers they should be] see Christianity as a world religion, in many ways no different from any other religious system. Whether Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, or Christianity, they're not about religion; they're about advancing the revolution Jesus started two thousand years ago (p.6).
While some may think McManus is talking about some kind of true revival, he's not, not a revival towards the Jesus of the Bible anyway. McManus' Jesus is all together different. And using the same lingo that most contemplatives use (and New Agers for that matter), he tells readers that they have been "recreated to live in a raw and primal spirituality" that listens "to the voice of the Spirit... Barbarians are not welcome among the civilized and are feared among the domesticated." The book reads more like a primer to prepare for an anarchist war than instruction and exhortation on how to live the Christian life according to the Bible. Read the rest of this report, click here.
Erwin McManus on Mysticism
For those who may wonder just what is at the basis of McManus' spirituality, this quote by the author says it all:
_______________________________________________________The Barbarian Way [his book] was, in some sense, trying to create a volatile fuel to get people to step out and act. It's pretty hard to get a whole group of people moving together as individuals who are stepping into a more mystical, faith-oriented, dynamic kind of experience with Christ. So, I think Barbarian Way was my attempt to say, "Look, underneath what looks like invention, innovation and creativity is really a core mysticism that hears from God, and what is fueling this is something really ancient. (emphasis added) Erwin McManus,Interview by Al Sergel with Erwin McManus, “Soul Cravings, Q&A (Relevant Magazine, [Relevant Magazine has removed this link-on file at LTRP]
One of the targets of my criticism in that post was Erwin Raphael McManus, self-styled “futurist, author, speaker, activist, filmmaker and innovator who specializes in the field of developing and unleashing personal and organizational creativity, uniqueness, innovation and diversity.” Some say he is a “pastor” (though he seems to eschew that title and most other ecclesiastical terms). He’s the lead speaker at Mosaic, “a Community of faith, love, and hope” in Pasadena.
It’s a Southern Baptist congregation, but you’d be hard-pressed to discover that fromthe church’s own publicity. I spent many hours a few years ago watching videos and listening to sound files of McManus’s teaching, and I have read two or three of his books, plus practically everything he has posted on line. I have never seen him explain, much less affirm, the gospel. (Online source)
In that 2008 post I said: “Clear gospel truth is almost impossible to find in the material he publishes and posts for public consumption. And in that regard, I don’t see a whole lot of difference between Erwin McManus and Joel Osteen. He’s Osteen with blue jeans and an occasional soul patch rather than a shiny suit and a perpetual grin.” (Online source)
You can read this insightful article by Phil Johnson in its entirety right here.
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
Myths Of The Mind Of McManus
He’s known for teaching foolish things like the following concerning Soul Cravings, one of his earlier books. You’ll understand the context of McManus’ mythology of “innovators and early adopters” when you realize the the below comes from an interview McManus gave to Matt Comer of Infuse Magazine, which tells us it’s where we can learn “everything spiritual and new age, yoga, meditation, holistic health, crystal healing, reiki and chakra, spiritual healing.”
What McManus will tell us is straight out of classic mystic myth of some supposed “spark of the divine” where God i.e. the universe is thought to already indwell all human beings:
Students And Pastors Hear Assertions From McManus Not Grounded In Scripture
Why this man is being used to train seminary students and pastors with this drivel is beyond me. People listen to their own soul because of sin; prior to regeneration we are all bent toward pleasing ourselves, these people “trying to bring meaning” to their lives need to hear the Gospel, not be pitched some new company McManus has started. And they sure don’t need to hear the lie that “there is greatness in everyone”; some of us are made to be regular folk, and our “greatness” is in surrendering our lives that Jesus may be glorified. Here’s what a real Biblical leader named John once said — “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30).
