We let a few days go by before addressing this issue so we could see and hear what others wiser than us could offer. Nevertheless, certain themes have risen to prominence like fat in the soup when chilled in the refrigerator. Those of us Christians who are still faithful to historic Protestant/Reformed Christianity and the 5 Solas, remember a day when pastors as well as ordinary Christians would, could, and wanted to defend the faith, confront/expose false gospels and teachers, and clearly and publicly identify sin and its types.
This is a new day, a new page has turned, in the life of Christians and Christianity. In case you haven't been noticing for the last few decades what has been the great slide downward into rampant heresy and apostasy, you may still think this is trivial and only affects a select few, but not you. You are wrong.
Now with the likes of Louis Giglio, and his like-minded, one-in-the "spirit" church leaders (no longer "ministers"), i.e., the neo-calvinist, neo-reformed, hyper-charismatic, word of faith, new apostolic reformation, dominionist, pentecostal, neo-evangelical, purpose driven, continuationist, emerging, new paradigm, new age, occult, Druckerite, fascist, "higher order Christian" pastors, are gleefully merging their efforts into this rich BOUILLABAISSE STEW/SOUP of the new way of doing church. Sometimes there is the fat that needs to be skimmed off if we are to eat healthy! What's to be done with the useless fat if you have no use for it, or better,you are on a back to basics, lean and disciplined diet of Bible alone! Could be that the soup itself is toxic!
Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith has some really good insights into the "rejection/resignation" of Louis Giglio from Obama's 2013 inauguration and the implications for us as Christians as the State Religion of Obama is now implemented:
http://www.fightingforthefaith.com/2013/01/this-message-is-banned-by-the-state-religion-of-the-united-states.html. This audio of Chris is added:
And Todd Rhoades of Leadership Network, being interviewed by a Giglio "supporter, has not missed the opportunity to inject his sympathies and worries about the "fundamentalist" camp stirring up inordinate concerns about the homosexual agenda:
Wherein Chris references Al Mohler's article on the same subject from the "McCarthyite" point of view (anti-Communist inquisition), titled "The Giglio Imbroglio" (like the Italian scandals):
Erin Benzinger of Do Not Be Surprised has this very well written article as well, which includes some revealing statements by Giglio himself demonstrating his distaste for controversial subjects that might offend the anointed one and be in conflict with the new world order and our own anti-Christian State Religion: