Sunday, October 15, 2017


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 Perry Noble, whose last name is as misleading as it is dishonest, has been 
trying to find his way back into the spotlight since being fired for drunkenness 
and unwise “choices” in his marriage. After trying to restore Mark Driscoll 
to ministry – another filthy mouthed pastor – Noble said he was ready for 
ministry after having completed rehab. He then started “The Growth Company,”
 called church a “business” and began offering his services to help 
churches grow their congregations based upon his business model. Since 
then, Steven Furtick has tried to restore his friend, Noble, back to the good graces 
of church-goers.
 And so, Noble has been busy on the preaching circuit, doing a 
leadership podcast (dude, he was fired for poor leadership) and helping 
churches get more money out of their Christmas offerings.
Apparently, Noble’s ability to attract a crowd has made him appealing among the church growth / seeker-friendly crowd. And, most recently, the (formerly?) drunken pastor (who is currently living apart from his wife and children, and is in the process of legal separation) is dropping some hard language on Facebook.
You know, to “keep it real” and everything.
Noble defiantly says, “I will not sanitize this article to appease those who may be offended at the language and want a scrubbed and safe [we think he means ‘sanctified’] version of Christianity that simply doesn’t work in the world.”
One shouldn’t be surprised that the man who was officially rebuked by the head of the South Carolina Baptist Convention for so terribly botching a sermon about the Ten Commandments (Noble said they were “Ten Promises”) would accuse basic sanctification of “not working” in the real world. Whether or not it works – an argument of pragmatism – is, of course, irrelevant. The question is if sanctification is commanded and if filthy talk is offensive to God
Noble used the expletive four times in the post, to mixed reviews of his thousands of followers. The vast majority, so it seems, approved of his use of the word, and a good number used some expletives of their own toward those they called “Pharisees” and “Holier than Thous.”
Paul tells the church in Ephesus, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29).
Jesus said that it was out of the heart that the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34).
James said that “If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless” (James 1:26).
Dropping a four-letter word for feces is one thing, but doing it on Facebook is another. Doing it in the name of Jesus is yet another. But, don’t worry. At the end of Noble’s post, he reveals that neither he – nor anyone else – is a piece of [feces].
The accuracy of that assertion remains undecided.