Christian Bakers Who Declined to Make Cake for ‘Gay Wedding’ Ordered to Pay
$135,000 to Lesbians
SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
GRESHAM, Ore. — The owners of a Christian bakery in Oregon have officially been ordered to pay $135,000 in damages to two lesbians who claimed that they suffered emotionally after they were told that the bakery could not make a cake for their ceremony because of their convictions not to participate in others’ sins.
As previously reported, Aaron and Melissa Klein operate Sweet Cakes by Melissa in Gresham, which is now operated from the couple’s home after the Kleins’ shut their doors due to harassment. In January 2013, Aaron was approached by a mother and her daughter as the two were interested in a cake for the daughter’s upcoming wedding—to her lesbian partner.
“My first question was what’s the wedding date,” Klein told television station KTW in Portland. “My next question was [the] bride and groom’s name. … The girl giggled a little bit and said, ‘It’s two brides.’”
He then informed the women that the bakery does not make cakes for homosexual events.
“I apologized for wasting their time and said that, unfortunately, we do not do same-sex marriages,” Klein explained.
The women left Sweet Cakes upset about the incident, and later, one of them filed a complaint with the state. The Oregon attorney general’s office soon launched an investigation against the Klein’s as the state’s non-discrimination laws prevent public accommodations from being denied to any individual on the basis of “race, color, religion, sex [or] sexual orientation.”
But Klein states that he regularly serves homosexuals. He believes that there is a difference between serving homosexuals in general and having to personally facilitate same-sex ceremonies, which is an act of participation.
“I have customers come in almost on a weekly basis that are homosexual,” he said. “They can buy my stuff. I sell stuff. I talk with them. That’s fine. … This was not the first time we’ve served these girls.”
“We were being asked to participate in something that we could not participate in,” Klein’s wife, Melissa, noted.
Some Christians believe that being a part of a same-sex event violates the biblical command in 1 Timothy 5:22 not to be “partakers in other men’s sins,” as well as the command in Ephesians 5:7, “Be not ye therefore partakers with them.”
In February, a judge with the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries ruled that the Christian bakers are guilty of discrimination for declining to make the cake, thus moving the matter into the sentencing phase. The Kleins had expressed concern prior to the ruling that if they were forced to pay a fine for declining the cake over their Christian convictions, the penalty would “definitely” bankrupt the family.
In April, Alan McCullough, an administrative judge with the bureau, recommended a fine of $135,000, with one of the women receiving $75,000 and the other $60,000. Prosecutors had sought damages of $75,000 each.
The two women, who have been identified as Rachel Cryer and Laurel Bowman, submitted individual lists of just under 100 aspects of suffering in order to receive the damages. They included “acute loss of confidence,” “doubt,” “distrust of men,” “distrust of former friends,” “excessive sleep,” “discomfort,” “high blood pressure,” “impaired digestion,” “loss of appetite,” “migraine headaches,” “loss of pride,” “mental rape,” “resumption of smoking habit,” “shock” “stunned,” “surprise,” “uncertainty,” “weight gain” and “worry.”
But the Kleins told the court that they too had suffered because of the attacks that they received over their desire to live out their Christian faith in the workplace. They stated that they endured “mafia tactics” as their car was vandalized and broken into on two occasions, their vendors were harassed by homosexual advocates resulting in some businesses breaking ties with them, and they received threatening emails wishing rape, death and Hell upon the family. As a result, they had to close their business and move it into their private home.
This week, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries accepted McCollough’s recommendation and fined the Kleins $135,000.
“This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage,” the final order, written by Commissioner Brad Avakian, read. “It is about a business’s refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal.”
The Kleins told commentator Todd Starnes that they are disappointed by the order and plan to appeal.
“We were just running our business the best we could—following the Lord’s example,” Melissa Kelin stated. “I’m just blown away by the ruling. They are punishing us for not participating in the wedding.”
Aaron Klein vowed to fight Avakian in court.
“This man has no power over me,” he said. “He seems to think he can tell me to be quiet. That doesn’t sit well with me and I refuse to comply.”
