Saturday, June 29, 2019


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
The animated series “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” featured lesbian aunts during its final season, a writer for the show and an actress who gives voice to one of the aunts have confirmed.
“Introducing Aunt Holiday (ginger hair, voiced by me!) & Aunt Lofty, the lesbian pony couple debuting today on on ‘The Last Crusade’ episode of My Little Pony Season 9! #mylittlepony #proud,” tweeted Jackie Blackmore on June 15.
“@NicoleDubuc, @joshhaber and I doin’ what we can to bring more EQuality to EQuestria!! #PrideMonth,” Michael Vogel also tweeted on June 10. 
The two had previously appeared in the 2017 book “Ponyville Mysteries: Riddle of the Rusty Horseshoe,” according to Comics Beat. At that time, Vogel similarly had tweeted that the aunts were a “couple.”
“Are they really lesbians in the actual book?” one follower asked.
“Well, they aren’t sisters so …,” Vogel replied. “When I say ‘cute couple’ I’m saying that Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty are a cute couple. Yes.”
He explained to BuzzFeed earlier this month that he and co-writer Nicole Dubuc “thought this was a great opportunity to organically introduce an LGBTQ couple in the series, and we asked Hasbro and they approved it.”
“With Josh and Nicole running the final season together, it was something we all wanted to do — bring this out couple into the final season and make them ‘officially’ a part of the MLP world,” Vogel further explained.
The episode, entitled “The Last Crusade,” subtly incorporates the aunts into the story, as viewers realize that the two live together.
Some were pleased with the depiction of the animated characters as being lesbian, and others said that it is not appropriate to put such concepts in children’s entertainment.
“It’s great that you finally have the aunts in it. Even if it’s a bit subtle, it’s a really important step in the right direction,” one Twitter user commented.
“It means a lot to the LGBTQ community to finally see our stories being told in cartoons. There is nothing wrong with loving who you are and who you love,” another opined.
“How about you keep your agendas off our screens? How about giving families EQual opportunity to discuss this in their own homes without you forcing it?” another wrote.
“And we are done with My Little Pony. My daughter will not be watching this show anymore. We have been supporters for years buying the episodes, movie and toys. Their loss,” a fourth lamented.
As previously reported, last month, the PBS children’s cartoon “Arthur” depicted elementary school teacher Mr. Ratburn as “marrying” an aardvark named Patrick.
In 2017, an episode of the preschooler-geared Disney Junior cartoon “Doc McStuffins”featured an animated depiction of the lesbian mothers of two children. Disney also raised concerns the same year when it aired its first-ever same-sex kissing scene during a broadcast of its cartoon “Star vs. the Forces of Evil.”
Last summer, World of Wonder’s WOW Presents Plus aired the cartoon “Drag Tots,” voiced by cast members of “RuPaul’s Drag Race” and featuring four pint-sized drag queens who attend grammar school. Netflix also announced its animated series “Super Drags,” which centers on the fictional tales of drag queen superheroes.
The late Anglican preacher J.C. Ryle once said, “Men try to cheat themselves into the belief that sin is not quite so sinful as God says it is, and that they are not so bad as they really are.”
The Bible teaches that all men inherit the sin nature of Adam and are “by nature, the children of wrath” (Ephesians 2:3) and the enemies of God. Jesus said in John 3:3 — the same message for all — the men must therefore be born again, and be transformed from being in Adam to being in Christ, or they cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven.
A man who has been regenerated by the spirit of God consequently no longer lives unto himself, but to please the Lord.
2 Corinthians 5 exhorts, “And that He died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him which died for them and rose again. … Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
“Examine yourselves, then, I pray you, whether you are born again. Have you good solid reasons for thinking that you have put off the old man which is corrupt, and put on the new man which is created after God in holiness?” Ryle asked.
“Are you renewed in the spirit of your minds? Are you bringing forth the fruits of the flesh or the fruits of the Spirit? Are you carnally-minded or heavenly-minded? Are your affections with the world or with God? Are you natural men or are you spiritual men? Oh, but it were no charity in me to keep back this weighty truth; and it will be no wisdom in you to put off and delay considering it.”
On June 15, Vogel retweeted a video of a man dancing near several street preachers at an apparent homosexual pride event as one declared his hope that the Holy Spirit would “convict you of your rebellion against God” as “it’s time to wake up … It’s appointed for men once to die and then comes the judgment.”


