Saturday, January 11, 2014


Tyranny Rising in America

Published on Jan 10, 2014 on YouTube channel of
Alex is joined via phone by American legal theorist Elizabeth Price Foley also joins the show to specifically break down how Obama is violating the Constitution and to reveal Rep. Tom Rice's proposed resolution to bring the executive branch to court.

Cruz Calls Obama "Dangerous and Terrifying":

American Constitutional Crisis:

Published on Jan 10, 2014
Alex continues with Constitutional Law Professor Elizabeth Price Foley on the topic of the rampant abuses of power by the Obama administration and the dangers of the approach of Tyrrany on the horizon. And Alex is joined live from Oregon by Infowars Nightly News reporter Jakari Jackson to give updates on the radiation wave across the West Coast of America.

Government Prepares for Policing The Public:

President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations of 2013- Fox & Friends- Dec. 30, 2013:

Institute for Justice on the Obamacare Individual Mandate:

Published on Feb 26, 2013
Professor Elizabeth Price Foley, Executive Director of the Institute for Justice Florida Chapter, discusses a Supreme Court brief she authored on behalf of the Institute for Justice in the Obamacare case. The brief is the only one--out of more than 50 briefs filed--to discuss the centrality of "mutual assent" to the formation of a legally binding contract. By forcing Americans to buy health insurance, Obamacare's mandate violates this fundamental principle of contractual freedom.