Thursday, October 20, 2016


FAIL! Hillary Crashes & Burns During Trump Attack

Hillary's Big Immigration Lie at Final Presidential Debate
Published on Oct 19, 2016
Infowars reporter David Knight breaks down Hillary's big lie on immigration and the border at the final presidential debate. The Border Hillary really wants to secure is the NAFTA border.

Hillary Supports Post Birth Abortion
Published on Oct 19, 2016
Donald Trump goes after crooked Hillary Clinton on her stance support the killing of a child up until the day the child is born.

Hillary Lies To Demonize 2nd Amendment

Alex Jones: Hillary Is Gun Grabbing Witch

Debate Highlight Trump Is A 2nd Amendment Pillar

The Clinton Lie Machine Exposed
Published on Oct 20, 2016
Lies, lies, and more lies. Hillary stood poised with an air of smug arrogance. Supposedly emboldened by her thirty years in a variety of undeserving roles in government where she racked up zero beneficial major accomplishments. Donald stood by reserved and battle worn after enduring along with the American people a unification of fraud from the globalists, bought and paid for mainstream media propaganda machine, the tremendous amount of scathing info from the Wikileaks. Another torpedo to the democrats from James O' Keefe, and the FBI's announcement that a four star general will face prison time for charges that are dwarfed by Hillary's email breach of national security. I don't know about you America. But how can we believe a word Hillary says. And why should we?

Alex Jones Goes Full Beanstalk Giant on Hillary Clinton

OMG! Hillary Blurts Out Ultimate Haiti Lie During Debate
Published on Oct 19, 2016
Hillary Clinton had the audacity to say her foundation gave 97% of it's money to Haiti after the earthquake which is a outright lie.

Trump Calls Clinton Foundation Corrupt Organization
Published on Oct 19, 2016
Donald Trump hits Hillary with her crimes against the people of Haiti and how her foundation kept the donations that were meant to rebuild Haiti.

Shocking Footage: Media Caught Covering Up Clinton's Ongoing Looting Of Haiti
Published on Oct 19, 2016
The dying mainstream media is desperately trying to suppress the Haiti disaster story to protect the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation. To donate to a charity that’s helping the Haitians with Gary Heavin, please visit FERHA, which is primarily managed and operated by Haitians.

Trump Relies On Intelligence Hillary Relies On Ignorance
Published on Oct 19, 2016
It is more obvious than ever what seperates Trump and Clinton on how they view their voters. Trump made a statement tonight on how he relies on American voters seeing through propaganda, while Wikileaks emails show Democrats rely on voter ignorance. 

Hillary's Builds Wall Of Lies Around Herself During Debate

Hillary Clinton Admits Elections Flooded By 
"Dark Unaccountable Money" 
(Clinton Foundation)
Published on Oct 19, 2016
Hillary Clinton claims that she wants a Supreme Court that will stand up for the American people against special interests.

Hillary Presidency Means Immediate War With Russia
Published on Oct 19, 2016
Hillary Clinton wants nothing more than to go to war with Russia and Vladimir Putin after blaming them for hack they clearly had nothing to do with.

Hillary Clinton Wants Open Borders

Hillary Clinton Plans To Completely Destroy Our Borders
Published on Oct 19, 2016
Hillary Clinton isn't satisfied with the number of "immigrants" and "refugees" Obama is bringing in and wants to drastically increase that number.

How Hillary Will Pay For Her Socialist Plans: 
The American People Will Pay
Published on Oct 19, 2016
Hillary Clinton brags that she will pay for everything on her agenda, Owen Shroyer calls her out because it's the American taxpayer who is really footing the bill.

Trump: Hillary Is A Puppet
Published on Oct 19, 2016
Donald Trump calls out Hillary Clinton for being nothing more than a puppet for special interests and the pure evil George Soros.

Hillary Clinton: Fear Russia, Ignore Wikileaks
Published on Oct 19, 2016
Hillary Clinton is desperately trying to scare the American people with boogeyman of Russia and Vladimir Putin.

Proven: Hillary Clinton Is TPP Puppet
Published on Oct 19, 2016
Wikileaks and Donald Trump once more remind the public that Hillary Clinton called the TPP the 'gold standard' for trade deals.