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They didn’t mention Muslims, of course, but there is no doubt whatsoever that this was done to placate them. “In order to create a more welcoming environment to a diverse community we are going to forgo saying the pledge of allegiance before every meeting,” said Councilman Tim Brausen. The newcomers who need to be welcomed in this case are overwhelmingly Muslim, so this is clearly an extreme case of Islamopandering. But no one who cannot pledge allegiance to the United States of America should even be here, much less be pandered to. This shouldn’t even be a question.
“Town eliminates Pledge of Allegiance before city council meetings,” KMOV4, June 27, 2019:
ST. LOUIS PARK, Minn. ( – A long-standing tradition at city council meetings in a Minneapolis suburb will soon come to an end.
Elected leaders in St. Louis Park, Minnesota recently chose to drop the Pledge of Allegiance from their monthly meetings. The change was approved in a 5-0 vote and will take effect on July 15.
“In order to create a more welcoming environment to a diverse community we are going to forgo saying the pledge of allegiance before every meeting,” said Councilman Tim Brausen….

Friday, June 28, 2019


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
A harbinger of things to come. Thanks to Angela Merkel, there will soon be many mosque squares, and very many new mosques, in Germany. And that’s great, right? We will all march together into the glorious multicultural future, won’t we? Well, Merkel apparently assumes we will, but there is no doubt that at least some of the Muslims she has welcomed harbor supremacist, authoritarian beliefs that will inevitably cause conflict in Germany in the future. But never mind: the only people calling attention to that eventuality are greasy Islamophobes.
“District center in Germany’s Aachen renamed Mosque Square,” Daily Sabah, June 26, 2019 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
The name of the square in Eilendorf district of the western German city of Aachen has been changed to “Moscheeplatz (Mosque Square)” with a ceremony held on Tuesday, with an aim of highlighting the importance of tolerance and unity.
The square is home to the Aachen Yunus Emre Mosque, which operates under the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB).
Speaking at the renaming ceremony for the 2,100-square-meter center, Turkey’s Consul General in Cologne Ceyhun Erciyes said that by taking this decision, the local authorities showed that the mosque is a beautiful reflection of harmony, integration, tolerance, unity and solidarity.
Erciyes stressed that, in light of the rise in anti-Muslim, anti-migrant hatred that some have incited to divide societies through fear, “We must raise our voices together against those who are fed by fear and hatred, and we must demonstrate our friendship and solidarity as it is here today.”
Speaking at the ceremony, Aachen Mayor Marcel Philipp of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Party expressed his gratitude to everyone who contributed to the name-change, noting that renaming streets and squares is not an easy process in Germany.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
North Carolina’s Governor Roy Cooper signed legislation (HB 388) into law that allows children over 10 years of age to receive the influenza vaccine at local pharmacies without being required to see a pediatrician and without a prescription. The law takes effect on Oct. 1, 2019.1 2
The minimum age at which a child is currently allowed to get the flu shot at a local pharmacy in North Carolina is 14. The new law also allows pharmacists to administer flu vaccines to children between six and 10 years of age if they have a doctor’s prescription.2
According to pharmacist Ashley Zande at Waynesville Pharmacy in Waynesville, North Carolina:
People find it a lot more convenient to come to the pharmacy oftentimes because we don’t require an appointment and we’re a lot more easily accessible than the doctors’ offices.3
Dr. Kimberly Bowen adds: “We are very quick about what we do. You don’t have to spend more than 5 minutes in here.”3
The new law also gives pharmacists in North Carolina the authority to administer a flu vaccine to a child six years of age and up if there is a “specific prescription order initiated by a prescriber following the physical examination of the patient by the prescriber.” Pharmacists are also allowed to administer the human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) and the hepatitis A vaccine to patients over the age of 18.1 4
Currently, pharmacists in North Carolina can administer the following vaccines: pneumococcal polysaccharide or pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, herpes zoster vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, meningococcal polysaccharide or meningococcal conjugate 26 vaccines and serogroup B meningococcal vaccines, tetanus-diphtheria, tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and pertussis and tetanus and 28 diphtheria toxoids and acellular pertussis, or tetanus toxoid vaccines.1
The growing shift towards giving pharmacists the authority to administer vaccines raises numerous concerns about the role of pharmacists, rather than physicians, in delivering vaccines to the public. There are safety concerns because pharmacists are pressured by corporations owning pharmacies to work faster in order to meet sales quotas.5
Among other safety issues are the lack of a physical exam prior to vaccination in a pharmacy setting and questions about whether pharmacists will consistently provide people with vaccine risk information before vaccines are administered and will effectively monitor, record and report vaccine reactions. 

