Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith,, proposes in his recent (in his words) "graduate level lecture" that the Purpose Driven, emerging church methodologies are the offspring of a long line of anti-rationalistic proponents. The following audio only from YouTube (1HR/30MIN)
starts the lecture at about the 9 minute mark:
should be heard in conjunction with his Powerpoint slides in PDF format at his website link: Rosebrough maintains that many of today's non-traditional churches could be characterized as communities of small groups (discussions, not teacher led) and/or "community resource distribution centers".
This is a bullet point list of some points he made, not all of which are his exact quotes, but additionally are representative of the theme of some of the persons and their philosophies discussed in this lecture:
- "Leaders have ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY to the people in the congregation. But, the people are accountable to the leaders for accomplishing the vision that they cast." (pastors=vision casters).
- "Certain churches are belligerents in this battle (for individual rights) and they're NOT fighting for your individual rights."
- "The individual DOES NOT EXIST. The Community is organic (living)."
- "Truth is experienced in conversation within community."
- "Fascist, Totalitarian Scope of Doctrine."
- "The new Non-Economic Society."
- "Druckerites: Drucker, Warren, Buford."
- "They find their guiding light not from church tradition or doctrine so much as their analysis of their target audience."
- "Asking the marketing question: 'Who are the customers, and what's of value to them?'
- "They're more interested in the pastoral question: 'What do these people need that we can supply?' than in the theological nuances: 'How can we preserve our distinctive doctrines?'"