Sweet Cakes by Melissa had served Cryer and Bowman for all other orders at their bakery, and even considered the women to be their friends.
Published on Jul 6, 2015
You’d think being found liable for “mental rape” for declining to cater a gay wedding and being fined $135,000 would be enough undue punishment
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THE LESBIANS: Rachel Bowman-Cryer (right) and her wife Laurel (left)
After a Christian couple said they refused to bake a gay wedding cake because they have “faith in the Lord,” an Oregon state agency ordered them to “cease and desist” talking about their faith.
Claiming the Kleins violated Oregon’s anti-discriminatory laws, Oregon’s Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) Commissioner Brad Avakian ordered them to “cease and desist” discussing their Christian beliefs because they made the following statements on the Christian Broadcasting Network:
- Aaron Klein: “I didn’t want to be a part of her marriage, which I think is wrong.”
- Melissa Klein: “I am who I am and I want to live my life the way I want to live my life and, you know, I choose to serve God.”
- Aaron Klein: “It’s one of those things where you never want to see something you’ve put so much work into go belly up, but on the other hand, I have faith in the Lord and he’s taken care of us up to this point and I’m sure he will in the future.”
Oregon Declares War on the Christian Faith
SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
In one of the most egregious anti-Christian acts committed by a state official in recent memory, Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian not only upheld the ridiculous $135,000 fine levied against Aaron and Melissa Klein for declining to bake a cake for a lesbian commitment ceremony, but he ordered the Kleins to "cease and desist" from making any public comments about their religious convictions relative to this case.
This is an outrage and a travesty, and it must be rebuked and resisted. Who does Mr. Avakian think he is?
The fine itself is unconscionable, as the amount of $135,000 was determined by tallying up the alleged emotional damages experienced by the lesbian couple, who as Thomas D. Williams noted, "accused the Kleins of 'mental rape,' adding that they had suffered a 'loss of appetite' and 'impaired digestion,' which remarkably led to 'weight gain.'"
If anyone here was "raped," it was the Kleins (by the government) not this couple (by the Kleins).
The list of 178 (!) purported damages compiled by the two lesbians includes the following (this is not a spoof; the list is real): "concern for privacy at home; concern for safety at home; dislike of going to work; distrust of former friends; distrust of men; fear of not being able to get another job; fear of being alone; felt mentally raped, dirty and shameful; future job opportunities damaged; hysteria; inability to find work; irritability with family and friends; loss of opportunity for bonding with infant; migraine headaches; nightmares; not wanting husband (?) to touch her; pale and sick at home after work" – just to name a few.
The proper response of the court (and Mr. Avakian) should have been, "Are you kidding me? All this because a Christian couple declined your business on religious grounds at a time when same-sex 'marriage' wasn't even legal here?"
As Laurie Higgins observed, "This wowzer list of ailments purportedly resulted from not being able to purchase a wedding cake from one bakery. How, pray tell, do these two function in a diverse world?"
I don't doubt that the women felt hurt, but they are either completely exaggerating what they experienced or they have quite a few other, deep emotional problems that need to be addressed that are no fault of the Kleins. On either score, any fair court would have recognized the absurdity of the list.
Yet in the increasingly anti-Christian, pro-homosexualist world in which we live, the Kleins were found guilty of being true to their faith and punished severely for it.
Perhaps the Kleins can countersue the government of Oregon for 10 trillion dollars based on the emotional damages they have experienced, not to mention the loss of their very livelihood due to the attack that has come against them? If the lesbian couple deserved $135,000, then the Kleins deserve at least 10 trillion.
Seriously, though, did these women really not know that plenty of Christians do not support gay "marriage" and cannot in good conscience participate in it? Were they suddenly so traumatized by something they have known to be true all their lives?
But not only was the fine completely out of line, Avakian's reasoning was just as faulty, as he claimed that, "This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage. It is about a business's refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal."
This is patently false, since the Kleins had never once refused to serve homosexuals. They simply refused to participate in a gay "wedding" ceremony by providing the cake.
But why play by the rules when it's open season on Christians and their faith?