1 House Bill 388. North Carolina General Assembly. 2 Brown EA. New NC law lowers age for pharmacy flu shots, expands vaccines for adultsCitizen Times June 4, 2019.3 Hodge R. New NC Law Aims to Increase Flu Shots for Kids, Expand Adult VaccinesABC13 WLOS June 4, 2019. 4 Ellis E. NCMS Weekly Legislative Update. North Carolina Medical Society May 28, 2019. 5 Parpia R. The Safety Implications of Pharmacists Giving VaccinesThe Vaccine Reaction Apr. 22, 2017.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
It is hard to imagine a country where half of the children born will be diagnosed with autism. Yet, that is the scenario that senior research scientist Stephanie Seneff, PhD of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) thinks the United States may face in 2025. I wrote about this in my last article in The Vaccine Reaction titled “A Nation Where Half of the Children Become Autistic?1
Think of it. If American families with children continue to have an average of two children per family,2 3 within six years the typical family in the U.S. will likely have one autistic child. That will be the new norm. By then, many Americans will have forgotten that in the 1980s, the autism rate in the U.S. was reported at 1 in 10,000 children,4 and that even as recently as the turn of the 21st century it was unusual to have or know someone whose child or grandchild had been diagnosed with symptoms of autism.
A future scenario in which half of the children born in this country will develop autism could be just around the corner. Yet, there appears to be relatively little urgency on the part of public health officials, doctors and educators to understand what is causing this historic change in the health profile of so many children and to consider all possible causes of the autism epidemic, leaving no stone unturned. The tripling of the numbers of vaccinations children get in the past three decades is a potential co-factor that is largely being ignored by leaders in the scientific and medical communities who stubbornly insist on taking the position that, “What must not be, cannot be.”5
As Harris Coulter and Barbara Loe Fisher wrote in their seminal book DPT: A Shot in the Dark, “It must not be true because, they think, whatever will we do if it is true?”5
There is no emergency health crisis in the U.S. right now that compares to the possibility that, in the future, one in two children born will develop autism. But there is one that is vaguely similar that may provide an indication of what is to come and that is evidence that there is a chronic illness epidemic that is already affecting millions of American children.
In 2001, NVIC co-founder and president Loe Fisher gave a presentation at a public workshop of the Institute of Medicine Immunization Safety Review Committee and said:
Individual and public health is not measured solely by an absence of infectious disease. Today, instead of epidemics of measles and polio, our children are experiencing epidemics of chronic disease and disability. In the past 20 years, rates of asthma and attention deficit disorder have more than doubled; diabetes and learning disabilities have tripled; and autism has increased by 300 percent or more in most states. Our public school systems are unable to build or staff special education classrooms fast enough to serve the millions of chronically disabled and ill children and the 425 billion dollar annual health care price tag to treat chronic disease continues to climb. The larger unanswered question is: has the increased administration of multiple vaccines in the first three years of life, when the brain and immune systems develop most rapidly, been an unrecognized co-factor in the epidemics of chronic disease and disability plaguing so many children today.6
A study published in 2011 in the journal Academic Pediatrics found that an estimated 54.1 percent of children in the U.S. suffered from at least one chronic illness.7 According to the study:
An estimated 43% of U.S. children (32 million) currently have at least 1 of 20 chronic health conditions assessed, increasing to 54.1% when overweight, obesity, or being at risk for developmental delays are included; 19.2% (14.2 million) have conditions resulting in a special health care need…7
Those statistics are now nearly a decade old, so it is likely that the problem has gotten worse. Additionally, for every child in the U.S. who has been diagnosed with a chronic illness, there are millions more who suffer from undiagnosed chronic illnesses.8 9
According to one source, 1 out of 5 children in the U.S. suffers from allergic eczema. One 1 of 6 children suffers from a mental health disorder, 1 in 6 from a learning disability, at least 1 in 8 from asthma, 1 in 10 from dyspraxia, at least 1 in 10 from ADHD, 1 in 12 from food allergies, 1 in 20 from pediatric depression or anxiety, 1 in 30 from severe mood dysregulation, 1 in 36 from autism, etc.7
A 2011 article in Age of Autism asked…
Why? When did school nurses become pharmaceutical specialists? When did reading and writing require an Epi-pen? Why does a jar of Skippy need a skull and crossbones for so many kids? When was Romper Room replaced by Early Intervention? And when did the gee-whiz days of youth come to mean G-tubes for feeding? Our kids are sick. Pediatrics has failed them miserably despite dozens of “well” visits before school age. What the hell has gone so wrong?10
Nobody seemed to know then, and nobody seems to know now.
As Judy Converse, MPH noted in a 2016 article, “Over half of U.S. children now suffer from a chronic condition, disability, or disease. Americans spend the least on food, the most on health care, have the most highly vaccinated kids, and have the sickest kids of any industrialized country.”11
She also asked the question, “When it comes to this topic of chronically ill kids, do you have moments that pierce the bubble of consciousness and take your breath away?”11
My answer to that question is a resounding YES! Every day. But I would add that the situation is nothing compared to what our country has been experiencing with autism and even less when compared to the catastrophe we’re headed for with autism in the next few years. In the meantime, those who have been entrusted with trying to figure out the cause of this health crisis are shrugging their shoulders and saying, “We just don’t know, but we’re real sure it couldn’t be vaccines. Besides, don’t you remember that debunked MMR study from two decades ago?”
It feels like the Titanic is sinking and all the crew can manage to do is busy itself rearranging the deck chairs.

