
Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Ron Paul: 

“Common Core Is Really The Last Straw”


Ron Paul: Well, the whole thing is that Common Core is an example of how the federal government wants to take over, totally and completely, the educational system. They’ve been doing this for a long time, I mean for more than 50 years they’ve encroached upon control of local schools with the federal government getting involved back even in the 50s with the Department of Education – HEW [Department of Health, Education, and Welfare] – being established.

Grandma Diane Bagdy 

says Common Core based on UN Agenda 21;

British Pearson Co. ejected for un-American activities 
during the Reagan administration in 1986; 
but just awarded a Common Core contract:

Published on May 4, 2014
"Everybody's Grandma" Diane Bagdy says that Common Core is based on Chapter 36 of UN Agenda 21, global education initiative.--Poughkeepsie, New York. April 27, 2014

Stop Common Core in the United States:

Proof Common Core Is Killing Common Sense: