Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
The governor sent a copy of the letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell.
As of Wednesday morning, the governor had not yet received a reply, a member of his staff said. A spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services told the Wall Street Journal that the department is required to protect the privacy of the unaccompanied children and keep their personal information confidential.
Five other governors signed a letter to the president last week expressing similar concerns about the impact the relocation of the illegal immigrant minors will have on their states.
"We are concerned that there will be significant numbers who will end up using public schools, social services and health systems largely funded by the states," said the letter signed by Governors Robert Bentley of Alabama, Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Sam Brownback of Kansas, Pat McCrory of North Carolina, Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania, and Gary Herbert of Utah. The governors said they were troubled to learn that the federal government is not requiring that relatives who are taking in the children be citizens themselves.
The Honorable Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear President Obama: I write to you to express my concern about the number of unaccompanied immigrant children entering this country and the failure of the federal government to notify states in which children are being released. On July 13, the nation’s governors met with Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell during the annual National Governors Association meeting, which I hosted in Nashville this year. We spent a significant amount of time in that meeting discussing the issue of unaccompanied immigrant children. Although this is a complex issue and one that ultimately must be solved at the federal government level, governors are rightly concerned about the impact on states. We emphasized to Secretary Burwell the need to be informed of any children being relocated to our states. It is unacceptable that we became aware via a posting on the HHS website that 760 unaccompanied children have been released by the Office of Refugee Resettlement to sponsors in Tennessee without my administration’s knowledge. Not only was our state not informed prior to any of the children being brought here, I still have not been contacted and have no information about these individuals or their sponsors other than what was posted on the HHS website and subsequently reported by media. Although solving the border crisis is a federal responsibility, this influx of immigrant children could have a significant impact on state and local governments. Therefore, we strongly believe that the state needs to be informed prior to any additional unaccompanied immigrant children being released in Tennessee, and we also need immediate answers to the following questions: 1. What was the process for determining that these children should be released to sponsors in Tennessee? 2. How did you locate and evaluate the fitness of their sponsors? 3. What medical screenings were the children given prior to their release in Tennessee? 4. What is the official immigration status of these children and their sponsors? 5. In what localities are these children now residing? 6. What are the legal requirements concerning the provision of services for these children while they are in the state? 7. What additional information is available on these children, such as age and health status? 8. How long will these children be in Tennessee? Tennessee is a diverse and welcoming state, and we also understand that this is a complicated issue. However, an influx of unaccompanied immigrant children to the state, with little information being made available to the public or to state leaders, creates confusion and could be very problematic. The start of school is approaching for many districts across the state, and the federal government’s actions have caused great uncertainty around this issue. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to receiving a response to these urgent questions.
"On Friday, these children landed in the Volunteer State. The governor, however, is claiming no one in his office was even told they were coming and that he learned only after seeing a notice on the Health and Human Services website. This came even after Gov. Haslam had asked the White House to alert him prior to sending to his state any of the estimated 90,000 illegal children who have recently flooded the country. With more than 120,000 already estimated to be living in Tennessee, taxpayers in Tennessee already pay an estimated $547 million a year to provide public benefits and services to illegal aliens residing in the state.
According to data recently released by the Migration Policy Institute, between 2000 and 2012, the five states with the largest percent growth of the immigrant population were South Carolina (91%), Alabama (87%), Tennessee (83%), Arkansas (75%), and Wyoming (74%). Reports of 1,100 illegals being dropped off in the same manner without any warning in Georgia, as well as 350 in South Carolina, are starting to surface with others soon to follow."
Joe Biggs interviews two local ranchers out of Hereford, Arizona, who think the border situation is a planned event by our government, and that our border security is meant to be a complete failure.
“They took agents off the border because it’s a force multiplier,” border rancher John Ladd tells Infowars, regarding an Arizona Border Patrol station which lies further inland. “They’re 25 miles north on the freeway, and everything that’s happened is deliberate to let this border be wide open.”
“We’ve been screaming for 20 years,” says rancher Fred Davis. “We’ve been overrun for 20 years, and nobody has listened, they thought it was our problem.”
Citing concerns over reports that many illegals are harboring communicable diseases, in addition to surging immigration numbers, Davis warns the U.S. economy cannot possibly sustain.
“The diseases these people are bringing in, and the drain on our systems are going to be phenomenal. The infrastructure of America cannot handle this influx.”
Ranchers Believe Border Collapse a Planned Event;
Mountains of Trash, Including Korans, Prayer Rugs,
Hypodermic Needles, Pregnancy Tests;
Vandalized Fencing & Property;
Border Fencing Incomplete, With Openings Everywhere
East Indians, Chinese, & Arabs Coming Through;
CDC (Center for Disease Control) Completely Silent
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs discovers an opening in the border fence in Hereford, Arizona, (a common occurrence all throughout the U.S. Mexico border) and demonstrates how easy it is for an immigrant to walk across the border from Mexico into the United States. This just further illustrates the fact that this entire border collapse is an orchestrated plan by the government to finally completely collapse America forever.