This article or commentary provides referenced information and perspective on a topic related to vaccine science, policy, law or ethics being discussed in public forums and by U.S. lawmakers. The websites of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) provide information and perspective of federal agencies responsible for vaccine research, development, regulation and policymaking.
1 Cáceres M. Per A Nation Where Half of the Children Become Autistic? The Vaccine ReactionJune 19, 2019.
2 Livingston G. Family Size Among Mothers. Pew Research Center May 7, 2015.3 Duffin E. Average number of own children under 18 in families with children in the United States from 1960 to 2018. Statista May 8, 2019. 4 How Common is Autism? Autism Science Foundation. 5 Coulter HL and Fisher BL. DPT: A Shot In The Dark. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1985. 6 Fisher BL. Oral statement at Workshop of Immunization Safety Review Committee. Institute of Medicine Jan. 11, 2001. 7 Bethell CD, Kogan MD, Strickland BS, Schor EL, Robertson J, Newacheck PW. A National and State Profile of Leading Health Problems and Health Care Quality for US Children: Key Insurance Disparities and Across-State VariationsAcademic Pediatrics May-June 2011; 11(3): S22-S33. 8 The Startling Statistics. Epidemic Answers. 9 Fisher BL. The Vaccine Revolution for TruthNVIC Newsletter Apr. 19, 2017.10 More than 32 Million American Kids Chronically Sick: It’s Time to Demand AnswersAge of Autism May 2011. 11 Converse J. America’s New Normal: Chronically Ill Kids. Fearless Parent 2016.


