Linda Harvey of Mission America speaks out against pro-homosexual school programs, outside the homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign’s D.C. headquarters. Harvey was the target of vulgar hate-emails after she was mentioned days before in an AFTAH press release announcing the event. Click on photos to view enlarged on web.
Folks, this is a good account of our Tuesday press conference against “Gay Pride Month” in front of Human Rights Campaign’s D.C. headquarters – by Cliff Kincaid of America’s Future, which also provided full video coverage of the event [see YouTube videos Part One, Part Twoand Part Three]. This article is reprinted from the Renew America website (which we highly recommend), and published June 5, 2013. Our press conference was a success even though few "mainstream" media attended. At AFTAH, we are trying to find ways to stop playing DEFENSE and get on the OFFENSE against the aggressive homosexual-bisexual- transgender movement. Thanks for standing with us! -- Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Backlash to Obama’s Gay Rights Agenda
An Obama-allied group that is at the center of the scandal over IRS harassment of conservative organizations was the target of a protest outside its own headquarters.
“The escalation of homosexual activist power is bad for America, and American liberty,” declared Peter LaBarbera of the group Americans for Truth outside the headquarters of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) in Washington, D.C. He said Christians and conservatives in favor of traditional values are being subjected to “intimidation, bullying, violence, [and] dirty tricks,” such as the HRC’s acquisition of the National Organization for Marriage’s IRS donor filings, for the purpose of harassing opponents of the gay agenda.
The Huffington Post had also received and publicized the confidential information, a violation of federal law.
A banner, “Homosexuality Is Nothing to Be Proud of, but overcoming it is,” was displayed in reference to President Obama’s proclamation of June as “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month.”
Obama previously celebrated the 1969 homosexual riots at a seedy Mafia-run bar known as the Stonewall Inn.

HRC sign “welcomes” AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera. A few hours later, an HRC spokesman was maligning him and other pro-family advocates as the “fringe.”
Aware of the planned press conference, the HRC put a “Welcome Peter” sign on its headquarters.
But LaBarbera didn’t return the welcome, saying that “The deviant sexual revolution represented by the Human Rights Campaign headquarters behind us is built on a foundation of lies.”
He called the homosexual revolution “one of the most amazing marketing stories of all time: a sexual sin once defined by Noah Webster as the ‘Crime Against Nature,’ condemned by God for millennia, was repackaged as the supposed basis for ‘civil rights.’”
Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel Action, one of several participants in the news conference, denounced the Human Rights Campaign for its role in receiving and u sing confidential financial records from the IRS to attack donors to the National Organization for Marriage (NOM).
HRC President Joe Solmonese was a co-chair of President Obama’s re-election committee, and Obama spoke at an HRC dinner in 2011.
Mr. John Eastman, the NOM Chairman, was on Capitol Hill at about the same time, describing the criminal conduct involving the HRC. He testified that NOM’s 2008 Form 990 Schedule B information was obtained illegally by the HRC and The Huffington Post and that such actions constitute “a serious felony punishable by a $5,000 fine and up to five years in federal prison…”
Yet, he went on, NOM has been stonewalled in its attempts to discover on its own the source of the felonious conduct, and the organization has “received no satisfaction from the law enforcement authorities of the United States, whose duty it is to prosecute felonious disclosure of confidential tax returns.”

Giant banner on side of HRC building reproduces Barack Obama’s unbiblical words at his 2013 Inaugural Address. It reads: “Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law — FOR IF WE ARE TRULY CREATED EQUAL, THEN SURELY THE LOVE WE COMMIT TO ONE ANOTHE MUST BE EQUAL AS WELL.” Obama is a key ally of the Human Rights Campaign. Click to view enlarged online.
The Washington, D.C., protest outside the headquarters of the HRC also included Eric Holmberg, producer of the documentary “Is Gay the New Black? Homosexuality and the Civil Rights Movement.” He released a YouTube clip of his film titled “ From Selma to Stonewall” and said the homosexual movement has used the comparison with blacks to “propagandize” for their cause and to try to “normalize” homosexuality.
During the question-and-answer period, a reporter for BuzzFeed, a financial backer of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association, said he had just spoken to a former top adviser to Mitt Romney’s campaign who said it was impossible to reverse the trend for homosexual rights in America.
LaBarbera rejected that view, noting that a homosexual “marriage” bill just failed in Illinois, Obama’s home state, in part because of opposition from blacks and Latinos. LaBarbera, who is based in Illinois, pointed out that Baptist Minister James Meeks, a former member of the Illinois State Senate, recorded robocalls against the bill. Meeks is the Senior Pastor and Founder of Salem Baptist Church of Chicago – the largest African American church in Illinois, with over 15,000 members.
Matt Barber commented on the fact that in secular France, where a socialist government just legalized homosexual marriage, hundreds of thousands of people have turned out in the streets in protest. Many are calling for the resignation of Socialist President François Hollande.
“Same-sex marriage has provoked the most prolonged and powerful right-wing demonstrations in France for three decades,” a British paper noted.
Asked about how the U.S. Supreme Court would rule on homosexual marriage this month, Barber said he was not sure, but that it would be surprising and absurd if it found there was a constitutional right “for Patrick Henry to marry Henry Patrick.”
Using facts and figures from the federal Centers for Disease Control, Diane Gramley, President of theAmerican Family Association of Pennsylvania, addressed the ongoing homosexual health crisis:
“It is unbelievable that in an era of escalating STD [sexually transmitted disease] rates, especially for homosexual men…that the Human Rights Campaign is talking about ending the homosexual blood ban.”
Other speakers included Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America and host of Mission America Radio, and Patrick Mangan, Executive Director of Citizens for Community Values of Indiana.

Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel Action calls for an investigation into HRC’s role in the IRS-gate scandal.
LaBarbera noted that one of the founding fathers of the homosexual movement, communist Harry Hay, supported the participation of NAMBLA (the North American Man/Boy Love Association)in “Gay Pride” parades, and that “a new PRO-pedophile movement is making its case, copycatting ‘gay’ activist tactics of victim-mongering and distorting the meaning of words.”