Please Consider This Before
Going Out To See “Son of God"
Manny Silva has written a review:
“People will walk away liking “Jesus,” or rather liking Diogo Morgado, and they will think because they like the Hollywood Jesus they are Christian more or less. They will not sense their urgent need to come to a saving knowledge of the true Christ. And they will be deceived into thinking they are alright, when they are in serious spiritual jeopardy.” (from the review at the lasthiker blog)
I realize I may cause a bit of upset in sending this out, but this has been bothering me for a while.
The movie trailer for Son of God seems pretty good to most Christians. There was one part of it that gave me pause, so I did a little more homework. I had been planning to post my thoughts on the “Son of God” movie, and realized that it is already opening tonight. So as I planned to write something for early next week, I received an email from a sister in the Lord, with a link to an article about the same subject. “Son of God” is a movie produced by actress Roma Downey, and her husband Mark Burnett. If you recall, they also produced last year’s “Bible Series” on the History Channel. I saw enough portions of that series to truly be dismayed at how Hollywood can re-write Bible history for its own purposes. So what reason is there to trust the same folks who produced and directed that series?
This is part of what I posted on Facebook today:
“I will not pay to see this movie and help finance future "Bible" based projects by these folks, and it is my recommendation that you do not go as well, after considering two things: the people behind the movie, and the content of the movie itself. Christians really need to be careful in these times and scrutinize not only who is making these movies, but what they are leaving out, or adding. Beware of those who call themselves Christian, but who embrace paganism, talk to the dead, and borrow practices from other religions.”
My friend Nancy commented that:
“All you have to do is watch the trailer "Come with me" "What are we going to do" Then they have Jesus saying "Change the world" C'mon on now, really? What does the Word really say? I can think of several verses - how about from the gospel of John Jesus said, "For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may become blind." or again from John, Jesus answered, "My kingship is not of this world; if my kingship were of this world, my servants would fight, that I might not be handed over to the Jews; but my kingship is not from the world."
or Paul said in Romans - Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Well, we shouldn't be surprised as over and over we are told of a deception coming, a strong delusion, masquerading as Christ. People better wake up and pay attention, lest you too be caught off guard.”
I agree. One of the dubious things I found out about the movie is that CeeLo Green, from the Voice, will be singing “Mary Did You Know” at the end of the movie. This is the same CeeLo Green who sang a song called F**k You. And Roma Downey decided to “cast out” Satan from the movie, saying that it should be all about Jesus, and called Satan a distraction.
If the deception and delusion going on now is not the great big one, then I shudder to think what it will be like. Please do not consider this nitpicking on my part, or by the writer of the article. I agree with the writer when she says that "Hollywood, or FAKE Christians can’t make a good truthful movie about Jesus."
Please read the facts about Roma Downey and her propensity to dabble in paganism, mysticism, and “spiritual psychology.” She is a New Ager.
She has spent time with Jonathan Edwards to speak with her dead mother! She also worked with Edwards on a book that teaches contemplative prayer.
And also consider the movie, in the following excerpt (and continue to the full article) in light of what Scripture teaches us. They made some very erroneous revisions in the “Bible Series” and twisted the word of God. What makes us think they would not do the same to this movie?
The “Son of God” Movie Is NOT What We Think–Do You Know The Voice of Your Master
EXCERPT FROM THE ARTICLEI was listening to Christian radio last week and I heard a radio interview on Focus on the Family with Roma Downey and Mark Burnett about their new television series, The Bible. They claimed to be Christian and said that the Lord has called them to make this series. She shared about how she would pray and ask the Holy Spirit to fill her when she was on “Touched by an Angel.” I was a little surprised at the picture she was trying to create, but I let it go. Whatever. But one of their main points was that there are a lot of Christians in Hollywood and they are not ashamed to admit it.Manny Silva
… Then I happened to see a blog by a woman I used to follow years ago. And she mentioned that Roma Downey has some New Age ties. I remembered my red flag and I followed up on her sources and did my own research. Because by now many members of my church were posting on Facebook about how “AMAZING” the show was. I don’t want to be a kill-joy! But it is true. Roma Downey deceived the church when she went on Focus on the Family. She came on Christian Radio and pretended to be a the same kind of Christian that we are. There is room for differences in the body of Christ, but New Age paganism falls outside the fence.
She was quoted in an article talking about how she listens to books on tape by Eckart Tolle. “I get my own selections [on the radio in the car] — books on tape by Eckhart Tolle, Tony Robbins…” She goes on to say, “My husband says I’m so self-realized I’m practically levitating.’” Really? Because I have never heard my pastor’s wife talk like that? If you are not familiar with Eckart Tolle, he is a New Age teacher who twists the Bible and adds it to his Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Shintoist philosophy. If you are familiar with him, and you like him–whatever. He is a false teacher when it comes to Christianity. Charlie Campbell has a list of his troubling statements.
Aside from her VERY questionable theological beliefs, she has gone to the University of Santa Monica to get a degree in “Spiritual Psychology.” When I first read that I thought, “so?” BUT when I looked it up, the University of Santa Monica is not just a school like Cal Poly or USC that people from all walks of life go to. When you click on their home page you will see that it specializes in New Age degrees.
When you go to the page entitled “What is Spiritual Psychology?” you will see that they are indeed promoting New Age ideas. Here is a quote, “Spiritual Psychology is the study and practice of the art and science of human evolution in consciousness.” It goes on to say, “Put another way, Spiritual Psychology is a technology that empowers students to convert their everyday life experiences into rungs on the ladder of Spiritual Evolution.”
Spiritual Evolution.
Do you think that has ANYTHING to do with Jesus dying on the cross for your sins? So you could evolve spiritually? NOOOOO. It is blasphemy to the Christian which she claims to be. A Christian who happens to be so self-realized that she is levitating?!?! Uhm levitating? That is a funny little joke Roma. Because IF you were self-realized, have you realized that you are dirt? You are a sinner? You can’t evolve spiritually, because if you could Jesus wouldn’t have had to come die on the cross for your sins. Do you “realize” that the Bible is the BEST book on “Spiritual Psychology” there is??? And it won’t baby you, or flatter you–but it will give you the truth and give you HOPE that ONLY exists IN CHRIST JESUS!
So this New Age woman and her husband want to go on Focus on the Family and laugh and talk about the Holy Spirit and their love for the Bible, and this call that God placed on their lives to make a Hollywood movie of His favorite book.
Then they wanted all their Hollywood friends to promote the series on Twitter. For some reason John Edward from “Crossing Over” tweeted that he didn’t need to be a psychic to know that this series is going to be SPECTACULAR! And P-Diddy, Christian Aguilera, Jane Lynch, Sarah Ferguson Duchess of York, Adam Levine, and Shakira just so happen to really love the Bible, right? Do they go to church too? Are they some of the Christians in Hollywood that you talked about in your interview? That is crazy.
And then when my friends are telling me, after watching it, that it was “SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD.” And they did notice a few things that were different, but other than that it was really, really good. So to them it is okay that it is different from the Bible. A series called the Bible and it is DIFFERENT than the Bible. Okay . . . (The Last Hiker)
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