(Friday Church News Notes, June 28, 2019,, 866-295-4143) - 
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
The Gettys are probably the most influential contemporary worship musicians among fundamentalist and Independent Baptist churches. The Gettys are promoted by Bob Jones University, Majesty Music, Crown College of Powell, Tennessee, and West Coast Baptist College, among a great many others. At least 8 Getty songs are in the latest Majesty Music hymnal Rejoice Hymns, and 29 are in Hymns Modern and Ancient, compiled by Fred Coleman, head of BJU’s music department. But the Gettys are “conservative” only by the corrupted standard of this hour. They are clearly and irrefutably a bridge to the one-world “church” with its endless variety of heresies. This is because of their syncretistic music, their big-tent philosophy, and their ecumenical associations. The Gettys “fuse the music of their Irish heritage with the sounds of Nashville, their newly adopted home.” They list the Beatles as a major musical influence. Consider the Getty’s Sing 2019 conference in Nashville. The video advertisement features out-and-out rock and roll, women worship leaders, female musicians dancing in incredibly tight and immodest clothing, and heresy-laden speakers. What is “conservative” about this? Sing 2019 conference speakers include John Piper (inventor of the heresy of Christian Hedonism, disciple of the heretic C.S. Lewis, and promoter of “Christian” hip hop), D.A. Carson (who supports inclusive language Bible translation and holds the heresy of redaction criticism of the Gospels, claiming that we have only the ipissima vox Jesu, the authentic VOICE of Jesus, rather than imissima verba Jesus, the authentic WORDS of Jesus, An Introduction to the New Testament, 1992, p. 44), John MacArthur (who teaches that a sinner must be born again before he can believe and who promotes “Christian” hip hop and Christian rock music at his youth conferences), Anne Graham Lotz (Billy Graham’s female preacher daughter who attended the enthronement of Pope Benedict VI, said she thinks Pope John Paul II is in heaven, and applauded that pope’s efforts “to bridge the gaps between Protestants and Catholics and Jews and Catholics,” CNN, Apr. 8, 2005), Stuart Townend(charismatic in theology and practice, supporting such heresies as spirit slaying, holy laughter, and gibberish “tongues,” and participating in the radically ecumenical Alpha program with strong ties to Catholicism), and John Lennox (theistic evolutionist). Missing from the lineup are the Getty’s Roman Catholic friends Matt Maher and Máire, but though Roman Catholics aren’t scheduled to participate at Sing 2019, they are most definitely part of the Getty’s big tent. Instead of promoting the Gettys and pretending that they are “conservative,” Bible-believing Christian leaders should be exposing them and educating their people of the great dangers inherent in the entire realm of contemporary worship. Instead of building bridges to this world, they should be clearly and determinedly separating. “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners” (1 Corinthians 15:33).
The Gettys - The Pied Pipers of Contemporary 
Worship Music
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Keith and Kristyn Getty’s “contemporary hymns” are used widely among “traditional, non-contemporary” churches, because they are considered relatively safe.

At least eight of their songs are included in Majesty Music’s Rejoice Hymns

Twenty-nine of their songs are featured in 
Hymns Modern and Ancient, published by Heart Publications, a ministry of Steve Pettit Evangelistic Association and compiled by Fred Coleman who heads up Bob Jones University’s Department of Church Music.

Both Crown Baptist College and West Coast Baptist College, the two largest independent Baptist Bible colleges, perform Getty material in their services.

The Getty’s popular songs include “Don’t Let Me Lose My Wonder,” “In Christ Alone” (penned by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend), “Speak, Oh Lord,” and “The Power of the Cross.”

Typically, the lyrics are Scriptural and the tunes are not blaring rock & roll (though the Gettys can and do rock out in their concerts).

What could be wrong with this, then?

Among all of the contemporary worship musicians, I consider the Getty’s perhaps the most dangerous, because what they are offering is wrapped in a package that is attractive to “fundamentalists” - from their Irish brogue and their physical attractiveness, fairly conservative appearance, and effervescent cheerfulness to their foot-tapping, Emerald Isle-tinged music and the spiritual depth of their lyrics. They aren’t writing the typical CCM 7-11 music (7 words sung 11 times); their lyrics have scriptural substance. 