Reporter Takes Single Engine Cessna Flight;
Aerial Footage Shows Massive Holes In Border Fence;
The Gates Are Wide Open;
New Border Patrol Facility in Bisbee, Arizona Cost $30 Million; Far Away from Border:
Published on Jul 25, 2014
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs takes to the sky to demonstrate just how serious this manufactured border meltdown really is. With aerial proof of a nonexistent border fence on a large portion of the Arizona/Mexico border, it becomes even more obvious that the border collapse is an orchestrated and contrived assault on the American people.
Congress and the American people "will not stand" for altering or suspending the nation's immigration law by executive action, Senator Jeff Sessions (shown, R-Ala.) said in a Senate speech Monday, warning that the president is planning to lead the nation into "exceedingly dangerous waters."
"It is utterly unacceptable for you to meet with special interest groups, La Raza and others, and then promise action that is contrary to law," Sessions said, adding that he was not suggesting any "parley or any compromise. There is no middle ground on nullifying immigration law by the President."
Congress Leaves For Vacation While Border in Crisis:
Published on Jul 30, 2014
Obama has indicated he will whip out his magic pen to pass sweeping immigration reform, conveniently while Congress takes August recess.
Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) 7.28.2014 Obama's Executive Amnesty:
US Senate 7.24.2014 Jeff Sessions & Ted Cruz enter a collique on Obama's executive amnesty:
Published on Jul 25, 2014
US Senate 7.24.2014 Jeff Sessions & Ted Cruz enter a collique on Obama's executive amnesty Our Southern Border is being invaded by South America & Obama wants to grant a unilateral amnesty via executive order because the Congress has already rejected it. The simplest & most popular thing a politician could do in their career would be to seal the border and deport all the people here illegally -- RIGHT NOW. The American people overwhelmingly support that notion.
Rosa Leal de Pérez, the first lady of Guatemala, believes the influx of illegal immigrant children into the United States has nothing to do with violence.
A law enforcement intelligence report, however, disputes the claim about Central American violence pushed by the government. Instead, according to a report received by KRGV, the influx is the direct result of people in Central America being told they will be provided with permits and be allowed to stay in the United States and “reunite with their families and better themselves financially.”
The report also states violence in Central America is in decline. According to an elite, law-enforcement sensitive El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC) intel report from July 7, 2014:
In late May, the U.S. Border Patrol interviewed unaccompanied children (UAC) and migrant families apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley. Of the 230 total migrants interviewed, 219 cited the primary reason for migrating to the United States was the perception of U.S. immigration laws granting free passes or permisos to UAC and adult female OTMs traveling with minors. Migrants indicated that knowledge of permisos was widespread across Central America due to word of mouth, local, and international media messaging—prompting many to depart for the United States within 30 days of becoming aware of these perceived benefits, according to the same reporting.
Join us for a festive evening that includes Mexican fare, jovial drinks, a silent auction, a live auction, and the best company in town. Catholic Charities Fort Worth will be hosting our 22nd Annual Noche de Fiesta at the renowned Omni hotel downtown Fort Worth. Here are the details:
Noche de Fiesta
Saturday, August 9, 2014 1300 Houston Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 Tickets are $100/person; Table sponsorships are available For details or to purchase tickets, Contact Paula Pace at
or 817-289-0344
Informational Session
July 31st 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Catholic Charities Fort Worth 249 W.Thornhill Drive Fort Worth, TX 76119
Violence and persecution are causing thousands of children to flee their home country and seek refuge in the United States. Would you be willing to open your heart and home to an international youth in need?
Join us for an informational session at Catholic Charities Forth Worth to learn more about the unaccompanied children and how you can get involved with the International Foster Care program to provide a future filled with hope for these children.
Well-rounded aid to unaccompanied minor immigrants
The International Foster Care (IFC) Program assists unaccompanied minors who do not have adult caregivers. The program partners with foster families to provide a safe, nurturing, and culturally sensitive environment that equips and empowers them to reach their full potential. IFC provides services to meet the needs of each youth. These services include tutoring, mentoring, independent living skills training, cultural activities, legal assistance, mental health services, intensive case management and education/ESL classes.
Currently, our International Foster Care provides homes for minors from Congo, Somalia,
Eritrea, Burma, Guatemala and Mexico. These youth are usually 15-17 years old and are
in vulnerable situations. Their stories of survival can be painful to hear, yet full of faith
and determination.
The youth referred to Catholic Charities Fort Worth are identified through the U.S. Office
of Refugee Resettlement and its Unaccompanied Children's Services program. We also
partner with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to provide all children with the most comprehensive services possible.
Find further information on International Foster Care through these resources:
Illegal immigrants arriving from as far away as China pay up to $30,000 to be smuggled into the U.S. through Mexico, a Border Patrol agent has revealed, highlighting the fact that people from all over the world, not just Central America, are penetrating the southern border due to lackadaisical enforcement of immigration laws.
Federal agents in South Texas apprehended two groups of Chinese illegal immigrants yesterday, some of whom were suffering from heat exhaustion after making the perilous trek through Mexico’s harsh terrain.
Chinese Crossing Mexican Border Into USA: