Thursday, January 26, 2017


 SPLC Defends Pro-Sharia Women's March Organizer
 Far-left organization attacks ex-Muslim reformers while championing Sharia advocate
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) defended Linda Sarsour Friday, the Women’s March organizer who has repeatedly defended Sharia law.

The SPLC, a far left organization that has painted mainline conservatives as extremist on numerous occasions while downplaying or ignoring actual violence from liberals, jumped to Sarsour’s defense after social media users began pointing out her radical beliefs.
Sarsour, a Palestinian-American-Muslim, has praised Sharia law, which states, among other things, that homosexuals should be put to death.

The activist also has family ties to terror groups in Palestine and recently met with an ex-Hamas operative, reports the Daily Caller.
“Sarsour, the head of the Arab American Association of New York and an Obama White House ‘Champion of Change,’ was speaking at last month’s 15th annual convention of the Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America,” Chuck Ross writes. “While there, she posed for a picture with Salah Sarsour, a member of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee and former Hamas operative who was jailed in Israel in the 1990s because of his alleged work for the terrorist group.”
Unsurprisingly, as one Twitter user pointed out, the SPLC has a history of branding former Muslims calling for reforms in the Islamic world as Islamaphobes.

Despite numerous research polls showing the Muslim world to hold the most anti-liberal viewpoints, the left continues to uphold Islam as a compatible belief system with the West.
The Left & Islam: Unholy Alliance
 SHOCK: #WomensMarch Promotes Islamic Enslavement of Women
 Feminists At Women’s March Triggered By “Islam Is Misogynistic” Sign