Tuesday, March 24, 2020


New York Health Officials Told Residents to Congregate in Huge Crowds in “Defiance” of Coronavirus
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 

Back in February, health officials in New York told residents to congregate in huge crowds in “defiance” of coronavirus, a move that could have exposed thousands of people to COVID-19.
New York City Health Commissioner Oxiris Barbot posted a tweet on February 9 urging citizens to flock to Chinatown in large numbers to celebrate the lunar new year while suggesting that advice to avoid crowds was “misinformation.”
“Today our city is celebrating the #LunarNewYear parade in Chinatown, a beautiful cultural tradition with a rich history in our city. I want to remind everyone to enjoy the parade and not change any plans due to misinformation spreading about #coronavirus,” she wrote.
On the same day, Mark D. Levine, Chair of New York City Council health committee, lauded how “huge crowds gathering in NYC’s Chinatown” was a “powerful show of defiance of #coronavirus scare,” tweeting four images of large groups of people gathered to celebrate the occasion.
Those tweets are receiving a fresh backlash of criticism given what has unfolded since. Many of the individuals who showed up for the celebrations were Chinese and could have visited China in the weeks before.
Confirmed cases of coronavirus across New York state surged 38 per cent overnight to 20,875 total cases. There have been 157 deaths.
New York is the hardest hit state in the country and New York City accounts for 12,305 confirmed infections.
The advice given by the officials was in line with World Health Organization rhetoric at the time, which discouraged the “stigmatization” of Chinese people.
Once again, it appears that pandering to political correctness almost certainly worsened the spread of coronavirus in New York and could even have led directly to people dying.
As we highlight in the video below, back in February, leftist officials in Italy were also urging citizens to go outside and hug Chinese people in order to fight racism.
Open Borders Angela Merkel is in ISOLATION Because of a "FOREIGN" Virus
★★★ A NEW CONSERVATIVE AGE IS RISING ★★★ German Chancellor Angela Merkel finds herself in quarantined isolation because of a foreign virus; how’s that for irony. We’re going to take a look at what’s going on with the German Chancellor, the once great champion of a borderless world, and how her globalist dreams are imploding everywhere we speak; you’re going to love it!
German Chancellor Merkel self-quarantines, announces further restrictions; gatherings of more than two people are "verboten":
The Coronavirus: My Personal Christian Perspective
by Melissa Dougherty, Former New Ager:
I easily could have gone twice as long with this video. I wanted to offer some encouragement to those of you who might need it. Matthew 10:29-31 tells us the Lord knows what happens to the sparrows and so He knows what is happening to us; He even knows the number of the hairs on our heads. Let us take all reasonable precautions - as are known and recommended - during this time, and let us trust in the Lord during this time too. As we are told in Philippians 4:6, be anxious for nothing but by prayer with thanksgiving make our requests known to God. Stay safe everyone. You're in my prayers. More silver linings: -Comic Relief. I finally get why people made jokes about the black plague. Keeping our sense of humor throughout all of this has made it very bearable and relatable. I love the funny memes and videos that people are putting out. -People are outside more and going on more walks. As long as we're social distancing, this is awesome. I can't tell you the number of people I've seen out taking a walk with their family or dogs. -Lives will be saved because of social distancing. I'd like to think of all the lives we're saving by staying inside. -More baking and homemade meals!! So many people are going on YouTube and making homemade breads and bakes, myself included. Our hobbies are being expanded. -Our pets! Think of how happy our pets are now that we're home all day. -And best of all, think of how many people are being drawn to God in this time. When something like this happens, people tend to look up. They tend to pray, dust off their Bibles, and seek an eternal perspective.

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COVID-19: Deep State A.I. Technocracy Takeover Plan Revealed

Millennial Millie Weaver of Infowars gets an exclusive interview with 'ToRe', the 'TransOrganic Real Entity' or next generation AI technology that is scheduled to take advantage of the viral pandemic to make strides in data collection, biometrics, and possibly world government if the globalist agenda succeeds.