Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Spreading homosexuality throughout Avonlea with Gender Twisting,  Aversion to Feminine Roles,  Pro-Family Condemnation 
Caution to Parents: Anne of Green Gables—”Anne With An “E”—Pushes LGBT Agenda
SEE: https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/newsletters/2018/newsletter20180730.htmrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Dear Lighthouse Trails:
The “update” to the Anne of Green Gablesseries on Netflix calledAnne with an E. has undertones – and overtones –  of transvestitism and homosexuality. It started out with one of Anne’s young male friends, Cole, hinting about his sexuality. In season 2 episode 7, it all came out.
In that episode, her best friend Diana, who’s wealthy aunt had hinted about her lesbianism in the past, came right out with it at a bizarre party, attended by Anne and her friends. Her lost lover was mourned by all – even Anne, and by the end of the episode, Cole announces, after being exhorted to be who he really is by a lesbian artist, that he is gay, and receives glowing support from the aunt.
If that’s not enough, in the previous episode, the pastor in their hometown, dressed up like a voluptuous drag queen for the town play, while Anne cut her hair and played a farm . . . boy.
Even my beloved HGTV international beach-oriented house-hunting shows are jamming Yoga and/or homosexuality down our throats in almost every episode. My wife and I are in shock how in literally every Caribbean Life or Mexico Life episode, the buyers discuss how excited they are to do Yoga on the patio or on Paddleboards – or they are Yoga teachers themselves. It’s crazy how both homosexuality and Yoga have been forced upon HGTV viewers as never before.
Thanks for your work,

Netflix Version Of Anne Of Green Gables 

Adds LGBT Characters




Moira Walley-Beckett, producer
(Friday Church News Notes, August 17, 2018, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) - republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
The following is excerpted from “Netflix Twists,” CBN News, Jul. 21, 2018: “The new Netflix adaptation of the 1908 novel Anne of Green Gables has been revised to include multiple homosexual characters, according to the series creator, Moira Walley-Beckett. In the Northwood Entertainment-produced series, ‘Anne with an E,’ the beloved character Great Aunt Josephine Barry is the first of many LGBT characters in the series. … Aunt Jo revealed in Season 1 that she was grieving over the loss of a character known as Aunt Gertrude, Josephine's partner. IndieWire reports their relationship is what's called a ‘Boston marriage,’ when two women live together without being supported financially by a man. The term didn’t exist during the time period of the show. ‘And so we touch on that in Season 1, and in Season 2 we get to expand upon it in a way that allows her to provide a forum of acceptance,’ Walley-Beckett continued. That ‘forum of acceptance’ is known as a ‘queer soirée.’ In Season 2, Aunt Jo holds her first queer soirée since the passing of her partner. … IndieWire goes on to say that one of the artists attending the soirée is the show’s creation of the real-life pianist and composer, Cécile Chaminade. … The media outlet reports the show also features two homosexual male characters. One is Anne’s good friend, ‘Cole.’ … And it doesn’t end there. IndieWire goes on to report that the series creator also pictured the children’s teacher, Mr. Phillips, as gay. … A contributing writer for MovieguideThe Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment, spoke out against all the prominent homosexual story lines depicted in ‘Anne With an E.’ ‘The creators of the series have carefully manipulated the classic story with an agenda that fits their worldview,’ wrote Tess Farrand. ‘ANNE WITH AN E’s attempt to also push LGBT in programming that would normally attract more faith-based audiences is utterly unnecessary. Moreover, focusing attention on the sexuality subplot of the series detracts from the moral redemptive nature of the story. Obviously, the minds behind the series are jumping onto the ideological bandwagon that already has concerned parents even more worried. The discussion of gender and sexuality are in fact discussed ad nauseam. People in 2018 don’t need or want to see political/social debates take place on ‘family’ TV shows; they see enough of it on social media or see it on the 5 ‘o clock news. Rather, we should be turning to the ultimate resource for clarification on these pressing topics: the Bible.’”