Sunday, November 24, 2019


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
“The government has long struggled with foreign involvement when it comes to the education of imams who lead Muslim communities across Germany. Now, a new educational association, with start-up funding from Germany’s interior ministry, is set to launch at the University of Osnabrück.”
The German Ministry of Education and Research has already invested $49.5 million USD to finance seven Islamic theology institutes across the country, courtesy of German taxpayers who have nothing better to do with their money.
There are many unanswered questions in this expensive proposition. Who is doing the teaching? If the teachers were taught by foreign influencers, they will simply pass on the same theology. Is Germany also prepared to dismantle all foreign-funded Islamic schools, mosques and Islamic centers that are currently in existence?
In another case of wishful thinking (or political posturing), Angela Merkel said: “These Muslims belong to Germany and in the same way their religion belongs to Germany, that is to say Islam.” But then she added that “the form of Islam practiced must conform to the country’s constitution.”
Germany has served as an example of how not to manage migration. Its leaders have offered no suggestions on how they intend to make sure that Islam conforms to the German constitution. One thing for certain: imams will not take instruction from kaffirs on how to teach Islam.
Germany has irrationally swung its doors open to mass and unvetted Muslim migration, and intends to do more of the same. The country’s migration and assimilation plans have no rhyme or reason to them: Germany has even lost track of a significant number of its asylum seekers. This latest venture “to take charge of imam education locally” is a face-saving gesture to appease the public, which is increasingly dissatisfied with Merkel’s mass migration policies. Germany is lost. Its public schools are already teaching Islam to students. Its future is clear.
“Germany set to take charge of imam education locally,” by Seda Serdar, DW, November 19, 2019:
The government has long struggled with foreign involvement when it comes to the education of imams who lead Muslim communities across Germany. Now, a new educational association, with start-up funding from Germany’s interior ministry, is set to launch at the University of Osnabrück on Thursday.
Even though some Muslim organizations have been training imams for their own communities in Germany, the majority of imams working in the country are affiliated with the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB).
Among Germany’s nearly 4.5 million Muslims, around 3 million are of Turkish origin.
Long awaited financing
It was precisely this influence that moved the German government to take such a bold step, Green party parliamentarian Filiz Polat told DW. It was a measure her party “had long been asking for,” she added.
DITIB is Germany’s largest Islamic umbrella group, with 900 affiliated mosques. Its imams are educated, financed and sent from Turkey….