Avakian, however, was not done. As Williams explains, "The Oregon official imposed a gag order on the couple, mandating that they 'cease and desist' from speaking publicly about not wanting to bake cakes for same-sex weddings based on their Christian beliefs."
To ask once again, who does Mr. Avakian think he is?
Thankfully, the Kleins have not backed down, as Aaron said in an interview following the verdict: "He wants to silence anyone who opposes his point of view. Unfortunately, he's doing this with the wrong Christian, because I fight back."
This is yet another example of gay activist overreach (either by gay activists themselves or by their straight allies), and it must be confronted in the strongest of terms.
To state things, then, plainly and directly: Mr. Avakian and the State of Oregon, your bullying will backfire. You are on the wrong side of justice, and your attempts to steal our freedoms of religion and speech will be to your lasting shame.
I sincerely pray that you will humble yourself and recognize the error of your ways.
I'm sure the Kleins would like nothing more than to forgive you to your face and give you a great big hug. Not only are Christians moral people, they are forgiving people.
But please do not associate forgiveness with weakness. We are quite committed to stand for what is right.
As Aaron stated clearly, "For years, we've heard same-sex marriage will not affect anybody. I'm here firsthand to tell everyone in America that it has already impacted people. Christians, get ready to take a stand. Get ready for civil disobedience."
That time has come.
Dr. Brown Exposes the Absurdity
of Oregon’s Anti-Christian Ruling
The Fred Brauer Report, 7/3/15 KLEINS DENIED
"Brad Avakian:
I Embrace Occupy Wall Street"
Uploaded on Oct 25, 2011 ON
"Oregon congressional candidate Brad Avakian has been an outspoken supporter of the Occupy movement. He attended the first day of protest at Occupy Portland and has participated in subsequent demonstrations. He is running for Congress to stand up for working people and take on the rich and powerful that have dominated our political system for too long."
SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
"Sign Brad Avakian's letter to Senator Bruce Starr"
"Join me in calling on Senator Starr to disavow the extremist position his Republican Party took at their national convention: Sign my letter and let him know you’re opposed to dangerous policies that threaten Oregon women.
Dear Senator Starr:
I’m writing to ask that you join me in protecting the health of Oregon’s women. As you know, the official Republican National Platform adopted last week calls for an absolute ban on abortion, with no exceptions in cases of rape, incest, or where the life of the mother is threatened.
I hope you’ll agree with me that this policy presents a serious threat to the health of Oregon’s women and is an unacceptable infringement on personal medical decisions that must be left to a woman, her family, and her faith, with the counsel of her doctor or health care provider.
As the chief elected official protecting Oregonians’ civil rights, I believe in respecting the real-life decisions that women and their families face every day. And I believe strongly that all elected officials – regardless of party affiliation – must speak up when women’s health is threatened.
I hope you’ll respond to this letter promptly and join me in rejecting this dangerous proposal.
Because while we’re certain to have a spirited debate in the next two months over our differing visions for the future of Oregon’s workforce, I hope we can both agree on one thing: Politicians should not be involved in a woman’s personal medical decisions about her pregnancy."
SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
"Lt. Col. Linda Campbell (ret.) is such an inspiration.
Continuing my strong partnership with Senator Jeff Merkley, I was able to convince the Department of Veterans Affairs to let Linda and her late wife Nancy be the first LGBT couple authorized to be buried together in a national cemetery.
Here's what Linda said on the steps of the Supreme Court last week, during the debate on marriage equality, about the love she and Nancy shared:
We shared hopes and dreams and health care struggles. We were there for each other in sickness and in health. We tried very, very hard to grow old together. We were together for 17 years, until death did us part.We had the kind of marriage that most people dream of. Young people, old people, gay people, straight people. Nancy and I felt the joy of marriage. We had the love and commitment of marriage. But we could only yearn to have our marriage respected by the laws of our land.Nancy would be so proud and so happy to be with us today as we stand on the cusp of marriage equality.
Watch our video of Linda Campbell on the steps of the Supreme Court - like it, and share it, so everyone can see what marriage equality really looks like."
Brad Avakian
Posted on April 3, 2013.
As Oregon's chief civil rights enforcer, Avakian dug into the federal law -- and found an exception.
