Publisher of Popular Christian Books
to Release Jennifer Knapp’s Lesbian Memoir
This year, the faith-based publishing arm of Simon & Schuster—Howard Books—will release a book written by Knapp titled Facing the Music: Discovering Real Life, Real Love, and Real Faith.
"Jennifer Knapp, now 40, was a popular Christian singer who won Dove Awards and a Grammy Nomination during the late 1990s and early 2000s. However, twelve years ago, Knapp suddenly left the Christian music industry, moved to Australia, and entered into a relationship with another woman. She now describes herself as a lesbian but claims she is still a Christian.
Knapp recently launched “Inside Out Faith”—an initiative designed to help homosexuals reconcile their behavior with their faith. At Inside Out Faith speaking engagements, Knapp promotes the “inclusion and affirmation” of homosexuals within religious circles and condemns churches which show “rejection and judgment.”"
(Friday Church News Notes, May 30, 2014,,, 866-295-4143) - Howard Books is releasing a new title by lesbian CCM artist Jennifer Knapp in defense of her stance that homosexuality is not contrary to Christian faith. In Facing the Music: Discovering Real Life, Real Love, and Real Faith, Knapp “talks about the importance of her faith, and despite the many who claim she can no longer call herself a believer, she maintains that she is both gay and a Christian.” Howard Books is a member of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA). Earlier this year, another ECPA member, Waterbrook Multnomah, published God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same Sex Relationships by Matthew Vines. The “God” who accepts homosexuals without repentance is not the God of Scripture who made man male and female and created holy matrimony between a man and a woman as the only legitimate sphere for sexual relationships. “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4). Homosexuality is another illicit lust of the fallen nature, like every other type of fornication. It can be forgiven and cleansed through the blood of Christ, but only if repented of. The justification of sin is a high road to eternal hell.
A Rockstar, A Reverend, and Redemption
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
It’s a church. No, it’s a rock concert.
It’s a church. No, it’s a rock concert. Actually, for tonight, it’s a rock concert in a church. Grammy nominated Christian singer/songwriter Jennifer Knapp’s lyrics soared with spine tingling, melt your heart, open your soul to true, goddess-like quality of Aphrodite truth – giving the audience chills and a shot at their own authenticity.
Audience moved by Knapp’s performance
What better place to test the acoustics than St. Marks United Methodist Church, though Knapp really didn’t need the microphone to amplify her strong powerhouse of a voice. In fact, the audience didn’t even notice until she alerted the sound booth that she had forgotten to turn on the acoustics on the guitar for the first couple of bars.
Onstage with Jennifer Knapp
The people were mesmerized by her sound. You could feel the mellowness ripple through the pews on the diverse faces of the audience. Some of them sat with their eyes closed, holding their hearts. Others waved their hands in faith, feeling her lyrics, as she mixed known classics, from first hit single, "Undo Me," from her debut album “Kansas” (1998) to the song, "A Little More," from her Grammy award nominated album, “Lay It Down” (2000). In 2001, “The Way I Am,” was also nominated for a Grammy. In total, her three albums have sold over one million copies.
Jennifer’s Playlist – August 12, 2011
An artist truly is an artist defined when her loyal fans still seek shelter in her glow after a seven year hiatus of traveling, soul searching and validating her true self.
Fans drove from as far as Chico, California just to hear her fluid transition to coming out. She discussed her life trials and how creativity and music serve as an outlet for her feelings.
Teri Abshier, Jennifer Knapp, and Jen Cobb
“We came because we love her music; didn’t expect to be so validated in my belief,” shared excited 24 year old Teri Abshier. She and a friend drove the long miles north from Bakersfield.
Sprinkled between Knapp’s set is her speak easy humor poking fun of herself and the decision to come out as a “lesbian.” She is now a role model for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) community, in contrast to her conservative Christian pop/folk singer past. This is one woman who has grown truly honest with her sexuality and assertion, as reflected in her new album, “Letting Go.”
She has come to the realization that she can’t please everyone, and the best she can do is “let go” and accept the person she has become.
After Knapp’s performance, Reverend Gene Robinson, an openly gay New Hampshire bishop who delivered a prayer for President Obama’s inauguration in 2009 and is now an activist for LGBT issues, delivered his philosophy on the LGBT movement. He likened the movement to Martin Luther King’s civil rights activism of the 1960’s against racism. The -isms he was referring to included racism, sexism and the 234 other isms that limit human understanding. He discussed why the movement was also about religion and what the bible really says about being gay is left to interpretation based on each of our experiences.
Reverend Gene Robinson, an openly gay bishop from New Hampshire shares philosophy on LGBT movement.
A same sex couple, Elizabeth and Sarah Kelly, were also at the concert. At the moment, they live in Roseville near the church because it was where they got the support they needed when they first moved to California.
Sarah aspires to become a youth pastor after graduation so she can support, encourage and advise young LGBT. LGBT teen suicide is a concern that Rev. Robinson pointed out in his talk. The kids feel left out and alone without a support group to have their voice heard. This lack of understanding is what plagues both adults and children.
Elizabeth Kelly, Jennifer Knapp, Sarah Kelly
“It’s preposterous," said Sarah Kelly, voicing her growing frustration over Prop 8.
"We live the same as married couple. We share the rent, expense for our household needs, join the military, act as domestic partners, access IVF and even adopt children legally, but because we are the same sex, we are still unrecognizable by the courts as legally married,”
Proposition 8 eliminates rights of same-sex couples to marry. The passing of Prop 8 in 2008 and the debate over same sex marriage has been a back and forth pendulum since the 1970’s. The measure added a new provision, Section 7.5 of the Declaration of Rights, to the California Constitution, which provides that "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”
The next stage in California’s Prop 8 court case is set for Sept 6 when the Supreme Court of California will hear arguments on whether Prop 8 supporters have legal standing under state law to overturn California’s gay marriage ban.