Erwin McManus:
The New Face of Southern Baptist
SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Posted November 2?, 2006
In order to understand Erwin McManus one must visit some of the many webpages associated with him and his MOSAIC church and ministry. What follows is a whirlwind tour of the various websites where one can learn more about this Southern Baptist pastor. He isn't just "doing church." This is a disturbing look into the new face of what used to be a fundamentalist denomination.
The new face of fundamentalism looks Jungian, mystical, futuristic and dominionist. Leaving behind the biblical doctrine of separation, it goes far beyond the neoevangelicals who merely accommodated themselves to the culture. This church of the future seeks to actually change the culture. But not by Scriptures. By metaphors, myths, images and activating the "divine potential of every human being." (See previous two posts.)
NOTE: Each of these webpages below is interlinked with other webpages, but one often cannot get to things directly and openly. Follow the links from one page to another to unravel this man's beliefs, activities, and associations. This is just a few highlights. To really grasp the implications of this, visit these pages and see the incredible graphic images, and follow the links yourself.Today's whirlwind tour of Erwin McManus reminds us of the game "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" We challenge the tourista to find anything more than a veiled or token reference to Jesus Christ or His Gospel of salvation in these webpages.
"Where In the World is Jesus Christ?"
To begin, look at and notice the links, graphics and language. To understand Erwin McManus, one must follow the activities of his brother Alex McManus. The two men are inextricably linked in partnerships on many levels, and this will become evident in today's post.
"Alex served on the Leadershp team of MOSAIC Los Angeles from 1998 through 2004. He was a key leader behind ORIGINS, the Mosaic Leadership Experience, and from 2002 through 2006 grew the conference from a small pilot event to an experience of International reknown and status. During this same time, Alex helped create the Mosaic Alliance and served as the Global Liason from 2002 through 2006. In October 2004, Alex launched the International Mentoring Network, a custom made mentoring process with dense relational components, to discover, develop and deploy leaders. "
International Mentoring Network
"The International Mentoring Network (IMN) is a custom-made mentoring process and peer network. The Mentoring Process is designed to both offer a full-bodied foretaste of mission and ministry in the 21st century and to create ongoing conversation and partnership in mission and ministry.
"In order to do this, The IMN expoits to full advantage both the cyber world and the sphere of concrete relationships. Through the creation of an online university, and online performance venue, a network of blogs and even a cyber-city, the IMN is on the forefront of innovation in the world of technology and mission. On the concrete side, the IMN currently operates out of two centers, Los Angeles and Orlando with plans to expand to Montreal, Seattle/Vancouver, the UK and Europe within the next two to three years. As an added value, the IMN has sponsored annual regional “Makers of Fire” events and is now preparing a new National Conference, HUMANA 2.0 –the fight for humanity begins here . The IMN FACULTY will offer, throughout the six-month process, a full array of ingredients necessary for
*guiding people through life change
*creating an apostolic ethos
*creatively engaging people and culture"
New Conference in Orlando, Fl
"ErwinMcManus (Mosaic), DavidArcos (Mosaic) will join me (AlexMcManus) and many others in Orlando, Florida this February for a new conference created by the International Mentoring Network. Check out the details for HUMANA 2.0 at Register before November 15 and enjoy an early adapter discount."
"This February 7-8 in Orlando, Florida, the fight for humanity begins again. Join ErwinMcManus, DavidArcos, GerardoMarti, AlexMcManus and others for a convergence of missional leaders. Register before November 15 and save with an early adopter discount."
"An invitation from Alex McManus…
"For the last two years, the International Mentoring Network has worked intimately with ORIGINS, the Mosaic Leadership Experience. Mosaic is counted as one of the most unique communities of faith in the world and Origins is, in my opinion, the finest missional leadership development experience in the west.
"This year the IMN is multiplying the learning and networking opportunities by also sponsoring HUMANA 2.0 in Orlando, Florida on February 7-8, 2007.