But that attractive, “conservative-appearing” package is a bridge to truly great spiritual danger.

The Gettys represent the exceedingly dangerous world of contemporary worship music as definitely as does Graham Kendrick or Darlene Zschech, and any bridges that Bible-believing churches build to the Gettys are bridges built to the one-world church and even to secular rock.

We are living in the age of end-time technology, which means that one can no longer use songs and hymns without the listeners being able to come into communication with the authors with great ease. Whereas even 30 years ago, it was difficult to contact and be influenced by authors of Christian music, that has changed dramatically with the Internet. 

Today if people in a Bible-believing church hear songs by Jack Hayford or MercyMe or Graham Kendrick or Stuart Townend or Darlene Zschech or Keith Getty, songs heard in “adapted form” in many Bible-believing churches, they can easily search for that group or individual on the web and come into intimate contact with these people -- not only in contact with their music (typically played in "real" rock & roll style as opposed to the watered-down soft-rock ballad versions performed in churches that are beginning to dabble with contemporary praise music), but also in contact with their ecumenical/charismatic/separatist hating/one-world church philosophy. 

Let’s say someone hears the choir perform “In Christ Alone” or “The Power of the Cross” by the Gettys. He likes the music and decides to check them out on the web. He comes across the Gettys rocking out at their concerts and begins to question his church’s stand against rock music. He sees the Gettys associating with anyone and everyone and begins to question biblical separation. “The Gettys seem so sincere and Christ-loving; maybe I’ve been too hard-nosed in my Christianity; maybe the separatist stance is all wrong; perhaps I should lighten up.” He comes across Keith Getty’s July 2013 interview with Assist Ministries and decides to listen to what the man has to say. He hears Getty speak highly of Bono and C.S. Lewis, so he decides to take a look at these people, and by so doing he begins to question fundamental Bible doctrines. After time, through the influence of the Gettys, the soul who was once a content member of a Bible-believing church, raising his children in a Bible-believing path, is on the high road to the emerging church and his children and grandchildren will end up who knows where. 

The same could be said for the influence of Townend or Kendrick or MercyMe or Zschech or hundreds of other prominent contemporary worship musicians, because they hold the same philosophy and represent the same bridge to spiritual danger.

Men such as Paul Chappell and Clarence Sexton and Ron Hamilton, who should know better but who are defending the use of contemporary praise music either in word or by example, will answer to God for the souls that cross the bridges they are building to the dangerous world that is represented by this music. 

The Getty’s ecumenical, one-world-church goal is to “bring everyone together musically” ( They want to “bridge the gap between the traditional and contemporary” (

In a July 2013 interview, Keith Getty mentioned vile rocker Sting and homosexual rocker Elton John in a positive light, with not a hint of warning. The interview was with Dan Wooding of Assist Ministries and was broadcast on Frontpage Radio from Nashville --

The Gettys list the Beatles as a major musical influence, and I have never heard them warn God’s people to stay away from the Beatles. 

Thus any bridge that Bible-believing churches build to the Gettys is a bridge beyond to the world of secular rock, because the Gettys speak in positive terms of that world instead of reproving the unfruitful works of darkness in accordance with Ephesians 5:11

While the Getty’s worship music is fairly conservative in its rhythm, they are not opposed to rock & roll. They themselves rock pretty hard at some venues. And while they don’t write hard rock worship songs, they don’t speak against this, either. In fact, Keith Getty recently said that he is glad for edgy, rocking renditions of his music by artists such as Newsboys, Ricky Skaggs, Owl City, Alison Krauss, and Natalie Grant, because “it is an honor” for him to witness popular modern musicians record them, and “it’s also interesting to hear their interpretation of it and useful for the song because it helps the song get played more” (“The Gettys Exclusive: Famed Hymn Writers Talk Irish Christmas Tour,” 
Christian Post, Dec. 2, 2014).

The Gettys are also a bridge to a wide variety of theological heresy. 

In the same 2013 interview Keith Getty heaped praise on Bono of the Irish rock band U2, calling him a “brilliant theological thinker” and saying that Bono “cares for a lot of the things that Christ asks us to care about.” He also said, “I love his passion for life and his passion for learning.” Getty had absolutely nothing to say about Bono by word of warning. Bono rarely even attends church, and when he does it is often a viciously heretical “church” like Glide Memorial United Methodist in San Francisco (Bill Flanagan, 
U2 and the End of the World, p. 99). Bono’s biographer said that he has been a frequent worshiper at Glide. Cecil Williams, former pastor of the church, doesn’t believe in heaven; he began performing homosexual “marriages” in 1965; and church “celebrations” have included dancing with complete nudity. 

This is Bono’s type of Christianity. Bono says that he believes that Jesus died on the cross for his sins and that “he is holding out for grace,” but Bono’s “grace” is a grace that does not result in radical conversion and a new way of life; it is a grace without repentance; it is a grace that does not produce holiness, in contrast with Titus 2:11-15. Nowhere does Bono warn his myriads of listeners to turn to Christ before it is too late and before they pass out of this life into eternal hell. In fact, he says that heaven and hell are on this earth (
Bono on Bono: Conversations with Michka Assayas, 2005, p. 254). Bono says that the older he gets the more comfort he finds in Roman Catholicism (Bono on Bono, p. 201). But he has nothing good to say about biblical “fundamentalism,” falsely claiming that it is a denial that God is love (Bono on Bono, p. 167) and calling it vile names (p. 147). The problem is that Bono defines love by the rock & roll dictionary rather than by the Bible, which says, “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous” (1 John 5:3). Bill Flanagan, a U2 friend who has traveled extensively with the group, in his authorized biography describes them as heavy drinkers and constant visitors to bars, brothels, and nightclubs (Flanagan, U2 at the End of the World, p. 145). Bono admits that he lives “a fairly decadent kind of selfish-art-oriented lifestyle” (Flanagan, p. 79). Many of Bono’s statements cannot be printed in a Christian publication. Appearing on the Golden Globe Awards broadcast by NBC television in 2003, Bono shouted a vile curse word. Bono told the media that he and his bandmates planned to spend New Year’s Eve 2000 in Dublin, because “Dublin knows how to drink” (Bono, USA Today, Oct. 15, 1999, p. E1). In 2006 Bono said: “I recently read in one of St. Paul’s letters where it describes all of the fruits of the spirit, and I had none of them” (“Enough Rope with Andrew Denton,” March 13, 2006). In October 2008, Fox News reported that Bono and rocker friend Simon Carmody partied with teenage girls on a yacht in St. Tropez. The report, which was accompanied by a photo of Bono holding two bikini-clad teenagers on his lap at a bar (Fox News, Oct. 27, 2008).

This is the man that Keith Getty publicly calls a brilliant theologian and praises for caring about things that Christ tells us to care about! Doesn’t Christ care about truth and holiness and a pure gospel and repentance and sound doctrine and separation from the world, Keith? Aren’t these absolute fundamentals? Doesn’t the Bible say, “He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him” (1 John 2:4)? Doesn’t the Bible say, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God” (James 4:4)?

(For more about Bono see the report “The Rock Group U2” at
Any bridge that Bible-believing churches build to the Gettys is a bridge beyond the Gettys to people like Bono of U2.
In the same 2013 interview, Getty claimed C.S. Lewis as a major theological influence. Yet Lewis rejected the fundamental doctrines of the infallible inspiration of Scripture and “penal substitutionary atonement” and believed in purgatory and baptismal regeneration (“C.S. Lewis Superstar,” 
Christianity Today, Dec. 2005). Lewis rejected the historicity of Jonah and Job. He believed in prayers to the dead and confession to a priest. He held to theistic evolution, believing that “man is physically descended from animals” and calling the Genesis account of creation “a Hebrew folk tale” (Lewis, The Problem of Pain). He denied the eternal torment of hell and claimed that followers of pagan religions can be saved without acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour (Lewis, Mere ChristianityThe Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle). (For more about Lewis see the free eBook Evangelicals and C.S. Lewis at

