Lighthouse Trails reports having received an e-mail from an Assemblies of God pastor who is concerned about the direction of the denomination. Here is the e-mail reprinted:
Dear Lighthouse Trails:
I just finished reading your latest article on the Ruth Haley Barton fiasco that has infiltrated the A/G. Once again, the assessment of this situation is very well presented. Unfortunately, I have no reason to believe that the A/G will make any changes to their schedule with regard to Ms. Barton.
I just received a copy of an article that was published in the Charisma magazine with Dr. Wood as the cover story. You might
want to get a copy of that issue just for information sake. To say that I was disheartened would be an understatement. My spirit was grieved at the future direction being articulated by Dr. Wood. I can assure you that, in my conversations with a few other A/G clergy, this is not going well at all. True, there is a major effort by our leadership at the General Council level and the District level, to train younger pastors using this new mindset of the A/G. This Charismamagazine was sent out to every A/G minister and its impact and influence on the up and coming new leaders is going to be substantial.
It is my personal conviction that the A/G will be going in the direction of most mainline denominations by embracing a message and a method of ministry that will bring the A/G to the level of being nothing more than a civic organization. I base this on current activities such as the embracing of the likes of Ruth Haley Barton as well as emergent leaders like Mark Batterson, Mark Driscoll et al. Of course Dr. Wood’s personal relationship with Rick Warren has so infiltrated the A/G and its thinking that it’s hard to imagine that ever changing. . . . True, the 16 tenets of faith will probably remain in tact, at least I hope so. However, the emphasis now is on marketing the church in the same way that corporations market their services. Having been involved in the corporate world for ____ years, I speak from personal experience.
However, we will continue to pray for our leaders that the conviction of the Holy Spirit will bring them to their senses.
___________ (Assemblies of God Pastor)
Our previous posts about Ruth Haley Barton:
Our previous posts about Mark Batterson:
Our previous post about Mark Driscoll:
Our previous posts about Ruth Haley Barton:
Our previous posts about Mark Batterson:
Our previous post about Mark Driscoll: