Tuesday, December 18, 2018


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
[LifeNews] A project where women brag about aborting their unborn babies is gaining momentum once again with publicity surrounding its new book, “Shout Your Abortion.”
The pro-abortion campaign of the same name took off three years ago with Seattle woman Amelia Bonow. Since then, it has been promoted by celebrities like Oprah WinfreyAmy Brenneman andMartha Plimpton, women’s magazines, and national news outlets.
Bonow told the Seattle Times that their goal is “humanizing, normalizing and de-stigmatizing” abortion. She said their new book has almost 100 stories of people from age 19 to 85 who have had abortions.
Sharing about aborting her own unborn baby, she wrote:

I’m telling you my story plainly, proudly, flippantly even, because we have all been brainwashed to believe that the absence of negative emotions around having an abortion is the mark of an emotionally bankrupt person. It’s not. I have a good heart and my abortion made me happy.
After sharing her story in 2015, the campaign took off. According to the report:
Her friend, the Seattle writer Lindy West, read the piece and added the hashtag — #ShoutYourAbortion — that was retweeted over 150,000 times.
Stories started pouring in from all corners of the country. From older women and younger, established professionals and students just starting out. They came from victims of incest and rape, people of different genders and political and religious backgrounds. Some were trapped in abusive relationships, or weren’t medically able to carry a wanted pregnancy.
The stories serve to combat anti-choice rhetoric that Bonow and West believe keep people in secrecy, shame, poverty, toxic and abusive relationships and devalue their ambitions.
… In the time since, Bonow has created a Seattle nonprofit, traveled the country and over the last year, and with the help of West and editor Emily Nokes, turned some of the essays into a book that she called “a physical manifestation of a movement.”
The pro-abortion news site Rewire claimed the revived “Shout Your Abortion” campaign is needed now more than ever as pro-life leaders work tirelessly to end abortion or, as the site phrased it, “the legislative and judicial attacks on reproductive rights” in America.
[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and originally published at LifeNews]
 Oprah Magazine Supports Shout Your Abortion
 In July’s issue of Oprah’s O magazine, the media mogul highlighted Amelia Bonow and her activism for the pro-choice movement with the disturbing hashtag #ShoutYourAbortion.

 ‘Shout Your Abortion’ Founder Talks to Children About Abortion, Claims ‘It’s All Part of God’s Plan’ 
“This is terrible,” one viewer wrote. “She’s a reckless adult who didn’t want to accept the consequences of her reckless behavior, she has zero remorse, and she’s trying to promote her reckless and immoral behavior to kids as being normal and okay.”
“I could not finish watching this. It broke my heart,” another lamented. “These children were used as pawns to promote an agenda. As many … have said, let’s also have a conversation with someone who regrets their abortion. I know from personal experience that most women do regret their choice.”
“Far as I’m concerned, this is brainwashing our young. Since they are led to believing her, they should see what happens when a baby is aborted or perhaps listen to a person who survived an abortion,” a third opined.
“Sick,” another wrote. “I was in the sitting room watching this. My little sister—she’s 11—sat across from me. I looked up and saw her in tears, after having overheard the video. She goes, ‘So, did she really have the abortion?’ And broke down. It is so obvious that this is wrong. A child can see it, but these people can’t. Choice? It’s despicable.”
1 Timothy 4:2 states that in the last days, there will be those who have “their conscience seared with a hot iron.” Proverbs 6:17 also declares that God “hates hands that shed innocent blood.”
‘Shout Your Abortion’ Founder Releases Book 
of Essays From Women ‘Not Sorry’ 
for Ending Their Child’s Life
 "Earlier this year, Bonow and others embarked on a “Bible Belt Abortion Storytelling Hour” tour to contend that “abortion is normal” and to urge mothers who ended their children’s lives to tell their abortion story. The tour included stops in Atlanta, Georgia; Asheville, North Carolina; and New Orleans, Louisiana.
 The book has been endorsed by actress Martha Plimpton, abortionist Willie Parker, and former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards."
 Mother Aborts Two Children & 
Posts About Them on Facebook
 Mother Makes Facebook Post to Her Baby, 
Explaining Why She Just Aborted Them
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Skyla Rose Loesch, who describes herself on Facebook as a “20 years old, mother to two babies and two angels,” made a post to her baby, expressing her love to the child she just paid a surgical hitman to murder.
The two “angels” to whom she is a mother are two children she’s murdered.
Posting an ultrasound photo of the baby, Loesch spoke to the now-dead child explaining why her child needed to be exterminated.

According to the mother, she loved the baby (who she acknowledges is a baby) with “all of [her] heart,” and her siblings would have loved them, but they had to be murdered because they deserved to be loved more.
Within hours, the mother posted on Facebook that she was excited to go out and drink.

Her over-flowing love for the newly dead baby has flown seamlessly into her enthusiasm to legally drink on her birthday. Let’s pray the mother-of-the-year has a designated driver.
This woman is not a ‘victim’ of the abortion industry. She is the victimizer. The only difference between this woman and Casey Anthony is their timing.

Skyla Rose Loesch 
Since her post to her dead child, Loesch has since posted a meme – not fit to publish on this news site – of a graphic sexual position with the caption, “Has pregnancy scare…says will never have sex again…two days later…”
Let’s pray that Loesch figures out how babies are made so she can stop killing them.
Loesch received some criticism, but many positive responses. She was emboldened and posted the following…

Of course, Loesch didn’t write a Facebook post to her body, as though she were saying goodbye to her elbow or eyebrows. She was saying goodbye to another person, her baby, who is not – in fact – her body.
Some begged Loesch to let them adopt her baby the next time she got pregnant and decided there wasn’t enough love to go around. This was her response.

Loesch reminds us that mothers who abort their children are often not victims, and should not be treated as victims by the pro-life lobby. They are murderers who intentionally pay people to snuff out their babys’ lives for no reason but their own selfishness. Abortion should be criminalized, and those who commit it once made illegal, should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Watch: Mom Sings Creepy Lullaby at Clinic “Blessing” Claiming Baby Wrote Song Before She Aborted Her


SEE: https://pulpitandpen.org/2018/12/13/watch-mom-sings-creepy-lullaby-she-says-her-baby-gave-her-before-she-aborting-her/;  

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
[Life News] A pro-life group has released an unbelievable video of a mother singing a creepy lullaby that her baby “gave” her before she killed her baby in an abortion. The woman sang the song recently at a “blessing” of a local abortion clinic in Ohio by pro-abortion clergy.
In Columbus, Ohio, that image of a mother soothing her child through song was flipped on its head at a shocking pro-abortion rally. One mother at the rally recounted her abortion by singing a lullaby she said her baby sent to her while she was in the waiting room preparing to kill the child.
The mother was one of several speakers at the so-called “blessing” of Your Choice Healthcare, a non-surgical abortion facility in Columbus, OH. The blasphemous event included not only women talking about their abortions but also clergy members calling on God to bless murder of babies and praising those who kill them.
Before singing the “lullaby”—actually a Beatles song—the mother in the video explains she had visions and conversations with the baby in her womb before the abortion. These visions, according to the mother, culminated in the baby sending her a lullaby moments before she was killed to tell her mom, “It’s okay.”