This is a man that Getty honors as a major theological influence and about whom he has nothing negative to say. No warnings. No separation. 
Any bridge that Bible-believing churches build to the Gettys is a bridge beyond the Gettys to heretics like C.S. Lewis.
The Gettys are called “modern hymn writers” but their music is syncretistic. They “fuse the music of their Irish heritage with the sounds of Nashville, their newly adopted home.” As we have noted, the Gettys list the Beatles as a major musical influence. 

Keith arranged some of the songs on Michael W. Smith’s charismatic 
Healing Rain album. 

The Gettys have a close working relationship with Stuart Townend, who is radically charismatic and ecumenical. Not only do they write and publish songs with Townend, but they also tour together, joining hands, for example, in the Celtic Islands Tour 2012.

In July 2012, the Gettys joined Townend and Roman Catholic Matt Maher on NewsongCafe on They played and discussed “The Power of the Cross,” which was co-written by Getty-Townend. The 10-minute program promoted ecumenical unity, with Maher/Townend/Getty entirely one in the spirit through the music. Fundamental doctrinal differences are so meaningless that they are not even mentioned. Spiritual abominations such as the papacy, the mass, infant baptism, baptismal regeneration, and Mariolatry were ignored. Jude 3 was despised and Romans 16:17 completely disobeyed for the sake of building the one-world church through contemporary Christian music.

Keith Getty collaborated with Catholic Margaret Becker in the song “Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer.” In an interview Becker said, “One of my missions has been to say, let’s not label ourselves, let’s not put up walls between each other. I may go to a Catholic church, that does not mean I’m Catholic, in that I cannot (disagree with) any Catholic rhetoric or Catholic belief” (“US singer to make an appearance at Cross Rhythms ’95,” 
CR Magazine, June 1, 1995). 

Getty also collaborated with Roman Catholic Máire [pronounced Moya] Brennan in writing “With the Early Morning.” Brennan says, “Christians fighting Christians, Catholics and Protestants! It breaks my heart, because we're all stemming from the same rock. We should look at that and not at what we’ve become. I discovered an awful lot, being from a Catholic background and getting married to a Protestant” (“Back to the Rock of Ages: Maire Brennan Talks to Christina Rodden,”

This is the ecumenical Christianity of the Gettys.
In October 2012, the Gettys joined hands with emerging heretic Leonard Sweet at the National Worship Leader Conference in San Diego. Sweet calls his universalist-tinged doctrine New Light and “quantum spirituality” and “the Christ consciousness” and describes it in terms of “the union of the human with the divine” which is the “center feature of all the world’s religions” (
Quantum Spirituality, p. 235). He defines the New Light as “a structure of human becoming, a channeling of Christ energies through mindbody experience” (Quantum Spirituality, p. 70). Sweet says that “New Light pastors” hold the doctrine of “embodiment of God in the very substance of creation” (p. 124). In Carpe Mañana, Sweet says that the earth is as much a part of the body of Christ as humans and that humanity and the earth constitutes “a cosmic body of Christ” (p. 124). Sweet lists some of the “New Light leaders” that have influenced his thinking as Matthew Fox, M. Scott Peck, Willis Harman, and Ken Wilber. These are prominent New Agers who believe in the divinity of man, as we have documented in the book The New Age Tower of Babel. Sweet has endorsed The Shack with its non-judgmental father-mother god, and he promotes Roman Catholic contemplative mysticism and dangerous mystics such as the Catholic-Buddhist Thomas Merton. (For documentation see the book Contemplative Mysticism, which is available in print and eBook editions from Way of Life Literature --
Any bridge that Bible-believing churches build to the Gettys is a bridge beyond the Gettys to heretics such as C.S. Lewis and Bono, to the Roman Catholic Church, to the Charismatic movement, to the filthy world of secular rock, to emergents and New Agers like Leonard Sweet, and to every element of the end-time one-world “church.”