Under the heading "Persons eligible for interment in national cemeteries," Section 6 notes, burial could be allowed for "such other persons or classes of persons as may be designated by the Secretary."
Avakian also recruited Senator Merkley to the cause. After all, the two of them had worked closely together in the Oregon Legislature on domestic partnerships and the Oregon Equality Act of 2007, prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation.
- Basic Rights Oregon - Equality PAC (LGBT)
- NARAL Pro Choice Oregon PAC
- Oregon Working Families Party ( ("PROGRESSIVE")
- Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon
EXCERPT: "Questions of bias are emerging over communications between the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries and Basic Rights Oregon, a gay rights group, according to the Daily Signal, a conservative news site run by the Heritage Foundation, which reports that the two appeared to be “working closely.”
Records indicate the officials with the government body were “participating in phone calls, texting, and attending meetings with Basic Rights Oregon,” including claims that commissioner Brad Avakian met multiple times with the group — developments that Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow Hans von Spakovsky called a blatant conflict of interest."
"And, lots of money changed hands back and forth between Avakian and the radical pro-homosexual rights group as The Daily Signal tells it:
Emails also show Avakian purchasing tickets costing hundreds of dollars to attend Basic Rights Oregon’s annual fundraising galas and gay pride parades, while his agency’s case against the Kleins was underway.In 2012, Basic Rights Oregon donated almost $8,000 to Avakian’s bid for commissioner.
So, here is a civil rights commissioner, considering a ruling against Christian bakers who took a stand for their faith, who was both giving and receiving large amounts of money from an advocacy group seeking to punish the bakers. Talk about “paying off” the judge in advance of the trial!
But, it goes even deeper. Guess who it was who appointed the administrative law judge who initially ruled against the Kleins and ordered them to pay the $135,000 fine? The Daily Signal has the answer:
SEE: ;Avakian is a hugely important figure in the Kleins’ case—he will determine the fine amount the Kleins ultimately pay.This April, Administrative Law Judge Alan McCullough, who was appointed to his position by Avakian and is also employed by the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries, issued a “proposed order” for the case against Sweet Cakes by Melissa.McCullough recommended the Kleins pay $135,000 to Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer, saying the Kleins imposed mental, physical and emotional damages upon the lesbian couple by refusing to serve them.Now, Avakian must issue a final ruling on the case, and in doing so, he “can adopt all or any part” of McCullough’s proposed order."
According to emails, Avakian met with Basic Rights Oregon on multiple occasions.
One of those meetings was planned for May 1, 2014, shortly before a federal court struck down Oregon’s Defense of Marriage Act.
Another meeting between the commissioner and Basic Rights Oregon occurred on or around August 5, 2014. This fell between the time a judge denied the Kleins’ first attempt to disqualify the commissioner for bias and shortly before a hearing for the case was scheduled to begin.
On or around Oct. 7, 2014, Avakian accepted a phone call from Jeana Frazzini, co-director of Basic Rights Oregon, according to another email.
On Dec. 2, 2014, a Basic Rights Oregon employee wrote of Avakian, “His voice is really important as a coalition partner, and a leader in Oregon politics.”
Emails also show Avakian purchasing tickets costing hundreds of dollars to attend Basic Rights Oregon’s annual fundraising galas and gay pride parades, while his agency’s case against the Kleins was underway.
In 2012, Basic Rights Oregon donated almost $8,000 to Avakian’s bid for commissioner.
A Basic Rights Oregon employee emailed Burr on January 31, 2015—immediately following McCullough’s order—expressing interest in “hearing about your plan regarding Sweet Cakes case.”
On April 30, 2015, Burr forwarded a conversation to Basic Rights Oregon between himself and an editorial board member for The Oregonian newspaper—related to the Sweet Cakes by Melissa case—with the memo, “FYI.”
“The fact that a state agency is turning over its communications between itself and a major media outlet proves they’re acting in concert with a private advocacy group,” von Spakovsky said.
Burr routinely ignored press inquires from The Daily Signal about the Sweet Cakes by Melissa case, but proactively informed Basic Rights Oregon of updates in the case, sometimes via text.