Saturday, January 5, 2019


 “We’re not going to shirk our responsibility.”
republished below in full unedited, LESS OFFENSIVE TWEETS, for informational, 
educational and research purposes
Democrats have wasted little time in moving to impeach the President after taking office in the new year, with one new Congresswoman even declaring her desire to “go in and impeach the motherfucker.”
Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Muslim Congresswoman from Michigan, was sworn in on Thursday, controversially taking her oath of office using a Quran.
According to reports, Tlaib quoted her son telling her, “Look mama you won. Bullies don’t win.”
Tlaib was said to reply in front of a MoveOn funded crowd “You’re right, they don’t. And we’re gonna go in and impeach the mother****er.”

Tlaib isn’t the only Democrat calling for Trump’s head. In addition to Tlaib’s comments, coming after Democrats officially took over the House, Democratic California Rep. Brad Sherman reintroduced articles of impeachment against Trump.

The resolution accuses the President of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” and claims that Trump “sought to use his authority to hinder and cause the termination of” investigations related to alleged Russian “collusion” during the 2016 campaign.
In addition, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) told Lawrence O’Donnell that “Donald Trump is either going to be impeached by the Congress, or impeached at the ballot box.”
“It’s really a race as to which one will happen first. I think for the sake of democracy, just as Speaker Pelosi said, I’d rather see it done at the ballot box, but we’re not going to shirk our responsibility.” Swalwell added.
Earlier Thursday, in an interview with NBC, new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to rule out the possibility of impeachment.
“Well we have to wait and see what happens with the Mueller report. We shouldn’t be impeaching for a political reason, and we shouldn’t avoid impeachment for a political reason. We just have to see how it comes,” Pelosi said.
In addition, Georgia Rep Hank Johnson, a Congressman voted most clueless by congressional staffers, delivered a speech comparing Trump to Hitler, and yesterday doubled down on the comments.
The Witch Hunt continues.
 “At Friendship Baptist Church in Atlanta, Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) repeatedly compared President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler” and referenced him as “racist strongman.”
This is the kind of propaganda that routinely used against the counter-jihad movement: branding those who oppose jihad terror as “racist” is as ridiculous as comparing Trump to Hitler. Hitler allied with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and murdered Jews during the Holocaust. Hank Johnson’s bizarre comparison is abhorrent. Trump has been a staunch ally and defender of Israel, the number-one target of jihadists. Trump moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and defunded  the UNRWA (United Nations Relief Works Agency). The UNRWA  is “an active part of perpetuating the conflict. UNRWA schools have become a hotbed of incitement against Israel, Jews and the West. UNRWA personnel have been caught time and again working hand in hand with Hamas, enabling terror tunnels to run under its institutions.”

 New Muslim Rep. Rashida Tlaib sworn in on Quran, says of Trump: 
“We’re going to impeach the motherf***er”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

Merely “hours after being sworn in as the first-ever Palestinian-American to serve in Congress, Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib used an expletive to describe US President Donald Trump and vowed to push for his impeachment.”
Tlaib brings into Congress a heavy-handed agenda that she has made no secret of, one that is vociferously anti-Trump and anti-Israel. Tlaib has also stated that she would “absolutely” vote against military aid to the Jewish state, which she knows full well is a jihadi target for obliteration. In fact, she seeks a one-state solution, which would destroy Israel as a homeland for Jews.
This new “Palestinian source of pridewas sworn in on the Quran, and then graciously stated of America’s Commander in Chief: “We’re gonna impeach the motherf****r.” Classy.