"If Origins is about all things Mosaic, HUMANA 2.0 is about all things future…as well as multiple models for mission. Our goal will be to provide future-oriented leaders a venue in which to examine diverse, 21st century applications and models of ministry and mission. As we consider Mosaic very much a part of that future, we wish to provide for you opportunities to discuss what it is that makes Mosaic tick. We will also seek to put on the table other emerging forms of mission and ministry: The simple or organic church, entrepreneurial kingdom enterprises, emerging churches, and the cutting edge, cyber-city called voxtropolis."
"What is ETHOS NY 2006?
"A leadership development experiment designed as an opportunity to dialogue with cultural shapers and innovators from Los Angeles, New York, and around the world on topics ranging from leadership, culture, creativity, innovation and the future of the Church.
“…it is more important to change what people care about than to change what they believe! You can believe without caring, but you can’t care without believing.”
- Erwin Raphael McManus Taken from An Unstoppable Force
"ETHOS (n.) The fundamental character or spirit of a culture; the underlying sentiment that informs the beliefs, customs, and practices of a group or society.
"ETHOS is what happens when many individuals make autonomous choices that create a unified movement. ETHOS moves us when nothing else will and like nothing else will. ETHOS can be described as a tribal emotion. Like emotions fire us up, ETHOS is the tribal fire. ETHOS is the fuel of our caring and the fire of our passions. Join us in New York for this unique and transformational experience that will ignite and fuel your passion for the movement of Christ around the world!"
"yelo is an Awaken event that focuses on unleashing your creativity, elevating your influence, challenging your character, and maximizing your leadership potential.
"The yelo team experiences first hand the reward of living in a strength-based diverse community. Using the metaphor of a mosaic, we bring our unique and substantial pieces together for a common purpose: to unleash creativity and build community in your organization. Inspired by an ardent and sincere belief in what we offer, we are committed to serving you and your organization.
"All of us have dreams hibernating inside of us, but we often find it difficult to make them come alive. The quest to live out our dreams begins by unleashing our creative spirit and coming face to face with the uniqueness of our potential. Along the way in life, we discover the importance of character in this journey and are confronted with the primal essence of who we are.
"yelo experiences are offered in Los Angeles three times a year and are open to anyone."
"Awaken Leadership… What is ETHOS NY 2006?A leadership development experiment designed as an opportunity to dialogue with cultural shapers and innovators from Los Angeles, New York, and around the world on topics ranging from leadership, culture, creativity, innovation and the future of the Church. To learn more about ETHOS, go to our ETHOS page.
"Awakening the Human Spirit"We all have dreams, passions, and talents. But why do some of us realize our uniqueness and advance forward with maximum impact, while others watch timidly from a distance and wonder why their life isn’t going the direction they hoped it would? All of us have dreams hibernating inside of us, but we often find it difficult to make them come alive. The quest to live out your dreams begins by unleashing your creative spirit and coming face to face with the uniqueness of your potential as a human being. Along the way in life, we discover the importance of character in this journey and are confronted with the primal essence of who we are. (yelo) is an Awaken event that focuses on unleashing your creativity, elevating your influence, challenging your character, and maximizing your leadership potential. Awaken is an organization that can make these ideas a reality in your life.
"yelo is a mobile event, i.e., we bring yelo to your city, and your context."
"Erwin is the catalyst behind Awaken, a collaboration of dreamers committed to creating environments that expand imagination and unleash creativity. Convinced that the world is changed by dreamers and visionaries, Awaken serves the purpose of history by maximizing the divine potential in every human being."
ERWINMCMANUS– author and lead pastor of MOSAIC Los Angeles
GERARDOMARTI– author (A Mosaic of Believers) and professor of sociology
DAVIDARCOS– writer and performing artist, director of the Urban Poets
ALEXMCMANUS– founder of the International Mentoring Network & creator of VOXTROPOLIS.COM
GENERAL SESSIONS (subject to change)
- The Mosaic Future
- The PostHuman Future
- The CyberFuture
- An Organic Future
To be continued, Lord willing…
The Truth:
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." (Colossians 2:8)