“Rashida Tlaib on Trump: We’re going to impeach that mother****er,” Times of Israel, January 4, 2019:
Hours after being sworn in as the first-ever Palestinian-American to serve in Congress, Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib used an expletive to describe US President Donald Trump and vowed to push for his impeachment.
Speaking at an event organized by progressive group MoveOn, Tlaib recounted a conversation she had with her son.
“‘Momma look you won. Bullies don’t win,’” she said he told her.
“And I said, ‘Baby they don’t, because we’re going to go in there and impeach the mother****er,” Tlaib continued to applause.
There was no immediate response from Trump, who is known for taking to Twitter to hit out at critics.
Placing her hand on a Quran that once belonged to Thomas Jefferson, Tlaib was sworn in earlier Thursday.
Together with Minnesota’s Ilhan Omar, Tlaib, an outspoken activist-cum-politician from Michigan, was one of the two first Muslim women to enter Congress Thursday, among dozens of freshman lawmakers who are helping make the 116th Congress the most diverse one in the nation’s history…..
 Rashida Tlaib (in red thobe and glasses), accompanied by her family, being sworn in with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (in pink dress), at the US Capitol in Washington, DC, January 3, 2019. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images/AFP)
 Rashida Tlaib (in red thobe and glasses), accompanied by her family, being sworn in with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (in pink dress), at the US Capitol in Washington, DC, January 3, 2019. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images/AFP)
 Hugh Fitzgerald: Rashida Tlaib and Jefferson’s Qur’an
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Rashida Tlaib, the newly-elected Democratic congresswoman from Michigan, was sworn in yesterday on the Qur’an once owned by Thomas Jefferson. She claims this Qur’an shows that “Muslims were there at the beginning.” The only thing that Jefferson’s Qur’an shows is that he was curious about all sorts of things, and that, among those things, was Islam. He apparently bought the Qur’an, in the 1734 translation by George Sale, when he was a young man studying law. We do not know when, or even if, he read the book. Rashida Tlaib may think Jefferson’s owning of the Qur’an was a sign of his respect for the faith. The facts suggest otherwise.
We do know that in March 1786, Jefferson and John Adams met in London with the ambassador from Tripoli, Sidi Haji Abdrahaman, to discuss Triopolitanian attacks on American shipping. When they inquired “concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury,” the ambassador replied:
“It was written in their Koran, (that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy’s ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.”
Jefferson came away from that encounter convinced that the only language these Muslims understood was force, and that any payment to Tripoli, as Abdrarahman had demanded, in order to stop attacks on American shipping, would not work. Jefferson argued that paying tribute would only encourage more attacks. However, even those who agreed with Jefferson thought the American navy was ill-prepared to engage the ships of the Bashaw of Tripoli, and it was not until 1801, when Jefferson had become President, and turned down a demand from the Bashaw for tribute in order to exempt American shipping from Tripolitanian attacks, that the first Barbary War began.
Ever since his encounter in London with Abdrarahman in 1786, Jefferson had taken a dim, and realistic view, of Muslims. He understood that they attacked Christian shipping because they were convinced that they had both a right and a duty to do so. Possibly Rashida Tlaib does not know about his encounter with the envoy from Tripoli. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if among the reporters covering her swearing-in — and with many no doubt gushing over this “first Palestinian-American” member of Congress — there will be at least one intrepid reporter who will remind readers that the Qur’an Jefferson owned was one of 6,487 books his library ultimately included, that he had bought it as a young law student, and that there is no indication that he ever read it, much less ever mentioned it respectfully. Further, Jefferson’s own pugnacity toward the Muslim rulers of North Africa, and his refusal to countenance the payment of tribute to the Bashaw of Tripoli, which led to the First Barbary War, have their roots in his first encounter with a Muslim, the Tripolitanian envoy in London, Sidi Hajj Abdrarahman, who, when Jefferson asked him the reason why Tripoli’s sailors attacked Americans who had done nothing to them, coolly explained that: “It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise.”
Let’s hope that that important part of Jefferson’s own education in Islam is faithfully reported, especially because of the tendentious political use to which his Qur’an is being put, and not for the first time — Keith Ellison also made a big deal about being sworn in on “Jefferson’s Qur’an.” Americans deserve to know what Jefferson thought both of Islam as a creed, and of Muslims as self-declared enemies (“it was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners…”) of the young Republic. Even Rashida Tlaib could benefit from such a history lesson. It might just dampen her enthusiasm for Jefferson, as she finds out more about our third President.
Finally, it is pleasant to think that among Congressional islamocritics, there might be one who will be bold enough to ask to be sworn in on the Bible that once belonged to John Quincy Adams, in order, that islamocritic could explain, “to pay tribute to the acuity of our most learned President, John Quincy Adams, the defender of the Amistad slaves, and a formidable student of Islam whose views on the faith deserve to be better known among Americans today.”

  Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
(Friday Church News Notes, January 11, 2019,,, 866-295-4143) - Rashiba Tlaib, newly elected Democratic congresswoman from Michigan, was sworn into Congress last week on a Quran owned by Thomas Jefferson. She said, “It’s important to me because a lot of Americans have this kind of feeling that Islam is somehow foreign to American history. Muslims were there at the beginning. … Some of our founding fathers knew more about Islam than some members of Congress now ... My faith has centered me. The prophet Mohammed was always talking about freedom and justice” (“Detroit congresswoman to use Jefferson’s Koran,” Detroit Free Press, Dec. 19, 2019). Tlaib is right that some of the founding fathers knew more about Islam than some members of Congress today, but not in the way that she assumes. As soon as America gained independence from Britain, Muslim pirates had begun seizing American merchant ships and enslaving the crews for ransom. In 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were sent to London to negotiate with Tripoli’s ambassador, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja. When asked why the Muslims attacked nations that “had done them no injury,” Adja replied, “It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy’s ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once” (Thomas Jefferson Papers, Series 1 1651-1827, Library of Congress). The Barbary pirates cited the Koran as their authority for attacking, brutalizing, and enslaving anyone who is not submitted to Allah. In 1795, America paid $1 million for the release of 115 sailors, an amount that was one-sixth of the U.S. budget. The pirates demanded an annual payment of the same amount. When Jefferson was elected America’s second president in 1801, he and his fellow citizens were of no mind to accept bullying and blackmail. The U.S. Navy was built to protect America against Muslim pirates. One of the most memorable acts of the Barbary War was in 1805 when a force of eight U.S. Marines and 400 Greek and Arab mercenaries, led by U.S. Navy Lieutenant William Eaton, force-marched across 600 miles of desert from Alexandria, Egypt, to capture the city of Derne (or Derna) on the shores of Tripoli. This is memorialized in the U.S. Marine Hymn. By 1816, the Barbary states were forced to cease attacking American and British ships, and this was accomplished by force of arms.
 New Muslim Rep. Rashida Tlaib celebrates 
with Linda Sarsour, puts “Palestine” on office map
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
 Apparently “Palestine” is somewhere north of Cairo, but precision wasn’t
 what whoever did this was after. These two photos are a solid 
indication of what kind of Representative Rashida Tlaib is going to be: 
one who represents far-Left interests of stoking racial hatred, 
demanding entitlements, and vilifying U.S. ally Israel. Of course, no 
one has ever had any reason to suspect that she was going to do anything
Someone has already made a slight alteration to the map that hangs in Rashida Tlaib’s new congressional office.

US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib shines in a traditional Palestinian dress (Thobe) as she prepares to be sworn in today as the first congresswoman of a Palestinian origin. (pic via @HannahAllam)
 Antisemitic tweet from Muslim Rep. Rashida Tlaib: Accuses pro-Israel Americans of 
“dual loyalty” over BDS
 Alhamdulillah: For Ilhan Omar, All Praise Be To Allah For Her Victory (Part One)
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
A tweet from Ilhan Omar to her “sister” Rashida Tlaib right after the elections:

Congratulations to my sister @RashidaTlaib on your victory!

I cannot wait to serve with you, inshallah. 🙏🏾
Why is Rashida Ilhan’s “sister”? And why was it that Ilhan Omar “cannot wait” to serve with her? Because they are both Muslims. That’s enough to make them “sisters.” That’s more than enough.
Ilhan Omar, one of the first two Muslim women elected to the U.S. Congress, began after her election by treating her audience at her victory speech to a dance performance by fellow Somali-Americans, before giving the universal Islamic greeting with which her victory speech began.
“As-salaam aleikum,” the Democrat said to a crowded room of supporters during her victory party in Minneapolis, using an Islamic phrase that means “Peace be upon you.”
“Wa aleikum salaam,” the crowd immediately replied, which means “and upon you be peace.”
After the exchange, which echoes the way millions of American Muslims greet each other every day, Omar offered her gratitude to God.
“Alhamdulillah,” Omar said three times, a phrase that translates to “all praise to God.”
Hearing that, her supporters erupted in cheers.
Omar’s win in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District means Congress will soon have its first hijab-wearing member, its first refugee and its first Somali-American.
The common Islamic phrases in Omar’s speech were a poignant moment for many American Muslims ― especially after an election cycle filled with Islamophobic attacks against Muslim candidates running for election.
Hearing Omar use the Islamic phrases in the acceptance speech felt affirming, authentic and relatable, Margaret Hill, managing director of the Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative, told HuffPost.
“For any Muslim who draws on their faith for strength, these are natural phrases,” Hill said. “They are everyday phrases. I see a Muslim, I give them that greeting. I often say it when I address a crowd.”
Muslims’ practice of exchanging blessings upon meeting is rooted in Islamic scriptures.
It’s also not at all uncommon for Christian politicians to use religious language to give thanks, with phrases like, “praise God,” and “to God be the glory.”
Hill said that saying “Alhamdulillah” is an act of humility for Muslims.
“We don’t bat an [eye] when Christians reference their faith in victory speeches, in moments of silence, or opening prayers,” Hill said. “If we as Muslims are questioned for using phrases which are part of our daily life, then that speaks a lot to the climate of anti-Muslim bigotry.”
But these phrases deserve to be questioned. “As salaam aleikum” is a phrase uttered by Muslims to other Muslims; it is not ordinarily meant to be addressed to non-Muslims. And the phrase “alhamdulillah,” which means “praise be to Allah,” is an example of Islam’s inshallah-fatalism: praising Allah for whatever Allah wills, for Allah Knows Best.
Hearing Omar open her acceptance speech by wishing blessings to her supporters and thanking God is “no different than hearing other members of Congress or public figures thank God for their successes,” Hoda Hawa, director of policy and advocacy at the Muslim Public Affairs Council, told HuffPost.
It’s very different. Does Hoda Hawa know many Christian “members of Congress” who send greetings, but only to their fellow Christians, as Ilhan Omar was doing when she greeted only fellow Muslims with her “as-salaam aleikum”? And how many “Christian politicians” nowadays thank not their families, supporters, party, but God (“praise be to God”) for their electoral successes?
Hawa said Omar’s election ensures that diverse American communities are represented in Congress.
There have already been two Muslim members of Congress; now there are three: Andre Carson, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar, who ran for the seat being vacated by the first Muslim member of the House, Keith Ellison. But there is one “American community” that is “not represented in Congress” today at all — the Christian refugees from Muslim lands. These refugees, mainly from Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Pakistan, have been on the receiving end of Islamic intolerance. Their experience of Islam, and understanding of the Jihad, need to be heard in Congress. Perhaps in 2020 there will be such a candidate.
“Her presence is an inspiration for young American Muslims who seek to become more politically engaged,” [Hoda Hawa] told HuffPost.
Slate reporter Aymann Ismail wrote in a post that he felt “transported” after hearing Omar use the Islamic phrases.
“As the child of Muslim immigrants myself, for years, every vote I cast for a national candidate felt mostly like a vote against whoever I thought was more likely to stoke hatred against Americans like me,” Ismail wrote.
This self-pitying victimization — this claim of anxiety about which candidate was more likely “to stoke hatred against Americans like me” — infuriates, especially because there has been almost no such “stoking of hatred against Americans” like Aymann Ismail, that is, Muslims. The mainstream media largely support Islam and Muslims, labeling sober islamocritics as islamophobes, and helping to keep the contents of the Qur’an and Hadith more or less under wraps, lest knowledge of their contents lead to a widespread revulsion with Islam. That media has gone into overdrive in its celebrating the victories of the “first two Muslim women to have been elected to Congress.”
“In Omar, I see a congresswoman who not only sees the world the way I do, but whose presence alone will remind Congress that I too am American, and so are all American Muslims.”
How does Aymann Ismail know that  Ilhan Omar “sees the world the way” he does? Because they are both Muslims, and for him that shared identity effaces all other differences. And notice his allusion to the (non-existent) mistreatment of Muslims who, he claims, have hitherto not been recognized as real Americans, but who now, thanks to Omar’s victory, everyone in Congress will be reminded that we Muslims are Americans, too. But why does Aymann Ismail think anyone in Congress needs to be reminded that Muslims are “American citizens too”? They already have had  Keith Ellison and Andre Carson as fellow members of the House, the former having served for more than ten years. Surely that’s enough of a reminder that Muslims “are American citizens too.”